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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Honestly, no (and the people saying yes are lying).
  2. He has a grip, it is probably him doing this "i bet he je-ks off to pictures on tony homo in his spare time."
  3. Cookie!!!! Franco Harris, 3 or 4 big fullbacks in the 70s, there have been tougher guys who just dragged people along with them. Beast is good though, he uses that staight arm reall well on out side plays. I like the combo we have and the fact that they support and compliment eachother.
  4. The game wasn't really won for sure until that last TD, padding is not a bad idea when the other team can score at will (if they stop making drive killing mistakes).
  5. I think you are right and the compatition for jobs would help make better players out of the guys in there too. We need the depth to have a rotational team. How many reps you get in there affects your freshness (see Miami who use almost everyone a limited number of times) and gives the other team something to think about. Plus it improves your depth. I also wouldn't have minded seeing a lot more second stringers in the last 9 or 10 minutes. The game was won I would have put GH at QB and seen some of the Omen.
  6. They are both pretty good and it would pay to keep Greer and try to hold on to Mcgee after next year too, Simpson really sucked out there today. I wouldn't mind TMc over there, the speed he showed on that run from behind tackle was pretty sick. We do have Francise tags and these guys are good reason to used it. I also think Youbooty if he comes back in decent shape and shows what he was showing earlier in the year could help make the DS the best in the leauge.
  7. Herm by far 1st with the Jets (watchibg them when I lived in NYC really make me think this)now with KC, the guy is a LOSER. DJ well you could say first with the Bears and then with the Bills, but at least he builds a better team IMO (I don't have win loss stats to back it up).
  8. I wonder if the coaches show the player the board to motivate them during the week. I t would have been a good idea this week
  9. I'm happy with the bills beating a team of rookies but two time out re unforgivable.
  10. http://www.justin.tv/flashmedia if that sucks wait a bit someone will put a better one in the chat
  11. Is this thread early enough? It is only 10:56pm here in Bangkok. Thought it started at 1? Oh and go Bills!!!!
  12. I hate the Bills for this LOL but f&%k yes, I do even at 1am on a laggy internet connection and I work at 7 am the next morning (I'm in Bangkok).
  13. this question is a toss up, which both teams are making me do lately not coinecdently. At least we aren't hearing rumors that the Sabres are leaving. I think they have a chance to go to the playoffs too (but just a chance) where as, I don't think the Bills do. So I guess the Bills but it is close after the last couple of years. Ruff is the better coach, the rest of the FOs??? real toss up.
  14. Marty does win regular season games in a boring conservative run run pass way, which can be powerful with the right personnel but can't win in big games. I want the Bills to get to a Superbowl and WIN. I think our owner feels the same. I would be surprised, to learn differently. I think he would be an upgrade no doubt, honestly (but also doubt he's going to unretire for the Bills anyway). I just doubt that is where the Bills are headed. BTW, I gave up on Jauron after this years first loss (when it became pretty obvious to me that we had the same guy from last year running the show and he hadn't learned and turned the page), so we feel the same. I was just talking about what I think might happen, now or soon with RWs history. I also kind of think Bobby would be a good coach. Who knows?
  15. I think that this post JP analysis is kind of dumb. He is still on the team for a few more games. Do it when he goes somewhere else and becomes Darell Lamonica. I think the Bills made a lot of bad decisions. JP was one. What they did with JP after they had him are some more. Is JP good? I honestly couldn't tell you after 4 years of seeing him. I think they are making better choices with Trent and hope what we are seeing the last few weeks are just growing pains.
