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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I'd guess it would make sense talking about the mayor of TO as well.
  2. Wait so you are a woman? Prison guard with fat fingers. I think you might be my cousin!
  3. 5/5 HAH! (the first one was really hard but the top isn't complete, that is the answer). The rest easy as pie. I also used to teach kindergarten so maybe there is that.
  4. I am 53 almost 54 and I have a knee that "pops", makes a popping noise when I sit wrong. I have no idea what it is but it does it quite a bit lately. When I was younger it had some soreness sometimes but never did this. It kind of hurts some, only if I pop it running or cutting (I have a 2 year old so yeah some times I cut when I run lol) then it hurts a lot and for days (to the point I limp). Have any ideas what it might be? I ask you because I used to do auto work and construction, that sort of stuff. Always down and up kind of work. Anyone else wants to chime in too, can't really afford the doc right now, this has been going on a couple of years now, no insurance (I'm not not in the states, although working to get back).
  5. My girlfriend nick named both of mine. I give her the finger all the time. Mods, sorry it was right there, couldn't resist.
  6. Thanks just emailed them thanking them for doing this. Cheers. 11 Reasons To Love Costco That Have Nothing To Do With Shopping Huffington Post | By Kevin Short Posted: 11/19/2013 11:32 am EST | Updated: 11/20/2013 11:21 am EST 35,290 912 19 2,410 1254 GET BUSINESS NEWSLETTERS: SUBSCRIBE FOLLOW: Business, Video, Wal-Mart , 11 Reasons To Like Costco, 11 Reasons To Love Costco, 11 Reasons To Love Costco That Have Nothing To Do With Shopping, Costco, Costco Black Friday 2013,Costco Hours, Huffington Post Costco, Reasons To Love Costco, Top Stories, Business News It's not just the bulk toilet paper and $1.50 hot dog combos. There's more going on here. 1. The company pays a living wage. Costco's CEO and president, Craig Jelinek, has publicly endorsed raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, and he takes that to heart. The company's starting pay is $11.50 per hour, and the average employee wage is $21 per hour, not including overtime. Most other big box retailers start their employees at minimum wage. 2. Workers get benefits. About 88 percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance, according to David Sherwood, Costco's Director of Financial Planning and Investor Relations. "I just think people need to make a living wage with health benefits,” Jelinek told Bloomberg. “It also puts more money back into the economy and creates a healthier country. It’s really that simple.” 3. The CEO makes a reasonable salary. Costco's CEO makes far less than most executives, with a total compensation package of about $4.83 million in 2012. In contrast, Walmart CEO Mike Duke made roughly $19.3 million during the same year. Walmart's CEO earns as much as 796 average employees, according to CNN Money, compared to Costco's CEO making 48 times more than the company's median wage. 4. Costco helped its employees weather the recession. When the economic crisis hit and other retailers laid off workers, Costco's CEO approved a $1.50-an-hour wage increase for many hourly employees, spread out over three years. 5. Costco doesn't kill Thanksgiving. While many of its competitors are forcing employees to work on Thanksgiving Day, Costco will buck the trend and stay closed. 6. It also doesn’t waste money on expensive advertising. The company doesn't advertise nor does it hire a public relations staff. Meanwhile, Walmart dropped $1.89 billion on ads in 2011. 7. Its prices aren't horrendously high. Costco never marks up products by more than 15 percent, while most retailers commonly mark products up by more than 25 percent. 8. It embraces equality. Costco scored extremely well (90/100) on the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index, an assessment of LGBT policies in the workplace. 9. It hires from the inside. More than 70 percent of its warehouse managers began their careers working the register or the floor. 10. Costco's employees are loyal. For employees that have worked at the company for more than one year, the annual turnover rate is below six percent, according to Sherwood. For executives, the turnover rate is less than one percent. 11. Free samples. Need we say more? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/19/reasons-love-costco_n_4275774.html
  7. I voted for the half but only because this sensible solution wasn't in the poll (which I agree with).
  8. Puerile, OP gets points for that word. I didn't know there was a choice? We don't have to be Bills fans?
  9. In like Lyndon Baines Johnson
  10. 1. Um start a new thread (maybe with a date in it). 2. Hints ? you said it first. But I guess you bought into Yoloin's think or something. No harm, no foul. Wasn't meant as a criticism of you, I just agreed.
  11. You have the power, I think his point is understood but this thread is still redundant, same issue started the thread, just put a date on the old one when he was arrested last or something in the title. Or not, you're in charge.
  12. Week 13 @ home November 30th. The original championship games were Dec 26th, AFL and Dec. 27th NFL, so a bit early but if by some unknown strike of impossible luck the 2 teams were undefeated by week 13, would make a pretty incredible story, 50 years later.
  13. You know the Browns won the NFL championship in 64..... maybe it would be some how special to have an event or something for that game. The Superbowl 50 years later, type of thing.
  14. Anybody here read about head injuries and homelessness? http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/04/140425104714.htm interesting stuff, makes you wonder about what this sport could actually be doing to the brain. Also have to consider how people not in the sport, might just get effed over in life once and that's it. Sad.
  15. Joe Tall Chief is/was a friend of my brother's (for real), every time I see your name I wonder if you are him. And yeah I remember that insult too. Also when I was 17 (and turning 18), I worked around the corner and up the street at a gas station on Delaware Ave., so of course, being me I hung out on Chippewa for fun. A little later when the Continental (was around the corner from there) opened I used to bump into some of those old guys and they remembered me. There is a slide in that slide show of a guy that was called "Den the Indian" (if I remember right), he was a good dude and I used to give him smokes. I hopped around those bars, quite a bit that year. Thanks to who ever posted the video, was fun to see. Actually, this probably primed me pretty well for moving to the Bowery, when I moved to NYC in the early 90s. Same kinds of people lived all around me.
  16. What about are team? (insert photo I saw the other day of protesters, with a sign that read "If you can't speak English, you don't belong in are country"). BTW Bills by a landslide.
  17. Good news, I hope he wins. And the people saying that this is the wrong move because the agent is a seller, yeah Peg hired the wrong agent , you really think Peg doesn't know what he is doing? WTH?
  18. X2 and you agree with Gugs smh. We're only making plans for Nigel
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