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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. That link is not in the spirit of this thread at all!
  2. If they are real idiots you can trip them, that counts. Just tell them English is your second language. i.e. In America you have to trip the sever.
  3. Anybody click the photo to make it big?Not my type is all I can say.
  4. But it will create a bigger lull before the draft, which is going to be really repetitive, boring and unbearable (the space of time before the draft is too effing long already). MGK is right, do what I do, enjoy rainy season
  5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324436104578581772197037576.html?ru=yahoo?mod=yahoo_itp More of the profile
  6. Nice thread, we should have more like this! BTW take a yoga class, if you are any good at it you will get laid by a girl who can do some pretty interesting stuff.
  7. So it's on, we ARE NEVER GOING TO FORGET THE DUMB **** (whatever his name was) who started this thread, just so he never forgets how dumb it was (btw this is not a personal attack, just an attempt to crash/ slow down the server ).
  8. The 60s women, when they were younger than Jesus, hell yeah! The main girl in the tweets no way, her friends maybe can't see them well enough.
  9. The story is filled with inaccuracies but the guy is dead RIP.
  10. Hey the terrorists already won, I mean why are we worried about the Ralph being attacked anyway? Why are they snooping our (and apparently everyone in the worlds emails) and phone calls? This is why this thread won't die. BTW I think my link worked it's magic, I am bound to forget how to anyways. The 70s were lots of fun but my Dad was right about the brain damage.
  11. Too soon? And Congrats! I can't imagine but of course I don't have a daughter.
  12. It would had made more sense if he was talking about spending the dime on the crappastic Buffalo Bills. I mean it's not an FBI fanboard or. They really must be bored!
  13. Sort of because they killed last post wins and this is just stupid
  14. 8 years and that was working for family, but have been an artist for more than 30 now which is sort of a lot of work. I have had more than 40 job, jobs in my life (I have been in the new economy almost all my life it seems). But it is okay, makes me nervous at times about older age but I always seem to get by and be happy, so there is that.
  15. Wish Bocci's would do that here with pizza.
  16. Yeah.......um just from your profile pic I thought you'd like it. http://www.thailandunique.com/thai-black-rooster-whiskey maybe that works better.
  17. Fig do and image search for Black rooster Rice Whiskey, I think you'll enjoy it. Sorry heres a linky http://www.google.co.th/imgres?safe=off&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=635&tbm=isch&tbnid=E7lj24UoT5m70M:&imgrefurl=http://www.thailandunique.com/latest-news/black-rooster-rice-whiskey&docid=epHxK5FPwtbZIM&imgurl=http://www.thailandunique.com/image/cache/data/black-rooster-thai-whiskey-600x600.jpg&w=600&h=600&ei=KmHQUYiaHMSPrgek4IGoAQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:0,s:0,i:80&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=225&tbnw=214&start=0&ndsp=14&tx=170&ty=96 I don't know how to post a pic anymore
  18. So to be a winner, your team should be about middling. Interesting.
  19. Hey I'm 53 too and I look better
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