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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. So his draft and out, I thought he would at least wait to the end of the season. Cheers Buddy, can't wait to see that baby
  2. No I meant you must of wrote it No I meant you must of wrote it
  3. His son did it and he covered it up for him. So, he should be in jail. The memorabilia thing, well he didn't handle it too well and he was wearing a BIG target. BTW I think our new bunch of Js should be called the Jgun or juice bar.
  4. Sounds like he is using Meth to me. Too bad, terrible waste of talent, hard to kick. Hate to see it in public but that's life, some people just fizzle out. Prison sucks, so I sort of feel for him but he has really been an idiot for whatever reasons.
  5. He didn't it's 1051 on his list. Hey ! I am way past that.
  6. Isn't there a rule about starting threads before you have 50+ posts, if not there should be.
  7. Made Joe famous, RIP (but I actually disliked him a lot).
  8. Wow ^^ you must be kidding, 8.5 don't do it for you? Think of it this way, she is a teacher. You are a kid with raging hormones.
  9. Wow, way to go guys! There should be a prize for this.
  10. I went to Amherst Jr High in the 70s, rumor had it our science teacher did a playboy spread. She also closely friended a kid in the 9th grade (who looked about 19 at the time) there were rumors (to say the least) and I had various fun times fantasizing about her, (I have done image search seems the rumors were not true, unless she changed her name) we also had a very wet and big squirt gun war with her one day in class (think 14 or so 13 year olds squirting her giant boobs lol, and she was really cool about it ) remember when those little "Green Avengers squirt guns came out that looked like brass knuckles? with the tank hidden in your hand. Everyone had one it seemed, in my school. They would confiscate about 15 a day. Girls used to wear tank tops to school at the time as well, shocking isn't it? Sure wood!
  11. Most GMs are bust or boom based on the QB they draft. If Manual works out Buddy will leave a legacy. If it is a grand scheme, really or just shaping the roster with the guys you think will help you coaches.....there have been mistakes and still are holes. The building through the draft thing is hard to do.... but I think he (or his staff) is still learning and improving that part. We will see how it goes, I am hoping to be optimistic and like some of the new changes and can see the logic in some moves.
  12. Throw them into the fire, see how they do. I think learning during the games is much better than just practicing. JMO, I think you play the best guys you have on your roster. If Manual wins the competition, go for it. This sitting behind the older more experienced but less talented player, I don't see how that really helps (I know some will say but look at Kap last year and how sitting behind Smith helped him but the truth is they had 2 good QBs). I think Stevie would have blossomed earlier had Jaroun had faith in him, Fred too. I am kind of glad they sat because we get more time out of them because less wear and tear but really, they both looked great in preseason and sat. I just still don't get that. There's 3 more games? When did they add those?
  13. It is interesting that really the new labor agreement brought this about. I wonder how the over 30s, who are good players but not exactly elite and finding it hard to renegotiate or even find teams when in the past they would have, are feeling about the votes they cast in favor of it now. It seems like they kind of got screwed by it. The average age of the league seems to be dropping (that is just an opinion and if someone knows how to look it up I would be interested to see it).
  14. 83% during his career, franchise best, though I agree with the bolded.
  15. Why? Just why? Been wondering since I was 7 or so.
  16. Yummy, yes. English girls in costume have a track record with me and body paint is fun stuff.
  17. Why is Titus his boy? I don't understand that statement.
  18. Was hoping to see him back maybe, sort of bummed. http://www.tcpalm.co...ed-fundraising/
  19. Suckers for sure but I voted not because ..... well, I am always optimistic in the offseason.
  20. Nanker, thanks! some names on that list I wasn't even aware of. Eric Balsawood? So is he more fragile than Eric Wood?
  21. I think really, if they say they can coach the Oline up, they feel comfortable with them (not saying they won't add more still). Please FTL look at these links Pat Morris offensive line coach http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Bills-name-Pat-Morris-offensive-line-coach/dfa44805-4c6e-4206-af86-1ec8e0939b03 DOUG MARRONE http://www.buffalobills.com/team/coaches/marrone_doug/2fd4fd60-7b07-4eb5-919e-d8e6c895d473 TE because it pertains GREG ADKINS Tight Ends http://www.buffalobills.com/team/coaches/adkins_greg/ebcfac10-606c-4877-839b-444cfb66e31a And O quality control because it also pertains KURT ANDERSON Offensive Quality Control http://www.buffalobills.com/team/coaches/anderson_kurt/1dd1c30e-01e4-4b05-86b2-339e6d4652fe almost all of them have one way or another coached Oline and or played it. The Oline coach has a boat load of experience. Marrone did both plus was an O coordinator. I for one am sure they know what they have and apparently were okay with Andy walking. I am sure instead of, what you insisted that Nix told the they might let him walk and they might have even said don't worry about it, let him walk. BTW I think there is a rule on the forum about campaigning or some such thing after reading you arguing with almost everyone in this 3 page thread so far, I am sure we all kind of get it, that you have no faith. But please you don't need to repute every post, it getting to the point of breaking the rules almost. You are very negative about it but I sense it is just you caring, which is good. At some point though some one is going to say stop feeding the troll even though I doubt you are doing that. I don't think it is bad to have negative views and arguing them out, that is what the board is for and I think you are an okay poster, I just haven't seen you get this worked up and taking it this far before. I am not a mod or anything but I hate to see an opinion turn into complete faith that you might not be wrong and I do understand you say you would like to be wrong.....the thing is you just keep going back to it. Just remember, everyone is an ahole has an opinion. We all hope you are wrong and even believe you are but after a little while you turn into someone on my ignore list (I haven't read a thing by Mr. Weo, for instance in well over 2 years I know and there are more, he is just an example lol.) I doubt I am the only one. Discourse is fun. Hell, I feel the same way about Darcy as a GM but I won't be found on any Sabres boards arguing it out. What is the point, I could be wrong and am in no position to do anything about it. I have no motivation. And everyone is down enough about it already, offseason is for hope.
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