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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. When I was a TA in college, I had a student who wore yoga pants to my classes. I was teaching art and she once came into my studio and made some very heavy advances, I lived with my girlfriend at the time and was very in love, so nothing happened. But and I maybe should say butt, I have replayed that whole scene way differently in my memory as the years passed and the relationship I was in soured. Ah what could have been, that girl was really smokin too. Being a college professor would be fun but awfully challenging in some ways.
  2. Wow, hell yeah and nice walk too, like she's wearing cuffs but she's not grrrowl ruff ruff. I'm going to watch that again.
  3. Exception to the rule, I used to teach English, you give preference in usage to the more comfortable sounding and commonly used. And don't try to argue with me, don't have time or interest, just know I am right . It is also okay to start a sentence with and or but, BTW. Also "any" in this case is not singular, any of them implies plural, more than one.
  4. I hate the Trump. I would hate it if he was the owner. I really hope that, that doesn't happen.
  5. This is a funny thread, I just hope he doesn't suck. I think it will be okay.
  6. wow, just wow, condolences to the Wilson family and all Bills fans everywhere. RIP Ralph and RESPECT.
  7. shiit sorry to hear this, hwve a friend going through the same thing with lukima, 2 good men. prayers and thoughts. btw would change my photo if i could figare out how on this tablet.
  8. I also didn't read the rest of the thread but i think along simular line, wiyth these reservation:one thing tho Ej may surprise, 2nd a lesser version oF Flutie. The man was a good qB by the time he got to Bflo..3rd want a SB not anything less.i guees i say no. but if doug drafts him I won't mind that much, he did earn that nick, exciting guy. With an excelle t D maybe you get to the big game.
  9. being in thailand and flying to maylasia for visa runs is going to bother me now.freaky stuff.
  10. take one if you believe in him or trade up for extra picks, be okay witheither. we do have holes and qb is one at this point. I don't care about EJs ego much and think it should light a fire. If it doesn't, well one could be trade bait in coming years or an okay back up. trading down has last years obvious benifits obviuosly.
  11. Nice post. If you're on rumblings, you could post it there too. I think you'd get some nice responses too. I'm not sold on Dixon yet but we'll see. I personally would like to see an all offencesive draft and good ILB .Cheers
  12. I think Stevie is good and we shoule trade CJ if he doesn't negioate before his contract comes up. Maybe Darius too. Screw having Byrds that you don't get anything for when they leave. At the very least you shp them and get offers. this btw doesn't mean I don't want them here.
  13. One last b tw with the fa we have had spending Byrds money, I think we might have done okay, if it works out the way last years did. If they still can't stop the run, lose most the time and give up too many 3rd down conversions.....not so much. Looks okay on paper though. On to the draft!
  14. I didn't like Whitner only 1/2 of a safety in some respects. Bad, bad selection at that position in the draft. Poz okay talent got to much money, would actually fit the defence now but I think the FO was changed to much and didn 't have a real vision. i hope that has changed.
  15. bTw there is always subtrafage and straight out lies no doubt but if you are talking with Spiller (or Marcel for that matter) and you are not getting answers or at least enough to determine which way this is heading, shopping them is maybe a better option than not esply when you will or might have to draft, or sign in fa to replace them. franciese tags suck from thier perspectives and you may have a lot of power in some respects but really they are in the drivers seat at that point. i didn't use to think that but I admit i am learning.Let me simplify for clearities sake, I think we could get 2nd for CJ right now, pretag Byrd too. aftrr tag all you hear is "it's a business" from the player and they are thinking what thier next team is.
  16. good post as always Hopeful, i would suggest we should hsve not tagged him last year and tried to trade him then. I do realize that may have caused a fan revolt and we maynot have found a partner but we drafted to replace him and picked up Leonard anyway and then got nothing..... you have to get something out the door. I hope the fo learns from this, we hwve seen it time and time again. I don't think we'll lose Spiller and hope his phone is ringing for renogiation or they decieded his fate already (I do hope they keep him). Now is the time to do those things IMO, not later or even later yet.
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