  16. Okay, if there are any real rumblings from the owner and DJ really is on the hot seat, I would expect Bobby April to take over (maybe this season? I would hope). I would think RW would be upset. He hasn't had HIS team in the playoff in 9 years. He made changes to right the ship but every one of them has failed, he even went to his old friend and said look we need better, help me out. He must see by now that that really didn't right the ship either. The guy we have is like the coaching equivalent of JP now. He does the same kinds of things, he see the other team doing successful things and is like a deer in the headlights. He cannot adjust, so he makes mistakes. Bobby wasn't a Marv or DJ hire. So at least in RWs eyes he isn't tainted by the bad decisions they have made. I doubt RW is much of a fan of Marty ball either. I know he won't go the Cowher route. I think he is sold on the no GM model. He loves to hire from within. He probably has faith in some of his personnel, I am sure he can see he is paying for talent and not getting it. He has been around long enough to see a bad gameplan and its implementation. I think he must be the most upset fan there is, he wants a Superbowl and the legacy that comes with it. I think he must see that the Bills do have a decent nucleus and he won't want that torn to shreds. With Bobby I think he understands that: the Bills would try some surprising schemes and play to win. Have a coach who does get fired up. Have a coach that motivates his players. Not have to rebuild the entire team. Bobby has been very successful on bad teams with bad players and he has been kept because of his talent. IMO the Bills results in the next 2 games are the final exam for DJ one more loss and if DJ mucks it up again, well maybe we can and will see some Bobby ball. RW wants to sell tickets, plus he is old. He wants to have the team have good value if it is sold. I think he might try something else, DJ hasn't produced and this IS year three. We all see the mistakes this team makes, you got to lay 50% blame on DJ for them. He is the boss that is where the buck stops. BTW anybody know if Jaurons contract is for real? I never saw a real answer to that question. I would think it would have a bearing on what happens, Also just so this isn't off topic, Sullivan is well, like a critic. That is his job. I think sometimes he tries to get people fired up because that helps sell papers. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I think, what a dildo.
  17. I think you have some valid points but the last 6 games we are 1-5, you are very optimistic. I would hope that one of the things that happens with our young team is that the coach matures (but I don't see it happening). I would love to see him turn into the G-mens coach. I think actually we could be where they were a few seasons ago, but only time will really tell. I have problems seeing the glass half full after losing that last game the WAY they did.
  18. Ok first off Trent didn't throw 4 picks.
  19. Lynch and Jackson are players and both showed up in the game. I think the OC and HC need to be more creative. The HC needs to have faith in his players. I was glad to see Trent left in the game but disappointed with many other game choices by the HC. Not establishing the the run to start a game is dumb. Who wrote that game plan? The Oline looked pretty good against a bad Dline. Must of been like it is in practice. I think we see Trent going through a phase, he can get by it. He is a good QB. I hate watching someone grow on the job but this season was set up just for that. I would expect he will improve, if I am wrong blame the coaches. That game against SD was too good. He can be a star, they just need to fix the fundementals that he is lacking on these last few weeks and work on his strengths. I really think he has shown more this season (esply early on) than Eli Manning did his first couple of years. I really find our coaches (and the buck stops at DJs desk) lacking in a lot of areas.
  20. I saw Lee open sometimes, it is true. He doesn't come back to the ball though. Trent is at fault for not trowing to the best reciever when he has all day and he really needs to use the pump fake too, but Lee also needs to go back towards the ball on plays where Trent sees him in front of a CB. (one thing I noticed Johnson and Royal both do well) Trent lost his confidence and Lee needs to understand it, which you would think he would since he has been through it with JP before. In anycase it must be frustrating for him at this point.
  21. Welcome to the board, the chances? bad to poor.
  22. I noticed too, really they just need to look at the stat sheet about the catch. We have used play-action but no where near enough to sell it. I am so frustrated we don't use it and screen-passes to help set the run game up more. I don't care if they lose yardage it keeps a D honest.
  23. I agree, like your draft too.
  24. I have liked Johnson since watching him in preseason and was asking why he wasn't put in after Reed was injured. Hardy seems to be developing slower. To me it was a surprise he wasn't on the bench sooner. I think he can be good but if you watch Johnson comes back to the ball and runs cleaner routes. When I have watched I have thought, Evans has a problem with coming back to the ball too. Reed always does this, I don't know what the mystery is for these guys. Trent needs to see you in front of the defender (which isn't the way it should be but......) On the record I think Fine is better than Scholman and Royal and Corner is better at coverage than McKelvin (but he is improving a bit, really still I hate cover2).
  25. Crayonz, You forgot Corner
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