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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. If Tuel does indeed start at KC, I think he showed enough chemistry wit Easley in pre-season to get a shot as #2 or three (with Stevie or Goodwin/TJ in the slot). If we need to stop the running game and go to a more wide open attack, that is. He is tall and seems to be a good hands guy. In a way he would fill a David Nelson kind of role that the team doesn't have right now. I am in favor of him getting some reps, have been since pre-season. Of course, I think no matter who starts we should run a double tight end set and run the ball as much as possible. Unless we go down by more than 13 or so.
  2. 2 tight end sets would have helped and honestly the run blocking wasn't great either. The hurry up scheme needs 2 TEs IMO, Marv had it right. 2 wrs and a RB (or if FJ and CJ, since that creates a good kind of mismatch are healthy 2 and only 1 TE). I really think it isn't that hard or complicated, NE* has been doing it for a few years, with a twener TE/FB. But I do think at least some of this has to do with QBs who are a bit inexperienced, as well. Both don’t get the ball out quick enough and seem to be only doing 1/2 field reads. This isn;t the NCAA and they need more info and pressure put on them from the staff IMHO.
  3. You work with guys? and talk to them? I didn't know cows talked frankly (thought they just BS'd). I am not sure about most of the subject matter above but I would think Det. would kick us this year.
  4. I like David Nelson but he is slow and was injured. He may still be a decent player in the league but that wasn't the direction the team wanted to go. I don't like TJ much but he is getting a bit better, it would seem. What's done is done, new staffs change schemes and look for players that fit, their opinion was DN didn't, our guys are very young, WRs in general take some time to get good. I am okay with how it went down. I would actually rather see Easley play but that is another issue altogether.
  5. No body mentioned Ralph's car? What I find interesting about this is this quote here 3d printers are going to change everything.
  6. Totally agree with you. Aggressive play is sometimes, situationally (hmm is that a word?), lacking with this staff. I was yelling at my screen for him to take it out too.
  7. Let's come out, right here and now. I'm sick of the DL.
  8. JH went to LA and had a career. The Bills missed on him but he wasn't in anyway a bust.
  9. I don't remember if I still have it but I used to have an OJ rookie card. Hardy makes my list. Trent too, Merrimen, going old time Preston Riddlehuber (sp?), the giant guy who was a 7th rounder (Buddy guy, why can't I think of his name? Jasper?) Tasker being as good as he was...this list could get long if I really thought about it. All that said, I liked in preseason FJ, SJ, Robey, oh and the rfa WR (with the drug problem, sort of but maybe we will hear of him again) we had this year.
  10. Them was some fun times but i truly pretty much lost interest in the nbA (except for MJ, who was electric) after that.
  11. I love the sarcasm in this thread, I think.
  12. I never minded the trade as much as what they got for him. The FO decided Spiller was the man they wanted. Even with ML's history, I wouldn't have drafted Spiller, although I like him too. I see why they did it but they coulda, woulda, shoulda done better. I kind of think Chix just hated the guy. It happens. She got my virginity and is still hot, so yeah a little. sorry didn't see that but ha!
  13. I thought about too, could do a fake in that situation, Moorman is back. But seriously, after not being able to score the TD and giving the ball up on downs, no.
  14. I thought he looked okay against the pass, but not so much the run plays. Moats is just the opposite we need another 3 down LB. Nigel sure is fast though, he's learning the instinct part still.
  15. So was the taunting call. The Oline of the Bungles are allowed to tackle too. I thought I was watching a NE game today. Big muscles is worst official in the game, have we ever won one with his crew? Is there a way to look that up? Easley should get his chance, come on now, Doug you must see that.
  16. Man, I am confused about that post, I moved out of the states 8 years ago now and I thought bread in the US now comes with a handle. For real. In a way it wouldn't be a bad idea though.
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