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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Isn't speculation a beautiful thing?
  2. The Big Cat vs anyone who liked Stevie, EdwardsArm vs anyone who thinks 7 ypc is the makings of a great QB irregardless of anything else. I will send my user name to you PM, feel free to do that. Vote up and down buttons were on the site last big change up but they never worked from what I remember.
  3. That is in no way shape or form true, NYC pays a lot for having all the rest of the state. Not the other way around. Look it up sometime. Why so angry?
  4. From what I remember the reason last season for not being on the team was non football related illness. Doesn't sound like a back problem to me.
  5. HAHAHAHAHA good! I actually kind of missed having that song stuck in my head.
  6. Was it Fantasy Island who used have the "fun, wow!" ad campaign? I think this thread needs a new headline now. And yeah, I sort of agree but I am not fantasizing about it.
  7. Wow have you ever met a Billionaire? I actually know a couple and truly one is a total idiot. I met the Donald once too, he was not an impressive creature, ego overload. Tried stealing everyone's spot light at a very high society event, seemed to pout when he actually wasn't able to because a person with real charisma did. Politically I think he should change his 1st name to Dick. This
  8. This is just way too depressing, why think this way? You would think just being a Bills fan and having to live through the past, would make one not want to create scenarios of failure in the future. It's like making a date with a hot woman and ....... I'll let Jboys finish that one.
  9. This is probably more of a couldya. and nah costs too much, obviously.
  10. Two links from that great site. http://www.19ideas.com/stadium/?id=1284 http://www.19ideas.com/stadium/?id=1285 I also see I was not the only one to put it there, now haha. But I honestly think this is a good place and would love to see the Terminal situation improve along with it, used to hang out there and take photos years ago and am glad ppl are working to make it better again. Plus this site has great access, light rail would be so easy here!
  11. Mis-leading headline for sure, who is Beerball? going for shameless clicks, is that you Jerry? I think the best place for the stadium would be by the old south Bflo RR terminal (which they could fix up and make into a store/Bills HOF/ whatever else/museum and they could use the cool art deco architecture to model the stadium from. Is the PO still there? I know it is a slight challenge to get the roads up to snuff but honestly they needed redoing 20 years ago and that neighborhood needed an upgrade too. JMBO (just my biased opinion).
  12. Very effing cool! Wish there was any kind of American Football in Thailand, I'd go to games. BTW, this is what the NFL should be doing all over the world, developmental leagues. I have had a vision of it since I worked in Korea 8 years ago. When I was teaching here and they had us teach after school "clubs" once a week, I got the school to make flag football belts and we had some fun! Some of the kids I taught watch the games too (I know cause they are on my Facebook still 4 years later). The NFL could easily go world wide if they tried, young populations and very little litigation is many parts of the world still.
  13. Was actually about CBs and was Dick's but then 2 or 3 years later Nix said almost the exact same thing. I for one am kind of excited that they built up the Oline this draft and FA, should be good camp battles.
  14. I never like replay, but it isn't going away. Yes every play should be challenge-able not only that but refs ruling on plays should be as well, the NFL might never do that but it would make the product better.
  15. They also were there in 75, so 2xs
  16. Congrats CGF! 38 more years to you both.
  17. Why does he/she stick their nose down there a lot?
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