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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. F5 oh wait...damn, I don't know how to feel about this. Great thread though! BTW can I have Russ's and Doug's email?
  2. I knew I stayed out of PPP for a reason. You guys think bought politicians are good? Because that is what you are endorsing when you "like" the Koch brothers.
  3. In like poptarts in a toaster.
  4. Wow, nice PPP post, in before it goes where it belongs (disclaimer I would have moved it 5 minutes after you made it in the first place but I am not a Mod). BTW, since this is a PPP post and has like 0 to do with the Bills, I didn't read it (except for the OP) and won't. Last word, well... DC Tom knows what you are.
  5. Wow, I am just amazed this thread didn't die yet. I'll say it again, TO is kind of nice and you can have a good time there, sure I hate the Leafs and the idea that they may try to steal/buy our team. But if they pay and I want a job, eefff yeah I'd go, it's money. Money is a good thing, we got Mario because, you guessed it money. Andre was much better than Irving and now finally he is getting in the HOF and THIS is what you do? Real fans You all really need to get out more, I mean Bflo is a nice enough place and all but.....
  6. Wow, I used to like going up to TO, I even lived in NYC. You people should get out more and see more stuff if this really is offensive to you. I too would go to games in TO if I was paid, hope it never happens but.....
  7. 0-31 Pats* just awful way to end that season. UhG! why are you doing this Joe? Haven't we suffered enough?
  8. Gone only 1 and 2, no slot on roster lists.
  9. I saw him play, great runner. Nobody ever ran people over like that. Closest maybe, Jerome Bettis on the Steelers but Cookie was way better. Of course, I am biased, I was a little kid and he was my favorite player.Might be one of the big reasons I am a fan of this team. I still am so glad my Dad took me to games, even though the crowds were really rough back in those days (so was the neighborhood, his car actually got messed with a couple of times). Dad would put me on his shoulders and it was great. I so wish they would have had Superbowls back in 64, Jim Brown vs Cookie, now that would have been a matchup! 50 years ago, history might have been very different. Always feel for guys like Marlin Briscoe, Jim Harris and Cookie, who had to be pioneers and had such abilities in the face of the times and attitudes. Didn't know so much about his back story though, good read thanks for posting that. Does the CFL still have players who don't go to college I wonder?
  10. Exactly. This is what I meant when I said taking a crap on him. Fans not scouts, just like Buffalo Rumblings, sure they hit on some stuff but who knows what potential they are missing. Real NFL scouts thought EJ worth the risk. So did Buddy and the Dougs, I just have to have faith in that. I hope it is well placed faith.
  11. JD Hill, haven't heard that name in a long time. He dated my sisters friend. Stevie kind of reminded me of him. As for the issue, yeah I think it was pretty well known and seems wrong of the teams, good luck with that.
  12. I read this last year right after we drafted him..... it doesn't mention he didn't slide when he runs FWIW. Also the leadership stuff? Take these things with salt applied to the wound, these guys are FSU fans. Just think about how after year 3 of Trent, Fitz or JP a Bills fan would have written about any one of them. EJ was on a winning team and these "fans" still take a crap on him, we are better than that and frankly EJ can be better than they say. Time will tell but I have a 70% good feeling about it. If not, well next man up, I guess.
  13. BTW EJ will get it done, needs throwing time and a strong run game but I have a feeling, the plan will work, screw those radio douche bags.
  14. 34 sorry but I think that Watkins was a good choice, it may take 3 years to see that but all I have to say about that is, OJ and Moulds. OJ more so than Moulds as I think, Watkins is going to be that good. I also think he will be pretty good this year. We have some decent year 2 guys too. AND if we can use him that way, I still think Marcus Easley is going to be in the picture, especially when we need a big guy in the red zone. He also got some time with the 1s and 2s this week, I look for that to continue.
  15. Was like my 8th or so concert there. I had some friends get arrested for bringing in some coke, Efffing Mike Amego! Ruined a friend of mines life basically because of elections ( If I remember right he got 15 -20 years, just 18 at the time). I forget which tour it was (in 75) but I saw the Somegirls tour too both were good shows. My first concert was CSNY with Santana and 2 other bands I was too high to remember in 73 (I think) when I was 13. There were guys in the corners of the field with big boxes of pot and holding signs with prices, 5$ a nickle etc... was such a cool experience going to concerts in the 70s and early 80s. I went to hundreds.
  16. What is the fun of not dating naked? I mean isn't that the prize? Where the date should end? Have I been doing it wrong all these years?
  17. Happy Birthday and remember Striker, listen, and you listen close: flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.
  18. Welcome back! Hope you stay this time, obviously.
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