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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I hadn't read about the attorney, thanks. BTW what is PPP anyway, been wondering about that for a long time.
  2. Oy! You made my silly post a thread? I didn't intend to provoke with my links and questioning of the recent events in Boston. I just thought it was fishy and worth discussion. I don't think many people here are really about a meaningful discourse, in a friendly way. I am not about to take part in it as I should have expected as much from the fact that I already do read the board. I mostly stay out of the political threads for this very reason. I don't know what I was thinking there. Funny thing, is I suspect that they (the 2 brothers) did do it and that most of the 99% being discussed will be proven to be in the right in the end, as well. It doesn't mean we shouldn't question the news though (I watched a lot of it as this was going on and they just do a horrible job!). I doubt it was a grand conspiracy but something seems amiss. And yes, the Navy seal "contractors" who haven't been identified along with the possibility that there was a drill (eye witness accounts about announcements being made etc..), seems fishy. That was why I posted the link with pictures and the opinion piece about the FBI's recent history with terrorist suspects. If you're cool with it, and ready to take the governments word for things with out doubt, well cool for you. It makes my critical facilities go off a bit when I think about it, sorry and thank you for your indulgence. BTW to DC Tom, his right to remain silent is basically what I was talking about. I knew it is a warning. He probably knows about it already too, so I would imagine he could try to invoke it anyway. There are several parts to the Miranda warning though. His right to an attorney, seems like a bigger deal to me, I wonder if they have the right to deny one if he asks for it. Finally, there are doubts that the governments ploy here will stand up in court (it will certainly make it challenge-able and this guy if he is guilty, he won't fry for it for many years). I wouldn't want him to go free on a technicality if he is proven guilty. In a case this high profile, I doubt it will happen but you never know do ya? And the person who asked about WTC, I saw people helping a lot of people and many people who didn't belong there, there doing stuff that just seemed odd. I really don't doubt that those airplanes brought down the towers though. Okay, I am finished. I wasn't going to post in the thread anymore but felt that I should since my part got splintered off like this. Cheers all.
  3. He did pretty much that except, when the bully overextended he gave him a hook. I was basically saying the same thing but was taught that the easiest way is to grab a wrist and control the opponents balance. With a wrist you are in fact manipulating the shoulders and head.
  4. Please Survey For 1 Minute Only 125]In order to keep this content up, please complete one survey to unlock it. It will only take a minute and our site will automatically unlock when you're finished. Everything you want on ONE page! Download Mobile Content, Win Prizes & Much More! um NO.
  5. My brother taught me right grab a wrist get them off balance, pull them down and pound (he did a variation which worked well, good for him) someone trained him well.
  6. Hey, I said I generally don't read or like either of my sourced links in my post . I just find it a bit compelling the information and opinions that they had in this particular case. I really wouldn't think that I am much on conspiracy theories either and I was living less than 1/2 a mile away from WTC on 9/11 and saw some seemly weird stuff. I think it is within the discussion to share my links (as they are worth a look) and thoughts here, why did it piss you off enough to say to post that stuff elsewhere? I am a board member here and we were having a discussion. I will post information that seems pertinent if I want to.
  7. Please, question authority and read more. It is our duty as citizens.
  8. I agree, but doubt we will ever know much of what really happened. I wouldn't be real surprised if the teenager/alleged murderer dies still. I hate that they have taken away his rights, as he is a citizen (and on American soil to boot). It is a strange way to approach a situation where the presumption of innocence is supposed to be a prisoner's right. The terrorism game is being played out yet again in the legal system and by doing that they might just be effing up the case against him. At the very least they are opening the door to appeals, if he lives and is convicted. One could see this as a plot to use drones and issue marshal law whenever they please, if your political leanings have you have you leaning that way. This could prove to be the test run... I don't want to think that, I personally WANT to think that it isn't THAT corrupt yet in the US. But I do smell rotten fish. It is all, a really crazy event and story. But what has that got to do with Waco and the price of gold. lol.
  9. WTF were they still in Boston for? Ask questions, read a lot. even the nut jobs have some info. This story is weird and doesn't smell right. I don't endorse the NYTs or Infowars/Alex Jones what so ever but here are a couple of links with interesting information/ opinions. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/terrorist-plots-helped-along-by-the-fbi.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 http://www.infowars.com/fbi-ignores-men-with-backpacks-at-scene-of-boston-bombings/ http://www.infowars.com/contractors-at-boston-marathon-stood-near-bomb-left-before-detonation/ Crazies writing crazy stuff, I know but it is intriguing and some of the questions IMHO do have some merit.
  10. I did a women from there once, strangely we were in Korea at the time.
  11. Ah finally someone said it and it is true! I sort of agree with the FO in this case as well. Although we stole our LT last year and we will resign him if he is as good as many think he will be.
  12. http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?411806-Live-video-coverage-on-the-gunfight-involving-explosives-in-Watertown-Massachusetts Gun fight and bombs in Boston..... http://www.econjobru...der-attack-bros http://www.dailymail...o=feeds-newsxml a twitter feed https://twitter.com/alertnewengland One in custody another still on the loose. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/04/18/mit-police-officer-hit-gunfire-cambridge-police-dispatcher-says/4UeCClOVeLr8PHLvDa99zK/story.html
  13. There was hope around here (me included) that Corey would be signed again after the draft.
  14. What is a new idea? Just a remake of an old one, really...trust me, I am an artist.
  15. It is poisoned already. Christian much! So Wood is injured? Wow, that really says new helmet design, like nothing I have ever seen before. BTW, I don't mind the negativity and such stuff, "IT'S HARD TO BE A BILLS FAN in the NFL". I enjoy having my heart ripped from my chest though, kind of tickles after all the times this team has done it to me over the years.
  16. So Corey Mac is a goner? I was hoping he'd be back. He certainly hasn't had the injury bug. Judging from that vid you just posted he leads with his head (crown) when running and makes late hits out of bounds.
  17. The whole screen (small screen/player) is just a blank white space on my updated chrome browser, has been like that at least 2 weeks. Why don't the Bills have a youtube page that has the videos? Then they could just embed them into the site. Everyone has had problems with these players that they have/had and then anyone looking for Bills vids on youtube could see them too. Someone know how to suggest it to the FO? BTW every other site I have visited, except news ones works fine. News ones always seem to have problems too. But that is the same as it has always been.
  18. Byrd not signing his tender or whatever you call it does not mean he is unhappy. I would hope he stays on our team, I hate sending good players off to draft what, maybe busts. You try to keep your (proven) drafted talent. I hope they are working on doing so, now or at least before the beginning of the season. I am alright with trading back in the draft, UNLESS they miss their guy doing it. I really don't think if you throw more **** at the wall, flowers will necessarily grow at the base of the wall.
  19. I hope Fred has good year. I think he may still have it in him, we'll see.
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