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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. While tagged if someone else gave him an offer Byrd's compensation to the Bills is a 1st and a 3rd. So that in the Bills eyes has to be his trade value. I keep reading different things on here about what it is, so I wanted to point that out. IMO he is going to walk at the end of this year (if there is a trade coming it will be next year after he is tagged again) but may sit during training camp and play during the season which is a stupid move IMO as well as players get injured doing that and he won't know the D well and will not look like the star he should want to look like to get his $, it is a tactic EP has used before though.
  2. Man! women in Thailand do this too and it is a common Thai threat (BTW it means she caught him cheating). Here they don't usually get life though. I think it has to do with inequality more than anything (I sort of understand it more in those terms) but it is a weird cultural thing that just makes me damn uncomfortable.
  3. Nose hairs bleed? Ummm I never had that happen, I use to use cuticle scissors, which hurts and does bleed if you nick yourself. But the hair themselves, not mine anyway. BTW, now I shave right up in there as high as I can (again watch the nicks, I have a big nose, I guess) and use a (japanese) trimmer thing that my GF has for getting in there deeper. Plucking works too. Nice and clean! Works in the ears too, which I also shave the outer edges of. One last thought, isn't it strange that we say we stop growing when we are 20 or so, when in fact, I seem to have more things growing (nose,ears, hair in new spots, tummy if it is not watched, I swear even my ____ is still getting bigger) since my 40s than I did when I was 20.
  4. You are getting creepy looking her up like that.
  5. I have flown Asiana a few times in the past and this scares me. RIP and prayers to the dead and injured.
  6. It will be interesting to see how these young LBs do (especially early on in the season) Bryan Scott over someone, I am not sure Rogers or Bradham in the nickel. IMO. Searcy may get a run for it from Williams. TJ as the 2nd receiver? I am not sure that'll happen. Legursky as guard either. Even McKelvin is a questionable starter IMO. Kolb as QB is a question. I think more rooks see the field early or are starting by game 4. So it is kind of pointless to do this exercise and way, way too early. I hate offseason.
  7. If I use someones quotes on here as an insult can I get flagged? oh well, "You're an idiot™," "!@#$ing moron™
  8. Is that true because I have been getting really bitchy lately... the second part, um sorry to hear that. I think I get hit on more now (not that I do anything about it) than I did in my 20s.
  9. Dude ......... you know you had a good source there that just slipped through your fingers, right?
  10. I don't like fake boobs (unless they pass the, they are not hard and feel, look alright test, fail either of those and meh) I don't mind b cups and bigger they still shake and most girls who have them have a nice ass too (if they take care of themselves). And hair, yeah if it is generally clean, I am a 60s hippy type about it (although it is not very appealing on the legs but hey I live in Asia so most of the women don't have as much). I do kind of miss big boobs to be honest.
  11. I am 53 we just had a baby (first one) 1 year and 3 months ago (today). I knew I should have had kids at a younger age and I was right. Suddenly I look older too, used to be people took me for 10-15 years younger than I am (actually another sign of old age right there), THAT doesn't even happen anymore. I still am not fat and do some sorts of exercise try to eat good but not too much most days but aging does suck. It is attitude though Steve O is right (working in a physical job can be a good thing too, my granddad was a carpenter until he was 86 lived to be 92) but not everyone can or wants to. BTW in Thailand we have (almost all toilets here do, if they aren't squatters) a little hose next to the toilet (like the ones on your sink for doing the dishes, a sort of economy bidet if you will), I have no idea how I ever did without it. One of the best inventions ever.
  12. milk mustache ! and my baby boy (and I) still enjoying Mom a year and few months later.
  13. I like! Nature is a beautiful thing.
  14. If I was as drunk as her maybe, but I gave up drinking for some reason.
  15. Donottrackme.com (Ithink is what it is called) adblocker works on FB too I have heard (not sure about here) BTW, my Donottrackme says this website has 0 trackers.
  16. I don't call it a mouse. BTW more pictures have arrived and I change my vote.
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