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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Props it is, you can add Robey to the list too (and IMO Tuel, even though).
  2. If this wasn't the Dolfhags, I would be sad (unless it was NE*, The Jests or maybe the cowpokes sorry, CGF no offense intended have always hated them, I like you ).
  3. Kiko wouldn't need to be voted in, if he wants a job he just takes it.
  4. Your pretty much on a crusade. Have you ever read the terms of service?
  5. The comments are comedy gold and it's happening to the dolfans. #silverlining
  6. mods should pin this, have to admit the OP has upped his game. you didn't know before?
  7. I quit drinking because I did stupid things when I was drunk. True story.
  8. That welding tank one hits home to me. I was making a welding tank cart for the garage I worked at once and blew up the Oxygen line, by not keeping my tip clean and trying to use the heat from the cut I had made to relight it. BOOM! and the line was wrapped around one of my legs, might be the loudest noise I ever heard (and I was half a mile from the trade towers on 9/11) and damned scary. I didn't even quite realize what happened. It didn't hurt me none but if the check valve on the tank didn't work that thing would have been zipping around the building, the tanks were unsecured DOH! I remember my boss telling the manager he was being cheap having me make that thing instead of just buying one, but I made a nice one and learned an important lesson.
  9. Sticker shock and the value goes down as soon as she leaves the hotel room.
  10. So I guess it should be EJ. Too bad I was looking forward to QB by committee. Kemp 2 plays, Lamonica 3 you know like the old days. I heard Flynn has a great jump pass.
  11. I don't want to make it a poll, sorry. I guess I was thinking who do we want but of course in that thought was who will start. If that makes any sense.
  12. What QB starts next week? If I stated a poll, I would feel compelled to vote and I frankly can't makeup my mind but lean toward Thad if well enough.
  13. So you are saying HCDM is on the field not executing plays. Listen, I don't think he has done as good a job as some people I am sure but we have a really young O (especially at skill positions) the D is very good. It takes time, you'll see. We will win and people will come around (BTW, I am really disappointed with some of the season and yesterday too). Work in progress.
  14. So you want to stay with TJ (that fumble IMO turned the tide at that point as much as the pick 6)? I think it is his turn to sit. Easely should get a chance, really. I wish he was not Woods back up, I know he dropped one but how many has TJ dropped. Let's try him for a while Tuel played okay (considering all the circumstances that lead up to this point) but our QB situation was a FO eff up from the T. Jackson's release on but saying that he probably would have gotten injured too, the way this year has played out. I take back saying that I would have been happy having Alex Smith, Tuel out played him if you take away the 101 yard play. He does have Joe Capp ball in his sac a malices that needs to go but for a UFDA in his first start? People are being too critical, what did you expect? There is a lot about Hackett's play calling said in this thread, IMO he has had some rookie mistakes too. I still hold out hope he improves. They still need to slow down at times they don't, that kind of gets to me more than some other things (seeing working screens was a relief). Last thought, that was a catch, that is a very bad rule change they made and that play is why, BS! As for Marrone, this team has a serious D (he can be given credit for that as much as credit for his OC) and play their hearts out, this game was UGLY, yes it was. They will get better, half the team is playing better the other half is really young and has no real QB. Very last thought, I hope they find a way to keep Byrd here. He is good (maybe not the best and highest paid but I want him here anyway) we don't need another need when we have a good player already, make a hole, fill a hole is stupid. DW find a way, he is learning this D and getting better, when he has it down more, he will be worth the cost. JMHO.
  15. I would run 2 TE sets alot. And not naming the starter this week is going to have helped (whatever help we get from that any little bit has to help). If it stays close to the end though...... Let's just hope that we can open a decent lead and try to keep it. GO BILLS!
  16. He's the only one who thinks so, props if he's right.
  17. Hitler does better rants (just saying).
  18. Should be red pom poms, the color red raises your pulse rate and blood pressure. Of course with the chefs wearing red maybe we will play better because of it.... now I am torn.
  19. 1. What you wrote there was very easy to misinterpret. 2. The freedom of speech includes my freedom to disagree, criticize or ignore what you say, as well. Especially when it is written in a way that sounds so wrong.
  20. WTF?? All of them, I would hope. Trying to get this in the PPP hinterlands are you. Oh well who cares what you think , it is called freedom of speech and we are all supposed to be entitled to it. What does his religion have to do with it?
  21. Okay, I had this experience in high school in Amherst we had swim class naked. It wasn't a big deal, we had towel fights in the locker room too (snap snap snap). The girls wore suits and a couple of times a few snuck in the pool building (wasn't really a seperate building per say but what else do you call the room where the pool is). Anyway we had that system from at least my first year in JR high through til graduation in 77. The weirdest environment I had seen a bunch of men naked in was in a Jjimjilbang in Korea when I lived there, that was creepy. As I was the only white guy, I wasn't sure if they were checking my junk because of that fact or what. They had massage on a table in the corner and 3 small different temperature pools, the locker room scene was strange too. They blow dried the privates in front of mirrors, I got out of that room fast, lol. I did go to a coed one with my ex girlfriend there but naked wasn't allowed there, everyone had to wear towels, in the stone sauna room which was hot and sweaty and frankly was kind of sexy. The steam room in that place was really really hot, I almost passed out after a few minutes. But my ex and I went about 10 times. Koreans really love that stuff. Wow, be a big deal to me, I mean what if they miss? Amherst had it. wow I knew I should of stuck with the drums, when I was a kid.
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