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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. We are not in lala land but I have heard rumors that someone, someday might move them there.
  2. Stevie will do fine, it's preseason with a new QB, his third. He runs strange routes, Kap will get used to it and adjust.
  3. I like it! I mean what had been happening wasn't working. I see this as a positive. If they are willing to yell at each other somebody is mad, mad guys play football mad and our team over the years have been anything but mad.
  4. Shouldn't this thread be dated, you know just in case there is another "I won't do it again" in three weeks.
  5. I wanted to sign him then to but as a back up. I still would like the move, if he becomes available again. Just saying, he is a freak.
  6. All of this, actually "happy pills" didn't make me happy at all. I also had someone to talk to, who listened and didn't judge. I went a bit crazy with them as they (the ones I was on) tended to promote some bad behavior. But and it is a big but, after a while I just felt better. I was able to rebuild and correct after that, diet helped, exercise too. I only used the medication for 6 months. Well worth it, after like 5 years of badness. I tried the hermit thing too and lost a job and some other stuff for my effort there. Last thought, this was really quite a while ago now and the meds are supposed to be better, I was on an (at the time experimental drug). I have been thinking about taking the one drug that helps you quit smoking, for some reason Nicotine still has my number.
  7. I actually doubt Branch is gone, maybe after the first game if he still looks bad. Not before though, same with Oline Williams saves money that way.
  8. Quick call the wahbulance, I'm annoyed!
  9. IN like Marrone's short answers after practice.
  10. Me too! but will they?
  11. Preseason.... I bet they have play action and run and shoot or whatever they call it these days during the real season
  12. What if you tell the refs you want to go for 2, do you get to do it from the 2 yard line? I have asked this question before and even after the first 2 games no one seems to answer it. It would only seem fair that way to me and that ruins the surprise. I kind of still don't like the rule for that reason and the fact that cold weather (open roof) teams would be at a disadvantage (or advantage depending how you look at it) during the cold months. Needs the kinks worked out IMO.
  13. I agree. And wonder at the same time. Cohen has looked good, when I've watched. If they are going to cut Branch, I would bet it would be a final cut down depending on how he plays the rest of PS.
  14. I almost skipped the thread and I did chose not to watch the video. I don't really want to see things I can't unsee anymore.
  15. This made me laugh (a little) and then I kinda had to wipe a tear from my eye.
  16. Not unless she cooked great....oh wait this isn't one of those.
  17. I used to drive a tow truck and the airbag truck for a garage that had the thruway account, when I got older. I saw a lot of damaged lives..... I never drank and drove afterwords, although I did drink some as I got older. Now a days it really just gives me migraine like head aches and I rarely (almost never maybe 2x a year) even have one drink.
  18. I expected to see the video but apparently, no.
  19. Wow, just looked in here because the Where did this DT Cohen come from got to be 9 pages and what do I find? I hate off and preseason.
  20. I haven't heard anything about his yet but did just dig these links up. Interesting reads both, I would feel pretty good about it if I were a Browns fan http://fieldandcourt.com/component/k2/item/245-josh-gordon-will-look-to-catch-a-break-with-strong-appeal.html http://fieldandcourt.com/component/k2/item/246-what-to-expect-if-josh-gordon-loses-his-appeal.html Any one heard any news on this lately?
  21. "We have identified a suspect. She has already been questioned and has made ​​a full confession," wonder if she did it in the church.
  22. I got to start leaving lawn chairs outside.
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