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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. This topic AGAIN? God, it is really going to be a long off season............... Jason needs to be here if we want to protect Trent, get it done already!
  2. After these past 3 years Dick J.
  3. Actually, I think he is a bit elusive as a runner (I don't think he out runs them as much as makes them miss) but strong enough to bull a few LBs. He has a decent pass, I don't think he has a great pass but he can throw it ok. He has a leadership quaity to say the least. He has fire and didn't get to be the best player maybe in college football history by lacking in skills. He makes fine reads in my opinion. I watched a few games of his this season (and last) and I have seen some tape of Otto Graham, it is like he has been reincarnated IMO. Sure it is a different game but I still think he is going to be a great player on the pro level.
  4. I think you like our coach are over-thinking it. It really is not something to write a dissertation about, it is a football game. Yes it is a team endevor and so that theory may be somewhat applicable but the fact is we had coaches and players who made bad choices during games and seemingly they were not called out. To me that fact speaks for its self. Everything will stay the way it is or get worse. I see 5-11 next year and hope you are right and I am wrong.
  5. Tebow is Mr. Endzone if he is available, I wouldn't hesitate in round 2 or later. I do think he is a system player but he goes beyond system with actual skills that are translatable to the NFL. I dunno if QB is where he belongs in the big league though. For best player on the board after 1 round he has to be close though. Is DJ coach enough? I doubt it.
  6. To the OP, glad you are so happy with the mediocrty, remember season tickets are the cheapest in the league.signed Ralph
  7. Besides all of the crappy in game waffles that the idiot makes. He doesn't game plan well and as far as I am concerned he almost NEVER has his team ready to play on game day. He also seems to be unable to tell when he has a talent in a back up position, I.E. Fred Jackson, J.Greer, Steve Johnson............. who is better than the current starter. Next year watch Denny and Captain backup never be replaced by the new rookie 1st round pick because he isn't ready then watch them both go down to injury and the 3rd stringer is good after the 11th game, when the 3rd guy was lights out in preseason. I can not imagine how much damage 3 years of this dingbat is inflicting on this team, both in personnel choices and the training of the said personnel. The Bills might be good 3 years after he is gone, but with RW in charge of hiring a new coach, I doubt it. I would have given Ralph a flyer if he would of picked Bobby April to coach in the name of continuity but not Dick! The man is a bad coach and I can't believe RW is this bad of an owner after 49 years of experience doing it. What is he thinking the 50th anniversary will sell out all the tickets? Even if the team blows again? I can not see what motivates him? I can not understand his choice.I AM MAD, DAMMIT! WHEN WILL HE BE? He has been through 1-13, 2-12........... why bother with THAT again? It is not profitable, it will not help resale value, his kids and wife are going to get a big tax bill and people WILL REMEMBER HIM, AS A DEADBEAT who made a lot of money off of a poor and shirking community. Thanks for keeping the Bills in BFLO Ralph, !@#$ THAT! You made a lot of money here Ralph, you are welcome! Some LEGACY! Who does he think he is competing with, Geo. Bush? I for one made a news years resolution; I won't waste my time watching the Bills this year (I have to stay up most of Sunday night/Monday morning to do it as I live in Bangkok) and being dead to the world tired when I go to work. The Buffalo Bills no longer get my damned money, time and from now on little of my interest. I have officially jumped of the wagon because no one is circling anything except the water going down the drain (of course, I reserve the right to jump back on but it will be half hearted and less passionate, like giving your failed marriage a second chance because of some hot sex you and the ex have). I have been a Bills fan as long as I can remember, I am the same age as the team and you Ralph have failed us all. I won't waste my money on Bills gear and since I left Buffalo, I always supported the team this way. No more............RW lost a lot of customers with this move and I HOPE it costs him in the sale value of his stupid team. He wants players with class and character but has none of those qualities himself. Personally, I would like an owner who is about winning, that would be a good "character" trait if you ask me. Not a dude that just wants my money and is a cheap-o a-hole with good marketing skills. "Go Bills!!!!" please just "go" then maybe I can give up on you. BTW, if Cassel get that punt blocked, it is a brillant fu(king play by a very very lucky or heads up defender because that was a brilliant playcall from a brilliant (but "low character/cheating") coach. No one expected it and THAT is VERY GOOD. Which is a concept our (8 years as a coach/ 7 losing seasons) numbskull does not seem to get or when he does get it he goes to the lowest percentage play he can muster up, (I.E. JP rolling out out of the shotgun, 3 run plays up THE WEAKEST PART OF THE LINE middle.......etc.........etc....). 5/1 start, 8/2 finish: last three games 6 points: 3, 7/9 seasons = loser. Why oh why? did I grow up in BFLO? And BTW again I HOPE they do read this board. It might motivate someone!
