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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Agree he is only 24 and has acted stupid. Maybe now he grew up.
  2. I wish I was rich and women wanted me for my money instead of my looks.
  3. I feel with my hands, or an old girlfriend told me I feel like ....wait I don't think I will share that here.
  4. kinda a LAMP post and poll but hey you got the vote to stay so far and WAT is just what he says he is, if you started it over him...... hey wait can I change my vote? I kid. stay fellow Bills fan.
  5. Well, now I can honestly say he is a bigoted idiot.
  6. Just to add an insult to this thread and particularly to JIA and Security, just because they would rather argue than call eachother names (btw this is the sarcasm font). I just saw this on twitter "Kurt Vonnegut ‏@Kurt_Vonnegut 4h If your brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off." Okay then, my work is done here.
  7. The real problem which some one pointed out to me once (with expansion on a global scale) is talent would have to come from all over said globe. There are not enough Americans/ Canadians and few other places where American football is played to ever man what you are talking about. Soccer has a true advantage with the sort of cheap/almost no equipment. Only the NBA and MLB can go truly international with this limitation.
  8. Can't quite agree with the reason, the NCAA might be gone (if we are lucky) in a decade or less IMHO. But a fall league? that is why it won't float. Because there is like no other football to watch in the fall? WTF?
  9. Yeah keep smoking that, NYS wins. Real = He did throw the pick 6, just saying.
  10. I remember going to games in the rock pile where people were throwing beer bottles at players on the field. Just an observation in all this. And I live in Thailand now so I miss the stadium experience but not the cold or snow.
  11. Well in that case, he actually was guilty but he did put in a decent performance as an actor, he was good in the Naked Gun movies too. And the person who asked me how my mind works, Google OJs son Jason and some ex lapd's investigation into the murder, if you can find the video, watch it. My mind is open most the time. I am not sure how it works though, science hasn't answered that yet.
  12. If the coaches think he is better than Thad and Dixon, I will have no chioce but to cheer for him, I am a Bills fan after all. I felt bad about the pick 6 when it happened but rooks make those mistakes. If he is good and EJ stinks (or gets injured again, I just want them to put the next best guy on the field. I hope the coaches are better at assessing the talent than some of the ones we have had in the recent past. I won't put all my faith in him until they do and really getting Dixon and keeping Thad makes me think they don't have all that much faith in him. I doubt he is a Brady, waiting to happen though. Really that is just too much .
  13. Thanks Beerball, I pretty much agree with all that you wrote there. I honestly have just a little native blood (something like a 32nd, lol) but I try not to let that part of me get involved in this argument (and I have really tried to look at it from both sides) but I do have relatives and friends who are full or at least half blooded who I have contact with that do color my perspective. I think that to honor them, one has to think it out to a conclusion like yours.
  14. @DC Tom and Beerball, I read through this and honestly can't really pin point which side of the issue you 2 come down on. I think you both make good points for both sides. That said, I do think the government IS acting in a couple of ways, this patent action and a while back the was a discussion in either the Senate or Congress, no? I think it is kind of obvious that native Americans would and in fact do take offence. If you knew some of the ones I know, you would know they do. People do die because of discrimination still, (maybe some of it is in a round about way but) it seems to me that is what hate crime and speech laws are about. I just skimmed this thread again so if I misunderstood or didn't see something I apologize in advance. And there are quite a few posters in this thread I have blocked (but when they are quoted I do see that), so if I missed something you were arguing about with one of them, sorry about that too.
  15. Damn it, every bid I thought of putting up is gone already. I would go with 1.375 or so but I can't so I will go higher just as I would if I was bidding and say ,1.425 and hopefully Pegs
  16. Well one question is did AH add it or did BS want to be on it? Not at all clear from that link. Also and I really hate to say this but maybe BS thinks AH is innocent (he hasn't been proved guilty)? I still think OJ didn't do it and I was only a fan. I also had some badish associations when I was young, I don't think any that killed anyone but who knows. Some even went to jail.
  17. I had to vote Tenn. I would have put Bradford on the list if I made the poll. That is a close 2nd for me.TB would be third but maybe, just maybe they have QB gold there, I think if he stinks it up this year....They be screwed but it was an impressive year for him last year. Fitz will do okay but he is an average QB, if that team can play up to better than average, who knows, they might do average. Cleveland next but with a ? mark (Hoyer just looks like a JAG to me and Mr Football, well we can sprculate but who knows). Geno then EJ next for me and all the rookies (who might actually start) after, in no particular order since we have no idea how they will look. I think the Black and Silver will actually be good this year. Schaub has some tools and could be a good game manager.KC with Smith might make this list as the season goes on too, you never know. And honestly who is Kap's back up in SF, I forget? But he can be a bit pedestrian at times too and they are in the toughest division.
  18. Yes I would all three, I like rainbow hair. Oh wait, Nevermind.
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