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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I know this is a little without a filter, so apologies in advance but is he changing the color of his tattoo again?
  2. So cowboys shooting bison with six shooters would be better? Or maybe just a big ol target over the red standing? I'm sorry I don't get the point.
  3. That ^ and Marshal would be a nice addition to our wideouts.
  4. wow classy, just everything about this whole thread is classy, BTW when did all the bearded hipsters become pro football players, I thought that was a gay "look" thing (I am an artist, there are a lot of people looking like that in the art field, not that there's anyt......whatever).
  5. I don't like RI, never did but if they think so .... for right now, hell okay. Last year was that bad.
  6. I just saw this on the front page and thought it was going to be about Chicago.
  7. I lived near the Mokdong station most of my time there so yeah I passed your neighborhood a few times ha. I went to the tower a couple of times, nice area. The base is/was right there right? Are they really going to do away with the American presence there? Up by the boarder is bizzarro. I was going to go for a visit but they shot a missile over Japan that week, ah well. I generally don't like hermits anyway, no senses of humor. I lived by a dog farm in Pagu BTW, only there for a month though, noise from that place was intense and not pleasant. On the otherhand there was a drive in movie there which was kind of strange and fun. BTW I would think the only Bill fans are at the base. I didn't find any amongst the teachers I knew lol
  8. Send cheongju or takju, that should throw him. I lived in Seoul and right near Pagu for a while, thanks for keeping SK safe and the little dog in his place.
  9. God (poster on that site says) 2 minutes ago haha
  10. And this thread here, is basically why I stay off PPP, you guys are all just as bad as anything you criticize and that is just effing sad.
  11. So since Maroone ruined him we should cut his ass, got it. How about we keep one of our best Oline guys put him in another system and see if he still has it. Hell, if Pears wasn't what 34 and we didn't already have RTs who we just drafted and Hairston healthy again for rotation, I;d say try to resign him too but I won't.
  12. this and my biggest beef with HCDM I am not much of a Rex fan but I hope they can improve what we have and bring in what we need. Because HCDM certainly couldn't.
  13. 3-19, I think, against the NE* team since he was in nyc 50/52 is his record is a loser when you look it . To me it sounds like a good bet our record will be 7/9 or 8/8. I dislike Rex as a person and a coach, I also don't like his OC choice..... but he is our new coach and Pegs real new first decision, so I will just have to roll with it. If he keeps Schwartz AND they get better I will be in, I guess as it is the Bills but I kind puked in my throat when I read Rex is it. I just hope he keeps his big mouth closed or I see it kind of as having a big mouthed celebrity as a coach.
  14. best comment "They might as well have ordered him to pay Eleventy Zillion Smackeroos. He can’t pay that."
  15. it is okay to call you an idiot? Because really this is a desperate like trade up for a WR at #4 kind of advice thread. Don't you know any hotties that are just good for !@#$ buddy relationships? I always had 1 or more of those around when I was single, hell even the first time I was married. Makes this kind of Ohhh, she makes my panties get in a giant bunch, I really want her nonsense just go away. I used to get worked up that I could get 2 of my FBs in the same place and time (if you know what I am saying) now that was a fun challenge, not at all like. She plays with another man, BS. Have fun with life you sound young. The good ones pop up sooner or later and then you can worry about her playing on you. This one sounds like bad Karma.
  16. Well honestly plastic cups has a point, you sound like she meets your boner criteria more than anything else and she may be all kinds of effed up. Just be SAFE in every sort of way and do her a few times. You or she may be over it at that point. Or wait it out and waste a year with a loser coach while your football team wallows in mediocrity and boo at the ****ty QB.....oh wait.
  17. David Smith was the greatest American sculptor of the 20th century, sorry to see them go.
  18. pro bowlers http://www.plamorlanes.net/images/Vern%20Balster%20and%20Pro%20bowlers%20005.jpg
  19. Any fan that thinks ruining RG3 was an idiot move, might not favor it much. And TBH he was pretty much an idiot in Denver too (winning aside, which I realize is a pretty big aside).
  20. you left out UDFAs and you could actually make the argument less later round choices make the team because the team is better than it used to be. Just a thought or two.
  21. Like the idea of a trade but only for Eli or Foles (and yeah then EJ is likely toast). I don't see either happening, so from the FAs either M. Moore and McCoy draft one in the 3rd or 4th all compete w/ EJ. Who is this years R. Wilson anyway?
  22. I'd love to know what are 1-146, BTW congrats Boobies! And how did you get that name?
  23. I really dislike rex, noisy blow hole.
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