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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. 1st then then finally; I wish I could use this whole thing as my signature.
  2. X2 I hate him even getting clicks and it seems he has taught Bucky his "formula" F them both.
  3. I agree with the OP and raise it to returning punts too. McKelvin might get hurt doing that which would screw us.
  4. Yolo you do realize google has links, no? You can even watch it in Thailand . Where is Edwards arm with his no good QB has less than 7.0 ypc theory? (EJ's was in the 6's by the way)
  5. me too ! Actually more when I saw the replay, I was expecting some way for us to lose by then.
  6. A few thoughts just to finish up. The D was awesome, gameball to them and EJ and our other 2 top 3 picks. Frank Summers and a few other players that had up and downish games, hey it happens especially to young guys with little experience (might add "at their position" to this point) in a new scheme early in the year. I also think the new NFLPA agreement with cut back practice and TC time stuff might make the later 2/3rds of the season look different this year, that could be a good thing for us. ​I like the hurry up, agree with the aggressive nature of it, I hope they are learning it and tweaking still (the staff and players) stuff like this takes time and endurance. That was a good game against a Chan like team, they also can be better will be interesting to see when they replace that coach. Personally, I would give the job to the DC (not ours please, god, I hope we keep ours for a long time!). The JESTS worry me a bit, they will be hungry, Geno is not Sanchez, Rex had our number the last few years and that D is at least good. We can get a division win next week, another important game. Also Miami looked good against the Colts. Our AFCE looks a bit tougher this year in my opinion.
  7. What gets me is the, if you knock down the thing (what is it called anyway?) on the corner of the endzone, it is a TD. Sometimes the ball doesn't break the plane and it goes down, TD. What the F is that? I get the idea it is better to have something there so you can see if it breaks the plane but guys just hit it and it is a score, more often than not, never overturned on review either. All good points, Mc Kelvin looks much better since about 2/3rds of last season (when the rest of the D started playing better, even in Wanny's failed POS scheme, too). He tackles well too. I don't understand why he is back for punts honestly, we'd be screwed if he gets hurt doing that. I vote Easley for that job.
  8. So you are frozen solid in a puddle of pee. It's weird, even if it does work.
  9. Anyone who doesn't know who Patrick J. McGroder was should wiki search him, really interesting story and guy. Bills wouldn't be the Bills w/o him.
  10. Hmmm so Kyle gets through like a sledge hammer on his sack and it is worth less points because he is some how assisted? Holds very often are not called. Hurries and hits (maybe more so even, depends on the qb) are really low on his point scale considering how much effect they have on a QB. Obviously Brady was under more pressure than is accounted for, he threw a bunch that just looked . Lastly what about blocked passes? Or even just getting your arms up. And none of this even involves the running game. I don't care if guys get stats, I care that they do their jobs well. Measurements, scmeasurements. Very lastly, he writes about Rex like he is his brother in feet and then says Vince Wilfork has looked bad? My measuerement of this writer is about a .-5 Like the QBR, in my opinion. Not a fan. Metrics are good but as Belicheat said recently we don't know what assignments players have ect.... ​And really refs are having way too much influence over games, why doesn't the league make penalties reviewable?
  11. jeez i liked you before this post, so I guess I'll just say, thanks for the warning.
  12. Explain the last post wins tread slowing the site down then.
  13. There is a lesson here, guys please keep you pants on. No one wants to see that ****, I am sure it is bad enough dealing with the drunks! Oh wait...
  14. I knew this subject would come soon, when EJ got hurt but I didn't want to post it because I don't know if it will be or is true. The roster part, I wish the league would just make it 60 already, since they will eventually if they ever do go to 18 games. Every team has issues every season the owners are cheap though and don't want to pay extra guys.... just look at the ref lockout last year.
  15. NF is about 18 or 20 from CR measuring with the google map that is linked here.
  16. he should do a commercial for vw the logo would be great for this.
  17. Who cares of you can see NFs, nothing to do there anyway.
  18. When you ask what he is doing, does that mean you really don't know?
  19. I like how it looks like you just pulled their shirts up and god Americans are prudes. I don't miss that part of living there.
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