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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. have a pancake
  2. Why is Drew throwing it the wrong way? His line is clearly facing the other way. BTW, I hated the dark blues, I think the royal blues will look much better. Have we ever worn a all blue (that wasn't the navy) before? I can remember all white back in to the 60s, but no all royal blue.SO it will be a first of sorts (unless I am wrong).
  3. Packers 17 Bills 34 Pack wins 1st half but it is close, Bills come out and do really well in the 3rd, hang on in the 4th and score one more in garbage time. BTW I agree with the poster who said 4 TDs and 2 FGs, one TD by the D today.
  4. Ahead in penalties, is not even saying ahead in yards penalized (pats* game 11 penaties and yes more in garbage time for I think 60 or 70 yards, Bills 10 for 110, if I remember right and then we have the Den game....). That alone makes the arguement invalid. Add to it the other variables mentioned above and it is obvious that some games are changed by refs making bad calls, all the time and at specific times against certain teams. Listen I agree the Bills have done crappistic this season on stupid mistakes and bad O. It is significant that we all see this going on all around the league and it is obviously happening. I have quit watching other NFL games this season because the refs have been so bad that the games just lose thier entertainment value (and I did that like 6 or 7 weeks ago). I think it isn't a but it should be investigated, football is worse because of it. Fairness counts toward loyalty and confidence even in a sport that is for entertainment purposes. I know there is logic in what he was saying there, more penalties doesn't consider the context of the game and what kind of and yardage on said penalties.
  5. I saw a guy wearing a Bills jacket on a scooter not too long ago. It's only weird because I live in Bangkok and he was a Thai and in general they don't know anything at all about "American Football". I have seen a few T-shirts over the years as well (been more than 7 years now).
  6. Actually, he wasn't convicted. So there is that. And the riots thing said upthread, man take it to PPP.
  7. I like it, anything that might help, can't hurt. Maybe Kyle asked for camouflage so he doesn't need to slide and Blue on Blue is the closest they could come up with.
  8. ahh yeah, that's it.
  9. Isn't he the one who got in the fight in camp with (was it?) Eric Wood?
  10. If Eli were available, I'd say go for it. Nobody in that articale interests me tho. Kap has been good, so has Foles but I wonder why they failed so bad this year. And that is a big question if your going to invest in them. Eli always has had ups and downs and the team surounding him is very average, we too (like the gints) would have to really fix the oline though. I know he still has it in him to put it together. If TC is gone this year, he may go on the market.
  11. She cum with handcuffs?
  12. Well this was an interesting intro to the board, welcum.
  13. For my 5000th post I would like to say....oh wait, not there yet.. Congrats CBF, every time I see your name (CBF), I think of a Honda motorcycle.
  14. "You idiot whatever" thank you. I am sure you help your cause a lot with that kind of well reasoned bs.
  15. Awesome http://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-host-torture-report-235001597.html
  16. I agree, plus we have laws and they were broken. People should be in jail and yet they never will be. Truth is the reason. If people do die now, you should thank the people who implemented an illegal and immoral program not those who expose just some of the truth of it (as even this report is censored and admititedly not complete). http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/12/09/here-come-the-torture-apologists/?action=click&contentCollection=Opinion&region=Footer&module=MoreInSection&pgtype=article I have to laugh at this Intelligence Birtherism umm really unbiased that, you gotta be kidding!
  17. I kind of like these kind of threads personally have no idea why the vid won't show up in the linky
  18. So this is what you do at night instead of sleeping? Why don't you just ask Darrell, he knows about law, maybe he is up on NFL rules too. BTW there was someone who did a wierd soccer type kick a couple weeks ago one leg kicks the ball out behind the other. ahh heres the vid except it doesn't play. http://www.nflrush.com/story/dolphins-attempt-soccer-style-onside-kick
  19. I say sit EJ and see what Orton has left if anything. At least until they are out because of math. Then it might be my chioce to start the competition right away and give each a half per game. Then if they really can, find a FA or trade for a QB (I would try for Eli, McCoy or even Kap personally) and draft one mid to late. Next year start who ever wins camp and see how it goes and probably at the end of the year rinse and repeat until you have your guy. I am really not sure if any of them (staff and FO) will be back though. If it is a clean house situation, I just hope whatever they do they can keep the D completely intact. Silly, you don't quit until it's over. Really, I know someone who won a lottery.
