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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Bill it is hard to take a defeat but Kiko is a rookie making rookie mistakes, he over-pursues and we are paying for it but the kid is a baller, superstar in the making. When his game lked better in the 2nd half, so did everyone's around him. You got to get over basing you opinion on our players on where we drafted them and why we didn't pick a Oline man (which may even be true in some instances) but Gilmore was put in a bad place today. And belittling CJ? I don't get it. I for one never want to see cover2 schemes again in my life, I have no idea why you play a scheme which doesn't fit your guys and basically is passive aggressive. WTH was that? Yeah, the defense looked flat, I don't really wonder why. Dan, I somewhat agree with your assessment, good post. The only thing I would argue is players need to physically dominate. They did toward the end of regulation and it made a difference. But that to goes with the scheme (which is more about speed, what are we the Sabres 5 years ago?) You avatar is for real isn't it, you are on crack (BTW, I agree about your signature).
  2. Good point. Ah so you were the midget in the elevator.
  3. Nice story, yeah being a Bills fan can give you a lot of character. Then when they finally turn it around and win some, it feels super and worth it. Kind of like being up to a real challenge and finding some success in your own life does. They really need to WIN a Superbowl though, I have been a fan longer than I can remember (according to my Dad who used to drag me to the Rockpile when I was a toddler). The Bills and I are the same age even. They need a championship and so do I.
  4. That was confusing, I thought you were talking about Josh Reed. BTW who is #4?
  5. If it was coming out her head, it would have to look pretty interesting, only thing is it might grow on me. And I never said I wouldn't either.
  6. I hate getting warning points. That said, I'm out.
  7. I get headaches if I just drink a beer these (or 4 years ago when I stopped, I guess) days, no waiting until morning. That will make most people stop. I am kind of hoping it is just the Thai beer tho.
  8. If they shake, in an instant. I hate when the fake ones are all hard and don't move with it. That said those are kinda bad but the rest is hot enough.
  9. here is one like it anyway
  10. My baby boy has a total obsession with back hoes, one of his first compound words that we hear him say repeatedly everyday (he also has 3 little toy ones) and it is fueled by all the construction you see in Thailand where they do most of the work, they just widened a large street near here and are building many buildings and filling in swaps all over the place. Doh, I wonder why there are floods lol. Anyway, I have watched just about all the Youtube videos with them, mining shovels, tractor pulls, old tractor shows (also pulls in many of them) cranes, road graters, off road truck competitions, you name it. I find it quite enjoyable. Long time ago I used to be a mechanic and we did a lot of heavy equipment work, stuff still interests me and I was sort of surprised how much of it is on YT. I have been thinking about how one might design an app for an Ipad or android that would sort of be a big machine simulator or game of some sort, I never realized the popularity before recently. That video is also on YT BTW. Has anyone seen the one where they dig up peat in Scotland, really amazing machine, have to find it now.
  11. First off I like EJ and don't want to give up on him, just want to get that out of the way. I do agree with that for the most part. BUT I would draft one again in the 3rd or higher rounds, just in case Russel Wilson was there (or Cousins). I think it is worth doing, the league and game are different these days, next years draft class being compared to 1983. Last years being a pretty bad one, EJ is learning and has some question marks. New coaches want a new QB and the team needed one. You build a team through the draft, depth included. On the other hand, if the GUY falls to where ever they are in the first and they like him better than EJ (who they should have more an idea about by that point). They (the FO) should do it, if they think so. QBs are the most important players these days so waiting, in the sense/way that teams used to, is a disadvantage. I do think that you don't give up on EJ though, he stays the starter until he gets hurt or stinks it up real bad. In some ways competition even in a QB position, is a good thing. They all go through this in college ball, they should be able to deal, if they are good. It isn't bad to have a decent Qb as back up or even trade bait. It depends on what the FO wants and considers his ceiling after the season. Next years draft is an opportunity though, you do have to see that.
  12. Sure, young and cute if a bit plump but doable.
  13. This is TBD "what Bills mafia may feel about the subject ? " I would suggest you ask them on twitter.
  14. Not that I like TG because I don't but a lot of really successful people are psycho / DBs , seem to increase the chances of success for some reason. Just my opinion, after knowing quite a lot of them over the years, I don't really want TG to own the team I don't think but really could we do worse? In a word, yes.
  15. I realize this won't probably be popular on this board but Mark G has it wrong. Keep him at least until the offseason, his trade value is better then. If he sits after we are out of the playoff picture. So be it. We need to get the maximum out of this situation, the smart money even tries hard to keep him around. We are better with him and have some decent depth then. Play this through and see where we are at the end of the year. We have already paid him almost 1/2 his season anyway. We can also tag him again and take our chances (although may not be as wise), in anycase the Bills still have the advantage and leverage in this situation. If they do it right there are ways to get his value to the team working for us. As it has been since this started Byrd and Parker need to feel the pressure of their bad choices. If they continue with the high stakes poker/ hardball that is the chance they take....Stupid and they could be effing his career, it could easily backfire. Which would be sad as he is a good player.
  16. so 6 at Pitt and 6 against the JAGS plus 7.5 = 19.5 he'd only need 3 more to tie it
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