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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. You need some sleep. In the years ahead I am sure they will have much more violent "games" like that. atomically= every atom in place
  2. Probably not but you would both be wrong. He is a sure tackler and really gets beat long, plus he is capable of being a ball hawk. Very good player.
  3. Really, a safety at 8 will make some ppl on this board, head explode. No one wants that, I kinda like Bill from NYC.
  4. So extending wood needs cap space, (I'll keep that in mind) funny you call yours eric, mine is the captain but only my GF calls it that.
  5. You do realize the internets were only around about 6-8 years in wide spread use in 2002? Why is it so hard to believe that the Bills (or this guy who died) pinched the design? I have seen this debate on here (at least I remember it as being on here, maybe it wasn't this site) before but the how far ppl will go to give this guy the benefit of a doubt because he died? That is a new one. This was even in the sports news in the 70s when it happened. Howard had the image first. Really. I remember (but no linky ) BTW the standing Bison is pretty good, they could have made it a bit more "moving" with out that stupid red scarf. What is that ****?
  6. I grew up on Ivyhurst, just across Main, nice street. Some sweet land and houses. A bit far from OP though. He have kids? because they used to have good schools in Amherst (not sure if that is still true)..
  7. eww are there any goodlooking child rapists anymore?
  8. No disrespect to the dead but she was a horrible leader and person (ask the Irish how they liked her).
  9. Corning Glass. The falls at Letchworth. Kodak Museum if in Rochester. Look it up on the internets?
  10. Early last season as well 1297310027807_ORIGINAL by bowery4, on Flickr
  11. They could then name the team the Buffalos and it would be good for the program.
  12. http://www.howard-bison.com/sports/fball/index Just for a look at it. Certainly looks familiar. And how it looks on a helmet. http://coachgaryharrell.com/a-strong-unit/
  13. I got to your post in this thread and thought the same thing (can't read the rest, have a life to live after all). I would have to figure it would be the weather or the economy though.
  14. So Buddy is a smart and crafty GM, right? Cause that smoke screen worked pretty well.
  15. April fools or not, if he came cheap and they had in an inside position I would be in favor. I mean Sheep looked really BAD! Be honest do you think it may have been partly the coaching, position and scheme that made him look like shite? He was GOOD, like I don't even miss Paul Poz. in the least the year before. My guess is the FO just thinks he is old an wasn't worth the contract though. Rooks are cheaper and so are 2nd or 3rd year guys. BTW vet minimum again? STOP THE MADNESS, Please!
  16. Well in general I think centers do get more money, when they go FA. But with Woods injury history maybe the Bills feel it is more likely he will be a tad cheaper (although I honestly kind of doubt it unless he is injured again). And I do agree with you that sometimes Andy would make a block from an angle which many guards can't. He was good I think we will miss him. Remember when Chan semi benched him in preseason in 11, I have often wondered what that was about? Especially since the lack of effort in the contract. We may be missing part of the story?? I agree, so many get hurt every year (and the Bills certainly have had really really rotten luck, if it is luck in that department)! Do you think it is big guys get hurt easier, or the nature of the job? I would love to see stats on this phenomenon. I have a theory that larger breds of dogs die younger and I wonder about how that relates to humans or if it does at all.
  17. I was actually on rocket ship 7 once, I was a space cadet, for reals (I was like 4 so don't remember why or anything much about it really). Did you know Commander Tom made all those puppets on his show? I also remember at some point he was outted or something too, wasn't he?
  18. I have no idea if they are a well run organization yet. Judging from past performance, no. But they did say they were making all these changes and have acted a bit differently since so I am hoping so at long last, I hope so. But still, I can't agree with what you said here Bill. Woods is a better center than Levitre is a guard. I think he was a better guard as well. He is excellent at pass pro and run blocking. As much as I liked Andy, he is a little less at both. Wood would be all pro if he stayed healthy. When he is out the line really dropped off. Plus, now Wood calls the line assignments. Andy was not as strong or limber (although he did do the pulling guard thing well). Eric is all you want in a center, when healthy (which I think is what you are actually truly gripping about here, his health). I also think we have back ups who got some valuable play the last couple of years and although they are tackles, they are flexible enough that it won't kill the team so much (I actually like C. Brown and hope Sanders is healthy this year. Snow IDK, haven't really formed an opinion. I personally liked Rinehart better than Ubrik to be honest, not sure how he got the nod but he did (I do know Nix said Ubrik was on his board back on his draft day, so there is that and the fact that he was a 3rd pick, maybe it is an upside thing). Maybe Rinehart really wasn't right for the new scheme somehow or just was too much of a risk (because of his injury), I am not really sure what to make of it honestly. Last point, money is tight as Dibs is saying, Nix does find guys for the Oline that don't suck. Marrone has been a lineman and a oline coach, plus we/he has a very good oline coach under him. They will have a tougher time with a west coast O or with anything that isn't just look and release so we will see more sacks this year in all likelyhood but I still think franchising Byrd and letting Andy hit the market and then not paying what he was offered was the best choice in that situation.
  19. Good thread Dibs. Thanks for posting it. The roll over should be used (when and if they ever sign anyone before the season) and the bonus agreements option can be used as well. They still have some money. I think they won't do jack shite until after the draft though. Next year is next year and restructures and cuts can/will make up some money, I for one am not so worried about it. This really has been about one of the most boring FA periods for the Bills, that I can remember. Funny how a labor agreement can screw with the market so much. NFLPA effed up on that one (and the owners are cheap).
  20. http://www.tmz.com/2013/03/21/nfl-cheerleader-elizabeth-garner-charged-12-year-old-sexual-battery-rape/ Maybe, bad mug shot though.
  21. What and Ted Johnson is a prize? Calling the kettle black fits here. http://www.itemlive.com/articles/2012/05/18/updates/updates08.img Hulk smash!
  22. Will they take turns? BTW Greene sucks (have any of you watched him in NY?). I think Tenn. while making some good moves are wasting a bit of cash this year. I really can't see them advancing through the playoffs. Anybody with me on this?
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