  20. That is Gay. you don't seem to have learned his name yet. Links? HAHA! You sir are the ultamite Bills fan I thought he was only a cap hit if he is here next year and since someone brought it up since it is pretty likely he will clear waivers, he could out last Marrone. also BTW all you who say he was not playing because of Hogan.... well, not exactly, MW doesn't play slot. He was at best right now a #4 wr on the team and also didn't play teams. Hence his not playing and wierd timing dumping, I kind of think they are trying to be nice to him doing this. He could still get paid, play for a good team and stick. And that might have expensive implications for the Bills accordng to some. Anyway Good Luck Mike. I was excited to have you a Buffalo boy, on the team. Cheers
  21. I hate this^ this^ thing but ^This^
  22. OP, So you're saying he should have gone head first? Cause besides what he said and what you are calling him out on, that becomes like the only option.
  23. I will be honest here, that game was the worst officiated game I have seen in years. Simply, there were too many judgement calls that went the home teams way. There have been many games like that this season, I stopped watching other teams games this year (about 6 or 7 weeks ago) because of it. The Bills may or may not have been the victims of it, I am not sure and neither is anyone else. And that right there is a big part of the problem, we can't judge if the game was officiated fairly or not. No one can. That stinks. It reeks of corruption and that is why the fist bump, no matter what the refs think they were doing was wrong, wrong, wrong. It hasn't always been this way, so that is a pretty good indication it doesn't have to be this way. I understand PTRs point in doing this thread because I as a fan of my team, also want to support them regarding the crappistic call they get every week. But the problem here is not really the officiating. The problem is the many, depending how you look at it maybe all the rules are judgements of the officials. The rules didn't have to change into that, they didn't used to be that. I know there have always been controversial judgement calls but this season it has been like an avalanche, "it is ruining the game" is said on every message board or comments on stories in every article, every week. So why is this happening? Well, we should examine it. Last year, there was controversy over the Seahags defense, particularly the secondary. They were fouling basiclly on every play. The reason, they knew it can't be called every play. And that right there, my friends is what is wrong with football at the moment. The officiating sucks because rules are broken almost every play. So really, what is to be done about that? The refs do what they can, to see as much as they can but they miss things. The players are going to take as much as they are given, the coaches too just look at the Seahags classy boss hog last year. So the league took the matter into consideration in the off season and there is a giant spike in DPI calls this year. Also there is a big jump in taunting because of other politics (which I am not going to get into here). Let's put it this way, some of these rules are for safety and some for PCness. Anyway, back on subject, what to do about the rules? It seems that there is no way to take the judgement out of calls and penalties, so I am not sure what to do with that except: 1st, I think we can all agree, Refs should be held to the players standards, at least and ALL penalties, should be reviewable. Under the same review rules or maybe even slightly different ones (I would like at least one more review per game myself, I don't care if games go longer, fairness has obviously become an issue and the NFL can have more commercials and make even more $s, they should like that). 2nd, the Refs need more oversight. I know the league says they review the calls the refs make but it is not transparent and well, they just demote them to less important games.... who does that hurt? Bottom feeders like us maybe? 3rd, rules need simplification. Have you ever looked at the rule book? Da to the n to the M! here is a linky (2013, 2014 is too controversial to release the year they are using it I guess) BTW, it is a download http://www.nfl.com/rulebook Even the flag football teams for the "play 60" has a giant rule book, initiating the children, to following and breaking the rules lol. Can we see a 1960s rule book please because I know it was better and shorter. 4th, playoff seeding needs work too. 5th, player suspensions too. That's all rant over. One last thought, I have been watching NFL football 4o some odd years. This team is my age, I am excited about it's future and happy about the new owners (obviously) but and here it comes. I am not sure I can watch anymore. It just makes my BP go up, I am sure. I feel crappy after a showing by the team like the one on offense yesterday. I know though that the game was winnable and the refs had a bit too much to do with the fact that they lost. Again. (it isn't the first time this year I have felt that about our team or other games I watched) I gave up with other teams, it just wasn't entertaining. I may give up with the Bills. I haven't decided yet, if they lose in the same fashion next week? Or was last week enough? Does it matter?
  24. No we needed to bench 55, can't have 2 on the bench. BTW if I was on that D, I would be pissed. BOO!! and Doh! Fitz is having his best year as a pro, I whole heartly agree! 3 fumbles and 7 ints all year I think 18 TDs or something... amazing! All good points, effing Buddy and his lack of phone skill. Oh crap "I'm Kyle Orton!" falls down. EJ is he ready yet? IDHK and sort doubt it but Orton did look badly, bad. I vote bench for him but I may regret it.
  25. Actually we don't know if Orton would call the screen either....but I would take the playcalling out of our OCs hands. In the beginning of the game I thought the playcalls were ok, nice misdirection plays.... but as seemingly always, that didn't last. I don't know if it is Marone or Hackett but what happened to use this set of plays until they stop it. They seem to change things up for no reason, every effing week.
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