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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. The OP has the right screen name for starting this thread. I would think it might be good to sign the crazy kid, crazy kids are fun.
  2. Wait... one owner can change the division he is in? I didn't know that.
  3. So M. Dareus (probowl talented, I know, I know bone head lol) doesn't make your list. I don't really see the logic of that but I sort of agree with the conclusion.
  4. We drafted Obama? Or Obamacare is the new team health plan? I don't get this. BTW Pondslider you dropped your bowl of brain, might be better to eat at a table, when watching the draft.
  5. This just shows that the Bills know these guys are smart, they know that all that hair makes head to head contact a much softer issue. Either that or they are planning on selling the team to colo. or washington state and changing the name to the Rastas.
  6. Yeah take a bus, it's more exciting. Really sad sorry for the whole situation, she may have even instagated it and now he will live with the guilt and not his kids or her, sucks.
  7. But nice writing anyway. http://sports.yahoo....02853--nfl.html Marquise Grissom lol still giggling
  8. I just say it because I watched all of Sammy's youtube highlights after the pick and the price is right (expected to last til the 7th or even FA) and he has some of the same qualities of Thad but is bigger a better runner and already has chemistry with Sammy, so I go with Taj Boyd, late or after the draft. Not the most accurate guy but he can loft and run and is a leader. JMO
  9. DAMN!!! I AM DEPRESSED BY THIS!! I knew something was up when Whaley said his name after the draft by accident when he was talking about Manual. Bye Stevie THANK YOU, I am a fan and you're a damned good football player. I really kind of hate this, he was worth more than Evans for gods sake!
  10. I don't click Scully links. I am hoping I can get him fired.
  11. I was going to answer this but really I am no help at all. I am glad DW (whom I trust right now) got his man and by the looks of him it should work out.
  12. Reading his projections he will be later than a 4th rounder.
  13. Mr Football is going to have the proverbial chip and he has talent, don't dismiss him just because 32 teams did one round. He could Russel Wilson the world and turn out to be Fran Tarkenton 2.0.
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