  8. We didn't ask you for another reason, HE should be gone.
  9. Buffalo has a football team? damn, I wish they would play on Sundays. It WAS good to see Rich half empty today. I hope at least some of the revenues were down
  10. Hey I used to run a floor buffer machine and take offense to that comment. They way he playcalls he would probably just buff the pieces of gum into the wax.
  11. I was talking about suggestions to make other options in the poll :wallbash:
  12. you know, Marve wanted that, wonder if we would have seen playoffs this season, if ralph did it.
  13. come on guys! only 15 votes and no suggestions?
  14. God, I don't like any of the choices listed in this thread..................................... I think RW should "promote from with in" and give Bobby April a chance. (half kidding but, really don't like what is available, either). I hope RW is giving it a lot of thought.......................... I would think he doesn't want an Al Davis type legesy and so far that is what he is going to get.
  15. That does sound like a good idea but next year (after 2009 season) we have Mcgee and Youboty's contracts to deal with. Otherwise I kinda like it. IMO, Mr. Mcgee would make a good safety, I could see 6 interceptions for him there.
  16. JP might be all that but hasn't shown it when he need to. Same to DJ I wish them both luck & say good bye to 2 good guys. I hope they do have success in other places but they are not getting it done here. So................................... it is time to move on.
  17. Ilike you Big Cat that is some funny Schit! but I would like to make Peters happy and lock him up instead, and how about we trade R.P. for Peace on Earth, just an idea.....
  18. Aaron is good but Evans isn't? The coach is okay? They need a GM? So what about the coaches game day and personnel choices? His inability to plan/adapt his team to a 3/4 defensive scheme. I agree that the Bills could use a PHILOSPHY on both sides of the ball, after 3 years an identity should have been built, plus some decent depth................ in the secondary and no where else is not enough in my opinion. Good bye DJ your a good guy but I don't want you on the sideline anymore.
  19. True that 46/ 433 not tampa style would fit our personnel better IMO, 46 does get beat in blitz situations but that is better than play to lose if you ask me. I doubt our coach can adapt to an agreesive type scheme. We need another coach or 3.
  20. So what do you want to see happen with the coaching staff and the power they have over personnel next year. Please add a choice if you want me to add it to the poll. I put in the hire from withins because I kind of think RW might go this route. I added the Tickets and merchendice questions because I am interested if people on the board (who I think have more interest than normal fans), will support the team & to what point? BTW I know I made spelling mistakes and am too lazy to fix them And I voted BA let him do what he sees fit.
  21. I like Poz, can see his mistakes but he is young and MLB like QB takes time. Both I hope get better. I think he has better personnel around him this year than DG had last year, but on his shoulder he has crap and in front on the ends more crap so who knows how good he is really?
  22. First off we could not get a 1st rounder for him because he really should not of gone at that point in the draft and stat wise he isn't one since we got him. Second he played better when we had better personnel around him I don't really think he has regreesed. I do think that DT like Ngata is - at the very least - a beast, and yes it was stupid not to take him but that is the past and oh well. This This This Maybe This LOL This This This Totally disagree, Poz IS in his first year and has crap next to him and Donte has to be behind that. Both could do better with a pass rush and better schemes IMO. no the coaching and line personnel is why they can save on DBs and LBs and they don't always pinch.
  23. I like him more than I like Mcgee (more Winfield (not as flashy but in some ways more consistant) than Clements, maybe), I would hope we could find a way to just resign him, I know we have talented back ups but if they are lead by a decent vet it helps. Personally, I hope they drafted McKelvin to replace Mcgee. Youboty and Corner are good for the nickel. Face it he is going to be the cheaper option than Mcgee and we should try to lock him up. Even if he costs a pretty penny, (how many above average players do we even have, much less pay decently) we are not going to be able to afford to pay Terrance. We could afford to keep J.G. even with spend to the cap. Plus, next year we get the young guys more learning time and no doubt a break out season from Mcgee because he wants to see the money. I also like the depth and being able to spend on other needs, which if we pay Mcgee after next season we won't be able to do it. We have others that will need bigger money that year too.
