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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Bad game wasn't it, our O has problems with certain kinds of Ds. Ej takes too long to warm up, although they were doing alright 1st quarter, he just seems off early a lot to me. I am still encouraged by our D but the lapses because of being tired or just young and inexperienced suck. Lots of runs up the middle, which works against us a bit too well still. It also seems they play a don't give up the big play, I don't like bend don't break, never did never will. I hate seeing the wrong types of players playing cover two, in fact cover 2 isn't attacking, it's reacting. I don't put too much blame on Tuel. He should be on the PS; he does have some talents worth developing BUT I was never happy that he is the #2 and may well have started the season. We need a vet who isn't too much a loser or injury prone, although the results may have been the same. We also need EJ to learn to slide! Slide damn it! 9 days ... I hope he feels better soon. Worrisome and lost us a winnable game. That said the game will slow down for him. Kiko is really good but good blockers can move him, he still plays lights out but does have weaknesses in especially the run game (still over commits too). Worst ST game in a long time and yeah it looks like this guy is just a &^*$y punter. Colin Brown. I admit I was a big supporter but he struggles. I don't see why sometimes, good position decent push and then whamo too high (he doesn't finish his block and rather stands up straighter which would seem to be coach-able but it is now week 4) and pushed out of the way, too lanky to be a guard maybe? Not sure but yeah it's not working. Our D line is impressive 90% of the time. OLBS/DEs are great and rotation is nice. Hughes did have a good game. Branch was less this game but they did stop some drives. The D isn't the problem really. This staff....... they have some real talents on the team. They need to have people play to their strengths. This game was lost by execution but coaching mistakes as well. I hope they are ALL learning and growing. Injuries are biting us hard, I wish it would stop. Can't really blame that on anyone either but that also cost us the game. One last coaching mistake they should have run over Mingo all day, they di twice and it worked and didn't go back to it after. NFL officiating is trashy even more this year than in the past and reviewing everything really slows the game down and bores me to tears with all the commercials. That was also my least favorite team of announcers, although Maycock does diagram plays nicely. They were incredibly biased.
  2. I would kick the tires but people are being way too hard on Tuel who admittedly looked bad. Very hard situation for any QB though. But I do think he would be better on the PS. I thought that before today though but there wasn't much available. We could use a quality back up and Freeman is available so why not? I might also address the punting situation, that wasn't acceptable today either.
  3. I would say the Browns are on the upswing, so they play well enough at the moment. Willis and Weeden both have low ceilings at this point. I am not sure they are better than the bills but they beat us today. Next year we will both be better.
  4. Run outside at their undersized rookie DE/OLB. Play good D. Get an early lead and run some more.
  5. No linky? that is copyrighted material, needs a link (per terms and conditions of the board). Just an FYI. I tried to google with no luck except as this posting though.
  6. Yes if we can prevail through this game we will have a crest to ride and things will go better. It is a younger team than years past, the mental part of that is good if we can get a win tonight.
  7. Game on at 7:30 am here nice to start a day with a win, GO BILLS!
  8. I like most of what you have said here (esply the parts about how to use everyone), I kind of think that it isn't so much CJ is still learning to run so much as Hackeet and CJ are just learning about what he can do and putting him good positions to excel.
  9. +1 and I just made a silly suggestion about post counts and being able to start threads in some other threads, oh well welcome to the board Bocephuz good job
  10. DUB 4 or 5 maybe, maybe more (over the years) honestly I am not sure. Sorry to have offended you or any one else, including the OP. I am just really sick of these types of threads. Maybe I should move on. It is just hard to find the suggestion box and wanted to use a few posts to bring attention to an issue which related (IMO granted) to the post. Maybe I should put this in those threads and up my post count some more eh?
  11. Yeah it was a gambling conspiracy. Along with the OJ's murders (which were pay back for something he did in the past).
  12. 4 posts http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/162319-2-ideas%3B-suggestion-box-in-a-more-see-able-place-and-min-post-count-to-start-threads/
  13. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/162319-2-ideas%3B-suggestion-box-in-a-more-see-able-place-and-min-post-count-to-start-threads/
  14. 8 posts, I stopped reading there (besides I hate shouters).
  15. http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/teamst 14th?? What is the ST issue you guys are talking about?
  16. SO glad this #twitnit is no longer a Buffalo Bill. He dropped the W because he wasn't responsible for any of those and he knows it.
  17. I wouldn't it before the third round, but after that yes.
  18. I just want to say we should run right at Mingo. That is a weakness on their line as far as running the ball goes.
  19. I would do it if I thought they were real NFL material. It is depth (and hopefully competition), so I don't see the issue.
  20. Besides being really hard to decipher this is all kinds of wrong. Just look at the fact that Fitz isn't even on there. JK .... but honestly Russel Wilson 19 after Palmer. Vick, Pryor and Weeden? Something is wrong with this kind of ranking, really and honestly. PFF should be pfft, better acronym. Makes me think there is no room for analytics in football.
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