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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. This^ But lack of 3rd down conversions, penalties and turnovers, caused us not to score more.
  2. You know I m not sure if you pay for PFF but I keyed on Colin Brown's play (and yes he did have problems with Jones) but he was good in PassPro though out the rest of the game. I actually thought he gave up less pressure than Glenn, who looked a little pedestrian and slow yesterday. His run blocking was so, so but he was blocking the big guy..... I expect he gives a lot of LGs trouble. Wilford was handled by Wood and Brown pretty well is my point here. Those stats don't tell the true story. The real problem was running inside and I am not sure it was on the oline as much as NE* seeing we were going to run CJ that way and keep trying it over and over. They really keyed on him and he isn't great up the gut, with out a FB lead. And as far as Marcel, (and Kyle) he made plays. I do think there is people behind him that need to do that, as well. The D was okay yesterday, yes they gave up some yardage and tired out before the game was done but the front 7 really made the Dbs look better than they were and Brady was on his ass quite a bit.
  3. I actually don't remember him being good in the second preseason game until the 2 minute warning at the half but will concede the point (he gets more than a game or two if he needs it in my book). I did think in both games he took some warm up time (which Kelly used to too, which was an off hand compliment in a way) to get going a bit (and in the first one it was not until the late in the 3rd quarter and he really was playing scubs at that point, unless I am remembering incorrectly). Just an observation, you know I respect your opinions Hopeful. And John C good analysis although I disagree with the Mario bit; he got some pressure and looked aggressive to me, just not much that ended up in real stats.
  4. No they didn't. and yes it would. I also didn't see Frank Summers in the game. CJ can use a lead blocker (actually so can Fred) and this is a mistake. The I formation worked well last year as well as some spread formations. You design things to the strengths of your players, they didn't do it in this game plan, IMO. The run plays yesterday especially to CJ were poorly called, he does need space or to get around the corner. He can run off tackle but not all of the time . He did look off his game too, hope he doesn't have a MD type of season (in light of his last couple of weeks).
  5. Both last year and this if the O can't stay on the field (and a hurry up O will make this worse), the D as a whole is going to look worse than it even is. We will see against Cam and his boys next week and it will be true or not. The run D did better as year progressed last year, I am sure some of this and other problems have to do with new players and schemes, these things take time. I just want to see improvement as the season progresses.
  6. Yeah this^ the costly penalties have to stop though, it's true.
  7. I can see it, score and the game takes 2 scores to win. The play calls were at best suspect though; I hope we see better in similar situations in the future.
  8. Thanks Bill, interesting takes. The whole team came out a bit flat at the start of the game, the O has to look way more alive in the 1st, not good to be playing from behind. EJ seems to take time to warm up, how Jim Kelly like is that? He played good not many mistakes, all and all as advertised (I am pleased, to be saying that); I am just glad Kolb was not the starter. The line looked good at pass pro and run blocking, I only counted one Colin Brown getting his ass handed to him (on pass pro). They really should just consider running right every time until a team takes that away. Running CJ left, off tackle was just like ... can we see another play, please? Pears was beastly today. Wood is an excellent center, EJ didn't see much pressure up the middle at all. Glenn, look like a JAG today, hope that is just my feeling and not truly an observation. The young receivers looked young but I am still excited about them, I would prefer to see Easley in TJ's place though. Stevie...........that drop was a bummer. Blame god. I guess. Searcy, never liked him before today, I hope he plays as well the rest of the season, he seems to fit the scheme much better. The D at times was downright awesome, NE* ran okay but they do, do that well, so I didn't find it shocking or very alarming. I am so freaking happy Wanny is long gone, what an idiot! A strong front 7 really does make the DBs look better, not paying Byrd sort of makes sense with that perspective. Kiko is going to be one of the best MLBs we have ever had, The draft is looking good today. BTW welcome back Jim Leonard you look beefier than I remember and I only saw one blown play in your direction. Hackett needs to get CJ outside or in the I with a FB. Fred always plays great against NE* have no idea why they didn't stay with the hot hand there, he certainly didn't look as if he lost a step, to all of you who said he is finished. I also want to see them in the backfield at the same time, "come on, you can do this". There are answers to these problems, hope the new coaches see that. The penalties have to go but I saw a lot that were not called on both sides. I hope it is just a NE* game thing. I didn't really have a problem with them staying with the no huddle but the play calls during it sure were suspect. Throw long and CJ gets some space for one thing. I don't understand why they never really challenged the deep part of the field.
  9. Can all these wah, wah, wah threads be merged, almost all of them are started by people with less than 200 posts (really, can we have a no threads started until 250 posts rule? I don't like to read this crap, feel like I'm not getting my money's worth). After the game the shout box was unbearable and this is affecting the quality of the site. My ignore list is up to the roster limit.
  10. The night and day after a loss are great for adding "players" to my ignore squad.
  11. You really should change your name to Invisible or Ignored.
  12. Hello from Thailand! GO BILLS!! put these ass munchers in their place and whoop them solid! Get the Jcar out and run their PatsyKraft* cheating faces right the eff over! By land, by air, by shifting the Manual transmission in to 6th gear! by going hyper God speed and causing sonic booms and puking if necessary, by opening holes that a pimp would be proud of, by knocking the balls right out of their sacks! Dump the Marsha early and often, throw your hands in the air and in wave them in her face. Go crazy Kiko, the Williams, do your best CBs, do freaking better than your best! IT IS OUR TIME! End the damned drought, we are all HUNGRY and thirsty for the true Buffalo winter of discontent to be over and done with. It is a new day, a new era, a new beginning to our destiny and dynasty. Let's go to 4 Superbowls again boys and wipe the slate clean by trouncing everyone in our way. Today is the beginning. Today is the now. There is no other team I could or would be a fan of then the BUFFALO EFFIN BILLS right effing here and right now!
  13. Just to add some perspective, the people in this video/slide show thing (not drug dealers BTW) feel that being eaten by birds and put back into the flow of the world that way, is a beautiful and natural thing (I used to have some Tibetan friends who explained this to me). I don't care about what happens to my or anyone else's body after they are dead as long as it is disposed of in some way where no one is catching a disease or digging it up by accident. Dead people are gone, no one home..... I am not religious and have concerns about how my remains are treated or not.
  14. Not sure how it works but I know there is a system once you get many many.
  15. I used to live up the street from Duffs and never understood their rep for wings. I used to order Santora's first. BTW if you were at the Millersport one you could have driven up Bailey and gotten a Bocce's piazza (which you would have had to eat somewhere I guess, but man) I miss that place!
  16. I would have worded this different, the whole FO/coach/GM thing needs to have a "let's wait and see how things play out, but I may be optimistic" option, instead of this "Let's wait and see -- the HC, OC and GM are too inexperienced for me to have expectations". In fact, I don't like any of the options in that question. KISS and keep your bias or opinions out of poll subjects, JMHO
  17. Yeah she is an idiot but almost 5,000,000 hits, she could make some decent money doing stupid **** on YouTube, no?
  18. Bill having a little one now, I can't even begin to imagine. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family all the best. I wish I would have known about the Bills backers when I was NYC too, we may have been friends. Godspeed.
  19. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tatonka Funny that but I think this what you're referring too.
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