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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Its only 1:30 here and the stream with the cinny game has been working grea for me on justin tv but the Bills when it was on sucked and now it is not even.
  2. power outage in orchard park!!! damm!!!!!!
  3. The link says OS doesn't reconize the address doesn't matter the browser, But as I said im stupid. Thanks Dean Im hoping some one posts the right stooge link when it comes on. BTW I might of missed that post as I am busy trying to find it sorry and thanks again.
  4. Thanks guys, it seems the channels on stooge need a password. Anyone know a p2p player that isn't a .exe file? I have a Mac and the stuff Dean posts can't be used on my computer. I have tried opening some of them in VLC and Qtime but that doesnt work either. BTW I am pretty computer stupid maybe I am just not understanding something basic.
  5. boys being boys
  6. No answers and the game is 2 hours away come on some help me out please.
  7. Hope that you are wrong, unless STs have a 21 point game. I am just kinda hoping we can keep it close and get lucky.
  8. Ok, I know about channel surfing, Stooge TV and justin tv. Some one even posted a place for me to DL the torrent after the game (which is great but takes forrrrever). But those all haven't worked very well with my super slow internet and having to look at Yahoo game day to see what is happening just slows them down even more, the internet at my house in Bangkok is really slow! what can I say. BUT a few weeks ago there was a connection on here where there was a password to see the game ( it was 2278, why do I remember that but not what it was, was it Jusin tv?) and it worked really, really well, there was no chat box which also seem to maybe affect my game view, can anybody help me out here? I really want to watch this week and don't have work tomorrow, so I can stay up and it doesn't matter. Playing the Bolts is always one of my favorite things since I was 5 years old and went to the Championship game at WMS. Thanks BTW, I have a Mac so the option of watching it with sopcast is out. Thanks guys and GO BILLS!!!!!
  9. "Dick said whip it" sounds dirty, can you do that to the rest of the song? Love to make the news about Bills fans having a bad rep even more so. How about writing something they can't let the TV audience hear (they do it at soccer matches all the time in England). I dunno your how about Trent, your Johnson is too long unless you whip it. I saw Devo about five times they were great! Good music to rock the Ralph with.
  10. I think Corto is undersized but he has shown the coaches some stuff or he wouldn't have made the team. Plus I love the hometown boy made good angle, I also think he is an animal on STs (think Coy Wire) and we need to have some players like that even if they do take up roster space. BTW thats why I'm not the GM hahaha
  11. Elbow is injured, good luck this week the NG on the bolts is nasty.
  12. It must be his wife, who is going to puke all over, piss on small children, make some noise on third down while she is making german porn (although the pissing and puking might be more popular in Japan porn circles IMO).Oh and the 12th man will be there with 11 others (another seemingly japanese thing).
  13. ^^^^^^^^^ In all fairness he has had a bad disc and that IS an injury. I know my ex used to have that and she was.................. well, useless too. I wonder, how bad is it? and why he is not reported as injured if he can't pass a physical because of it. Weird It could explain his lacking, I guess.
  14. I think if we had Ngata we wouldn't be saying how could we have skipped over Whitner. I like him but I would have loved to have them draft Ngata, he is a beast and will be for a long time. I think you draft for talent first. We still need D line help and it's what 3 drafts later.
  15. thanks Firedawg and chandler funny stuff.
  16. it is getting close to deadline and no word I am thinking were not getting TG
  17. TG for a third and someone instead of JP would be good, KC has a lot of needs, put Robert Royal or Schouman into it so they fill the position as well. I would say a 2nd if it was by itself.
  18. thanks for the helmet info, didn't know that. I hope someone insists he has the best possible head gear the rest of his 20 years hof career as a buffalo bill. about the rest of your post: he got the fine for driving him into the ground, not helmet to helmet. I pretty much thought the helmet coming up to his chin was a bit incidental, which is what I thought was clean about the hit. Stroud's I didn't see.
  19. I like Detroits two players better than any from KC (on the defense anyway, tony g would be great), and I guess I should have made it clear I meant both the DT and DE from them. I mentioned a 3 way trade because maybe it would be a way to facilitate it. Actually, I don't really remember the Det. tackles name or if he is better than Mc Cargo but I like Dewayne White a lot. Lets face it our DTs are lacking (even if they are well paid).
  20. Thanks I have a feeling with my connection that much space will take about 3 days to download though
  21. I'd like to see a trade of Gonzalas for Losman, but don't see it happening I like Mc Cargo to detroit for DE Dewayne White, who would be an upgrade in our rotation, don't know if the bills FO is finished with him yet though, they also have a decent tackle whos rumored to be trade bait. maybe we could 3 team deal to make things happen.
  22. Hi Billsintaiwan, I live in Bangkok, I think we're the only two on this board in SE. Asia You gotta stay up and watch the games and experience a sleepy headed Monday. A couple of weeks ago I almost fell asleep giving my kids a test. I have a couple of questions for you: are you downloading it from a torrent? and if so can you tell me which ones? How is the internet there, here it is soooo slow!~!! I couldn't even see anything on the Justin TV feed last week. A few week ago there was a feed that you needed a pass word for (2278) and that worked good. Wish I could remember what it was.
  23. I was born in 59 too, my Dad "loves his Bills" is how my Mom put it. I went to games at the rockpile a lot until it closed. I was also at the first game against the Redskins at rich. The first Bills memory I have is in 64 or 5, I got Cookies autograph at TwinFair (at Central Plazza) on a mini football, my Dad sprayed clear enamel on it to preserve it and I played with the damm thing so much it peeled. I also got someone elses but can't remember who it was. My first game memory was the the championship game in 65 against the Chargers. I don't really remember the game much but I remember we won and everyone was saying we should play the Packers and shut the NFL up. I also remember Golden Wheels injury catch but can't remember if I saw it live or on tv. Tom Day was also the drum teacher at my grammer school (PS61) and he scared the sh-- outta me.
  24. Steelers????????????
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