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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. ^ wow who effing cares. I WIN! This thread is such a black hole, it takes a minute to load even.
  2. I knew someone named Bently Wood, I told him he should go into porn.
  3. As someone living in Thailand, I have to say. Buffalo Dung! BTW most of Asia has very strict gun control and crime rates are way, way lower in most countries.
  4. 11 but at least it is my lucky number. So, I am definitely a 4 too.
  5. You all are just young and please remember these people went through the 60s. Not so free love, man.
  6. I am sure it was a mis-quote and he meant simply the best.
  7. History says again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
  8. I wonder if there is anything in his contract about riding motorcycles, cause that thing is at least as dangerous as a bike. That said I like the twitter quotes and attitude of the boat! Nice toy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4M8GjgfG9k&list=PLC37E7ADFA5A8DB37 NSFW
  9. Lawsuits = dirty pool. He opened the can, his own fault (but you do what you have to in these situations). I had an ex who tried to keep my mother's ring, I am squarely on the side of Mario here. Women can make any man crazy. I understand big guy and congrats on ending an obviously bad situation. Best of luck.
  10. Ah so you have one of those dream jobs. I got fired for saying " it's man to man coverage not deep zone". Of course, it would have helped if I taught american football here.
  11. I dislike the John Currin a lot but Bea... well she always had natural beauty. BTW in the art market it isn't about how much Joe Blow would pay, it is about how much would a 1%er with a contemporary collection and a interest would pay. At auction, it may even just be about showing off. These days stuff sells way high and then falls like the stock market, which the unregulated art market has been resembling more and more.
  12. hey that would be mine but I am too lazy to find the links. Oh and Kiko the man named Sue.
  13. I like the guy, IDK to me he is kind of like the Hispanic American "Man named Sue". Love the killer attitude he seems to carry, I also like to hear him talk. He has a funny stupid jock way that fits him to a tee.
  14. Yeah, I have thought about that too. I also wonder if there was any contact between the Derrick and Everett.
  15. I saw LG Solution and thought it was a phone.
  16. Always liked Derrick and was sad when his career was cut short. Glad he got by that and helped this kid, doubt it is coincidence he ended up trying out with the Bills, best of luck! Good big CBs are sorely needed. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Burroughs-pupil-Kearney-hoping-to-stick-with-Bills/abafd3e1-8444-4c02-bda2-bcc0c73f6e96
  17. Except we are practicing several unsigned rookies, who were drafted. How does that work anyhow?
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