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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I used to live in Chinatown in NYC and had it there, they were expensive! bigger and not as good as what we have in Thailand. I don't eat it much, I do like dragon fruit though and have a big plant that I am hoping will be harvest-able this year. It never has made one in three years though.
  2. The worlds coming to an end I don't even care. As long as I can have a limo and my orange hair!!!! It don't bother me if people think I'm funny, cuz I'm a big rockstar makin lots of money! It was fun to listen to FZ and Cheech doing that again. Been years man. BTW F5 damn it
  3. Who?..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Dave's not here, man.
  4. I was 39, this holds nothing special for me. Was just the other day in a lot of ways. And in fact, I just out and out missed a lot of pop entertainment (because so much of it sucks). I expected more than just games, movies and VH1 or whatever, I guess.
  5. It is right there in the corner, we also recycle. Ask Captain Hindsight, he empties it once a week and keeps the "good stuff".
  6. Planning are you? Or just getting the info out there for others to see?
  7. Funny, I sort of like 4 out of the top 5 as picks for the Bills and it had nothing to do with the wonderlic.
  8. I think you must be thinking of the the Jags. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/jacksonville-jaguars-uniforms-extreme-awesome-righteous-other-catchy-193424437--nfl.html;_ylt=AtPHJ3SUggD5My7kkz7yV2KZCMZ_;_ylu=X3oDMTJtdjMzYTVuBG1pdANIQ01PTCBvbiBhcnRpY2xlIHJpZ2h0IHJhaWwEcGtnA2lkLTMyMDQ4MzQEcG9zAzIEc2VjA01lZGlhQkNhcm91c2VsTWl4ZWRIQ00EdmVyAzEx;_ylg=X3oDMTMzNTJ1Nmo4BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDY2I1ZDBmM2MtZmExZi0zYWYyLWE3YTktZTBiNzQxMTEzMDA4BHBzdGNhdANibG9nc3x0aGVsb29rb3V0BHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQ--;_ylv=3
  9. The price should go up after the draft when teams don't get the players they wanted for one reason or another. Don't let him leave town Buddy.
  10. Did you get the "where does manure and other farm waste go to" commercial before the story? I thought that cow was going to be her.
  11. So the N. Koreans.....something about Stevie...Boston....There has to be some humor here, Jarounimo are you around?
  12. Didn't we have a 26 year old RT retire a few years ago? I forget what he wanted to become, maybe he just didn't want to be a Bill.
  13. So what is the point of this thread? Nobody can ever win. Is it some kind of cruel joke to loyal Bills fans? BTW I want to thank the Mods for closing the Jimmy Spags thread (I think, don't see it anymore anyhow).
  14. Anybody who has watched the Dolphags beat up on the Bills the past few years would have to like this. He is good, I never say this but git er done!
  15. Ahh, I found it. I was reposted here. I just didn't notice.
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