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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. ^ I wish they would stop with this nonsense.
  2. My turn? Don't want the Wood to shoot too soon, I say wait at least til the by. See if he can stick in there with the post season coming.
  3. Very true but I think Jason had a bit to do with it too.
  4. Wow from the heading on this thread, I thought that the game was in TO. I was like wednesdaythursdayfriday? really?
  5. I drive a scooter here in Thailand, I wouldn't at all be surprised to see that here. Not in the least. Not even a little, BTW I saw this a few weeks ago and it is still funny.
  6. I think he makes the team .... I think that may be fuel for the fire that Marrone is seemly burning (the fact that he isn't happy about it and expressing it publicly) but you don't release a potential star in the making, even if they have some issues. Especially when they are on the cheap and you have invested some pretty valuable time in them already. That is a bite in the ass that no one wants. Imagine the Pats* pick him up and we have to see Randy Moss/ Eric Moulds .2 wtf man. He is worth more than a few of the CBs we have at the moment, even if we have to keep 8 wrs for 2 years to find it out (and yes all that is just based on his potential alone). We bet on him with our bid to get him in the first place, IMO that is going to insure he sticks (no matter what coach speak we hear). Unless, he breaks a rule and is caught like he was @ Tenn, then he burned the bridge (he was forewarned). Of course, I could be wrong.
  7. I am pretty sure it is just way to early to tell. I mean look at the 2010 draft thread, I think the judge the GM thing is kind of based on drafts and other parts of building a team for a coach. How are we supposed to do that based on the 3 to 5 things he may or may not of even done yet? The jury just sat down and was read the court instructions, this is going to take a while.
  8. It was a mistake to draft him so high, not his fault really. I like that he paints but I am an artist (didn't even know that about him). I wish I had some of that money lol. He certainly has tried to make it as a football player. I hated that we drafted him then, though..... Don't get hardknocks over here. Now I kind of wish I did.
  9. First I don't have a problem with the contract. I hope he lives up to it and having a pass rush should help. I think he should be better than a slot corner. I certainly hope they can teach him to turn around at the ball (by looking at the receivers eyes), he really needs to pick that skill up, I frankly don't understand why he hasn't yet. It is really hard to get through my head.....he just doesn't freaking turn when the ball is on the freaking way! Come on, what is that? Drives me batty! He stays with these guys even when he has to cover them 5-6 seconds much of the time. He is decent against runners and in open field tackling (something that the above mentioned Cromartie was crappy at before and was coachable). Cromartie loses his guys sometimes in coverage, still though. I really hope McKelvin can be fixed. On the other hand, he was looking improved (as was the whole D as a matter of fact) as the season progressed last year, even in spite of Dave's scheme. And I think if we didn't resign him he would be leaving us soon, no? I do think he still has upside I hope he can be more than a returner. In fact I hope they don't need to use him for that, even if there is some drop off. We don't have a good back up for him and god forbid anything happens to Gilmore. So no, Goodwin doesn't affect my thinking about his deal at all. It is not my money anyways and we are comfortably under the cap. It is an important position and needs a good player there (I just don't KNOW that is him).
  10. Actually I have been wondering do they drug tests for pot? How are these guys getting around this?
  11. Taft, too easy No, his actaully parents did it. from his wiki page
  12. No really, I used to sell (as joints, all rolled up and everything, in above mentioned quantities 5, 10, 15, and 20$ for mex doubled for columbian, times have changed lol), You guys just watched too many movies 2, it is a test to see if it is done. Like "drink the kool aid" it is a phrase which has come to mean quite the opposite of what it was in the first place.
  13. Maybe he thinks you are that other guy, who just said he was quitting? Thanks for the Camp reports Astro, you done good!
  14. It will bean interesting few weeks, I wonder if and how many guys they will pick up as cuts come in. I think CB and guards would be worth looks. I am sure Pettine knows whether Marshell is a fit for us.
  15. What color is the sky? What colors do you have to mix to make army green? Same question for brown. How far can you see into a black hole? How many letters in the alphabet? Only state that can be typed on one row of keys. which one? How was Hunter S. Thompson was memorialized? Black and Blue Black and yellow Black and red You can't, you only see the event horizon Depends on which alphabet Alaska His ashes were made in to fireworks and blown up
  16. Rats! 15, 20 in an Oz 10 in a dime 5 in a nickel Bart Simpson is correct It's a test. S, that was his middle name (for real)
  17. I was going to suggest that as well, you should make sure they know is in the public eye as well (but do it nicely). I would imagine that a bunch of these later replies are true but you may just try to get a sympathetic ear by going up on the phone tree and emailing. Special circumstances and human interest....Retirement present.. Go for it! I'd sell them to you.
  18. It is interesting that teams are making more player for player trades again. I am puzzled why it was players for picks for so long.
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