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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I really don't see it happening (just gotta believe it is about money) and they just filled the hole in the draft. TKO? That would be kinda cool.
  2. Watching some links of the kid when they brought him in for the visit, I remember that he was very good with pocket awareness, evading the rush and throwing on the run. His Oline looked bad, he throws a very nice ball. Glad to see they brought him in. To me at least he looked better than a certain prospect named Ryan. He in fact reminded me of EJ, be kind of funny if he was the better of the two wouldn't it. Since we don't have a fullback, FB Kendall Gaskins from Richmond – Short yardage back with 34 career TDs, might be a good bet to make the final roster (along with Rodgers), maybe Tuel will be on the practice squad, but if the camp competition is really open, who knows? Our week one starter? (hahahaha, just had to say it).
  3. Well if Rodgers is as good as advertised he and Wood should start just because, who do we have that is better? Wood is also considered to be one of the most start ready players in the draft, not in the top 10 (I like John am very happy we got him!). I can remember quite a few WRs starting off 1st year and doing pretty damned good, so I would have to disagree. I think we have 2 starters. Add TJ and Stevie and we just replaced Nelson and Jones, with faster higher ceiling guys to a group that wasn't all that bad last year with a crappy QB. The question will be our QB. Oh if Scoe could have just stayed healthy, he was fitting right in with Chan's plan at one point. He was an electric player, no doubt.
  4. Injury history? I liked him too, so it is a question. I tend to think, they think they can pick up and play guys who come from PSs or are waived (actually Buddy is good at doing that, IMO) Plus they do have depth that they can plug in from other positions. Coach was an oline man, a oline coach and he has an excellent oline coach on staff. Seems they just aren't that worried about it. The biggest drop off I can see with this group coming from last year would be because of the lack of Fitz's quick release, they may give up more sacks.
  5. Thanks Casey Bender, I was just posting the same things.
  6. I hope he is suspended, I reported him and his last thread was removed (he threatened violence, a report-able offence). He isn't funny (it got old) and I like many others don't think a Bills fan should act like a Jests fan on our board. Ef Jimmy.I hope he stays away, he's just stupid. BTW here is his profile link and I can't see any old threads (which is why I think he is suspended). http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&andor_type=&sid=96b9c273e513bd2daa46737b79f7d682&search_app_filters[members][searchInKey]=members&search_app_filters[members][members][sortKey]=date&search_app_filters[members][members][sortDir]=0&search_term=Spagnola&search_app=members&search_app_filters[members][searchInKey]=members&search_app_filters[members][members][sortKey]=title&search_app_filters[members][members][sortDir]=0 Ah I was wrong, efing pity. Go away ya freak.
  7. I think we needed a couple of wr's from the draft with Nelson and Jones are gone so......watching that highlight reel he looks like he is decent from the back field, I almost think this could work out well. I know we want playmakers, so even if it is a bit of a reach, I am good with it.
  8. Kiss had SS symbols in the kiss logo(at the time I don't think anyone noticed that). I never liked them a lot but went to see them in 77 or 6 (wasn't in the falls though). They were a much better show than Styx, I hated them, but my GF liked them. I got into punk around this time 77 or 8 I guess and disliked Kiss after but that song is okay in my book. Nice easy pop song, good melody with a story. I also dated a girl named Beth for a while before then maybe that has something to do with it.
  9. Nah, the Jgun but nice try, bit surprised you missed it.
  10. Just get rid of the last post wins and PPP and we should be good to go
  11. Dundun dun dundun dun dun dundun dun dun............. Didn't Cheech wear a tutu when he sang that in the movie?
  12. Looks like a 70s tow truck design.
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