  24. Tuesday afternoon and I highly doubt it, 3/4 defense and recent history. Odds are not in our favor even coming off the win Sunday could be a good game though. I hope they do, having said everything I did, as they are still my Bills (an 0/6 in the east is DEPRESSING) and I hope RW thinks hard and long before he does whatever he does. But I also hope that keeping DJ as HC is not the answer he comes up with, regardless of the Pats* game outcome.
  25. RW he has a problem . He is going to wait until he sees the game this week and then figuare out the answer, I guess. So, I offer him the solution he might be looking for. Best of all it is free and might be in the best interests of the organization. 1. Keep DJ, but not as headcoach; lets face it, the players love him, he is a really good thinker and just an all around quality guy, a guy who we would all love to be the coach, if it were not for his mistakes. I like the guy and even like that he is pretty unemotional on the sideline, I just think he is like a JP of coaching at this point. You keep hoping he will do the right thing but then................ well, he puts JP in position to F it up......... So, he is a good guy and a good football mind but he isn't getting what we all want, PLAYOFFS and SB. Frankly, I think SB is totally out the window if he stays coach, sad, but he is just too damn out thinkable; the problem being, he out thinks himself when it is time to go with your instincts and do the right thing. I also have an issue with him not being able to see what he has in a young player and keeping someone who is better out of the lineup, when they are not the best player in that position. He really should be able to make that call. Johnson vs Hardy, Jackson last year; Greer etc....... who knows who is riding the pine as I write? Also there is that contract, performance based? IDK, but you can buy it out and give him another position, no? I know the last couple of days we moved Modrak up the ladder a bit more. VPs are very good titles and a winning corporate structure so, how about PROMOTING DJ to VP of football operations. Make him the "not GM" and give him more GM like duties. Maybe, you could just rewrite the contract. The guy doesn't have to not stay a Bills employee, just not coach. 2. We have built and rebuilt and the team, it seems to have talent to win (against 2/3rds of the league on some Sundays), some schemes seem like they have to go (Tampa cover 2 for one) and some positions need an upgrade but we all know that really, continuity is a big issue with a young team, who are still learning. So, lets keep our core intact. Bring in some good proven and leadership type players and make some tough decisions about some others (DE, C, OLB maybe OL would seem to be areas I would look at), also resign some people who pissed off the FO the last year by their boneheaded moves (I am thinking Crow and Jason here; at least make decent offers for good players, make them happy and make them promise never to do it again..... it is like a marriage, this contract thing, it takes 2 sides to make it work, but it has to be worked at and not talking to available talent looks well, frankly like you just don't care about winning) and lock up some young guys who are play-makers going FA this year. The rest of the league is watching including our own guys and players who will be FA in 2010, we want a team people want to come to, it is important (being a winner, would help us too, so it would seem). Greer is an important guy on the team, still underrated, the back ups still need time to develop....Freddie, well we saw what Freddie gives us last Sunday, with ML we couldn't really have better. There are others but these two are significant losses lets stop the revolving, we develop the talent then can't afford it door. Cash to the cap seems reasonable, but we can stay under and leave a bit less room or so it would seem. If the Bills are winners, we can make money, in this league today it is very apparent it takes money to make money too.` 3. Promote Bobby April to Head Coach. Lets face, he is the best coach we have had in the organization in the last decade. We know you like to promote from with-in and it does make sense, so give the job to the guy who coaches well. It also works in favor of the teams continuity. Marv was a ST coach and BA is a better one. If he wants to bring in his own O and D coordinators let him (I for one wouldn't mind an experienced OC). I would kind of hate to see Fawell go but as I said I don't like cover 2. Turk, well he could grow into it, I am not sure about him. My point; let him retain or build according to what he thinks is best. He is a popular guy among fans, he will sell tickets, he shows some emotion, even if I don't think it is all that important. He gets the most out of players. It is the best way to deal with the off season. If you keep DJ, no way you sell as many season tickets next year. If you hire outside, good chance it won't work, unless you go the expensive route and then the value of the franchise goes down with the hire. Maybe you could do much of this with Marty but I just don't think we need another retread who can't win the POs to get in the superbowl and win. Just my 2baht, I'm in Thailand but a Bills fan since forever, the Bills have been my team since I was 4, that I can remember and my Dad took me to a lot of games even before I could really understand anything (I even went the Chargers championship game in the sixties at the rock). Thanks for reading. We have a tough division if DJ stays coach, well we are going to be out coached and 9/6 at best next year, we can do better with out throwing out the baby with the wash.
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