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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. This ^ stay calm and focused and when you don't get satisfaction ask to speak with a supervisor, go up as high as needed and consider it a negotiation. You can also use some of the "deals" at stub hub and such as a tactic to get your point across. If all that doesn't work get a little angry but tell them you just want "them" to get your money to support the team. (god, it seems I have been getting people to take my money in one of these situations all my life! Stupidity is such a virus.) If in the end you still get no satisfaction....well you tried. Sometime stupid people and organizations just don't want our money. Good luck and don't forget just because you retired didn't mean you can just stop working for what you want. Cheers to you! Go Bills. PS post what happens please.
  2. Funny, I always thought this was a for profit business. I wonder what happens if they spend UNDER the limit or is that next year? And they can't roll over all of this can they?
  3. I'd keep some. 25lbs wouldn't be missed.
  4. He is wonderful in practice, something I have kept in mind reading all the reports from camp since he was here.
  5. Hate to see him go but thanks for being a Bill! all the best Rian
  6. BUT he didn't use the GOD word like that or admit to smoking weed so I guess there is that. When these ppl show up I just put them on the list (unless they are mildly entertaining), they usually disappear not that long after. I doubt Tuel will get the start but he may get some time with the 1s (on Saturday, maybe 3rd quarter). I just don't see Marrone thinking he is that much better than Kolb. I think he wants very much to develop him and he isn't going to throw him in to a tub of sharks and damage the goods. I pretty much think that, that makes some sense. I have liked the way he has handled this situation so far, he seems to have a good head on his shoulders. This does cause NE* some headaches (looking at it from the glass half full side). I wouldn't bother naming a starter that week leading up to the game, just to eff with them, so they do have to prepare for whoever. I do hope EJ starts unless there is some doubt he is 100% healed. We don't want an injury to keep him out more later on. Also if Kolb is getting his butt handed to him at the NE* game, Tuel could be sent in. Not out of the realm of possibility IMO.
  7. I was always a bit disappointed that Trent took Kelly Holcomb's nick name, just stood back there and then ran out of bounds with it.
  8. He should know he has the tapes on everyone . I bet he has been watching our preseason this year. They are going to try to run often and early IMO but I am no expert .
  9. Thanks for the Kelly info, since he is 53 (I am almost 4 months older than him) he must have been 10 when he did the PPandK I think, like his nephew. I thought they had 13 year olds at Rich that day, I remember because I was 13 as well (and I was in awe!). Banana bikes, I had this one http://www.nemusclebikes.com/bc23.php (bottom of the page, but the rims were chrome and it had the sissy bar)I got it when I was five and had til I was 20. I owned about 5 bikes and some mini bike when I was a teen loved working on them. I loved that bike, gave it to my nephew and he gave it to his as far as I know, it is still around in the family somewhere. I hope. I might look into that if I ever get back to WNY.
  10. 1. I would think that in light of the next 2. sentence (being a worse case senereio but a possible one... they will have to think about it). 3. Me too 4. 2 injured and unproven QBs 2 weeks in to camp =s a headache! Damn! I just hope they are all ready because they may need to be.
  11. Are you a journalist? Tim Graham?.... The guy who offered up his daughter because of the Merriman at the boarder thing? Inquiring minds....
  12. Thanks, I just wish I could remember all the details.... no one else seems to even mention the PP&K thing (maybe the 70s and all the fun I had at Rich and the Aud back then at concerts erased some stuff, I know I forget a bunch of HS and at least the first 2 years of college).
  13. Moulds took 3 years before he showed what he was, my thinking is they will find a way to develop a talent that may be as good or even better than Eric's, although with his history they might give it less time. I hope I don't hate them for cutting someone I like in favor of him (and I hope he isn't a cut/PS player either).
  14. I thought he threw terrible balls early on,(just straight out misses or behind the WRs every pass in the first & early 2nd) he did pick it up later in the 2 minute drill. I will concede that. I do not like that we got stopped in the red zone though either. Maybe he is still getting his wheels under him or maybe we should start Tuel over him to me it is kind of a coin flip at this point.
  15. Yes, I would think it should be a competition between Tuel and Kolb for back up the rest of preseason at this point. I for one am not certain Kolb would win it either. I think it will more likely be Kolb gets most of the 1st reps during the game to tune up for NE*. That is what likely what they think gives us the best chance to win.
  16. Yeah things were going just a little too good. I wonder who has the voodoo city hall doll and why they stuck it in EJs knee, oh well maybe it will help drain it.
  17. Yes you are right, wasn't there a thread about this a year or 2 ago?
  18. Nice job first of all. I think Rogers makes it and Troupe. This creates a problem I know (8 WRs is kind of unheard of). Robey to PS. The roster will change during the year in anycase.
  19. Nah let them get good at it, sounds like it is confusing (albeit sort of looks like the Jets but they did well against the Cheaters* anyway).
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