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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Jumping Jack Pass, I mean who else does/did that? Plus he won championships. II think the other thread asked where our names came from though, no? I lived on Bowery for 12 years on the fourth floor. My Dad always said if I was like I was as a teen, I would end up there. Sure he was, just look at him! (BTW That is awesome!)
  2. Start one. Although your's doesn't seem too much of a mystery.
  3. My first ex kicked my windshield and cracked it on our first date but she was super hot and the sex was really, really good. Took 8 years to unload that.... I learned, took awhile but I learned.
  4. It seems to me that they kind of shot themselves in the foot though with the way only top FA's were signed this year and a lot of older players will be working for way less money or they retired (which seems like happened way more than in the past).
  5. Shows you what kind of a coach "Mega Mind" at least at evaluation, really was (although I did like his personality). I am sort of happy Anderson is gone and guess that it means we won't have a Kelsey type of end/OLB to B word about this year.
  6. Wow too bad, the wifey or GF might have liked it.
  7. See you can teach speed or they wouldn't need track coaches (and he really wasn't that slow). I'm rooting for him. Good guy and has the heart you need, be cool to see him really get a chance to show his talent.
  8. Can you guys stop talking about killing people? to end the curse. I think the NSA is going to start reading this stuff. Then where will we be?........ in the crosshairs of a drone, that's where.
  9. I kind of like it myself. you guys are too much, he is an entertainer. Get over yourselves, football is a game FOR entertainment purposes. Stevie being who Stevie is, that's all. If you think about it you should be more accepting of him and his quirks. He is different but that aint harmful and this whole what Stevie has on his shirt ****...reminds me of being sent home in 8th grade because I wore a shirt with a Screw drawn on it and a U underneath it. My Mom didn't disapprove, she thought it was great that I drew such a good screw (I became an artist BTW). 10 pages. When does football start?
  10. They are looking at this year as a developmental one. Like preseason and training camp all year long. They will not used roster space to pick up older vets unless their is an absolute hole to fill, which in case of the G spot ( ) has already been done..
  11. I used cable and strong screws to secure ours to the stand and then I used the cable and attached the stand to the wall. I couldn't knock it down with a good hard push if I tried. My boy is now 14 months and he has been pushing it quite a bit and so far so good. It isn't a flat screen and it is at his eye level, so he definitely has an interest in it. If it fell on him it would hurt him, I would guess. Child proofing on a budget is to say the least a challenge but I work at it pretty well so far.
  12. He watched too many Dog Whisperer episodes, or he thinks he is Mike Tyson. Hard to tell which.
  13. There is too high and then there is too stupid.
  14. There is a whole slew of those Japanese girls saying stuff in English, I think they are great (without the stupid exploding crap). They are what really got me into surfing Youtube a few years ago.
  15. Oh yea! totally my GF is still breast feeding my our baby and I find it titilactating!
  16. So is Marcus Dowtin and he was a Jet.
  17. I am a terrorist and was doing a search for big bombs oops typo and now I don't even think about blowing people up anymore. So I am not going to sue.
  18. Wow.... what did I miss?
  19. 2 words SJBF ignore button (although it doesn't work when someone quotes him )
  20. My Mom would win stuff all the time, once she won a new car at a church auction, won lottery tickets like every other time she played them. I have no idea if this had anything thing to do with it but she could spot a 4 leaf clover in any group of them that she'd see. Me, well as the song goes, if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all (at least at winning contests, can't complain about the life stuff that much).
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