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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I wouldn't Fitz was a good guy who gave it his all and all but that is water under the bridge. He would be a fine back up but he didn't want that role. It is kind of weird, I don't really like EJ all that much but they made a bet and we have to wait to see the results... I will just have to live with that. If it doesn't work out I hope they have the sense to bring in a FA who has a beter track record than Fitz, either to start and train a rook or to back up the next Andrew Luck, lol.
  2. yes, I would many times. She can bring her toys too. I like to play.
  3. Oi, not in, never. How can my imagination unsee that please. I just ate and think I may have to eat again in a few minutes.
  4. Bruce the best on that team. Kelly 2nd, it is relative to position. Bruce took over some games, Kelly did too but not as dominating...but offense has been favored in the rules since that era, so Bruce (and the 3/4 goes in there somewhere too).
  5. Haha Jerry! Grab those boobs and walk in the pooper, good work if you can find it. And I hope it does cost you half. Now there is a guy one can hate!
  6. He is learning the slot, maybe they just knew he would see more time with the 2s and think he needs more reps. He already has chemistry with EJ...yada yada.... It might also be he doesn't have a great attitude this year, maybe didn't want to go in the slot and was disappointed with the Sammy pick (and the MW trade that went with it). He won't say that stuff or shouldn't anyways...So far as EJ's support of Woods and surprise at Hogan being out there, well, maybe they didn't want to tell him, they may think he relies on Woods too much for the best interests of the team and scheme or another way of saying that, that he always get EJ's eyes instead of going through his designed progressions. I am not worried about this "issue" yet. Coaching is up to the coach, they don't or shouldn't worry about butt hurt fans and press and just do what they think they should do. At this point I am fine with that and honestly I kind dislike (hate is too strong of a word) Hogan (Mr. NotYAC just like Nelson was), they should try Rosie in the slot with the ones IMO . Now there is a natural slot guy.
  7. They missed a whole 3 (by the Bills, so it was a quick one) and out in the second half, that irritated me. But HOF game, so there is that. BTW why is that stadium so effing small? I mean Rodger isn't making them build a better one? WTF?
  8. I am more worried about our back up QBs to be honest. If EJ gets hurt (or just plays crappy) it looks like it is Tuel time again and that is WORRISOME! At least we have a starter at TE.
  9. What is this ****? I wish the damned season was here.
  10. I have BB blocked, why did I read this thread?
  11. Dean quit just about when I started posting (I lurked for a couple of years before that), I think always felt a bit responsible..
  12. Good, actually Bflo, still has lots of potential. The taxes are high but some of the cost of living covers that. I would live there maybe still. I hate the lack of sunshine and 5 or almost 6 month winters it gets hit with though. None of these jobs would work for me but I do hope for my hometown.
  13. I was walking down Broadway downtown in NYC once and a hubcap (or something that looked like one) flew off a bus, just missed me by inches. it bounced down the street hit a store window and smashed it, then into the store it went breaking everything in sight. I couldn't believe there was no gate on the storefront, not lucky hah! It was like 2 am and alarms started ringing like crazy, the bus didn't know or chose not to stop, so I made it out of there quick. If it would have happened during the day, death to at least one or more people. You never know when you numbers up.
  14. I like night games, I get to get up Saturday morning and watch it! The 4 pm games are hell to watch at 3am here.
  15. It's kind of weird they put a preferred parking permit only lot in the middle of the stadium.
  16. I loved her in Charlie's Angels.
  17. I missed the EJ part (woke up a tad late). But they did get a first down and went for a TD which was dropped. I am not certain even how that reflects on EJ though. I think he needs work but in the first preseason game of 5? Thad reminds me of bad Fitz still, especially his wind up. I am hoping Tuel man is the back up at this time or that we bring in an Orton or someone like him that is cut (which I don't see happening, frankly).
  18. I think Henderson has typical LT skills and body, not sure how he'd look at RT but I would like it, if he is a fit and stays clean.
  19. I would have a look, if they are decent QBs. I do think Orton is worth a look as stated above he has been a decent player (at times). EJ may still fail, betting our future on these guys is a best a gamble and at worst a mistake wait to happen. There may be more available. Seasoned players make better back ups IMHO. One of the only things I question about the FO decisions so far this this year and unfortunately a big one.
  20. yeah Tuel looks okay, seems they like him. I am okay with that he sort of impressed me last year and from reports and tonight's exposition looks better this year. I would be okay with him at back up if he continues that. Thad is like Fitz in some ways.... I don't find that so impressive.
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