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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I read that artical and there was a study done, that more people have heart attacks when their team loses. So ok, I ammend it to they haven't killed me yet LOL where as ciggs probly will first, one good thing though, I played hooky and I watched it in my morning because I live in bangkok but maybe that is a good thing because I wasn't tired and stressed by my day.
  2. Ellision was the cover guy on that play MLB wasn't on the field.
  3. HAHA your 8 year old already has it! Better move to a good FB team city that is the only hope. Me: I love to hate the Bills and can't quit smoking either. At least the Bills won't kill me.
  4. NE was averaging 6 yards a rush the first half, I am not sure why they didn't stay with it when it was working well. I see the Bills at 5/3 then injuries to the overplayed D sink us and DJ again. I pray he is gone after that. BTW some peeps on this board need to know again this year, preseason don't mean Shift! Yesterday was the proof of that.
  5. he could and should of run for the sidelines too. Young players make young player mistakes. It showed some heart but ended up heartbreaking. That is the Bills. Things never change.
  6. I like Harris, he seems to be a hawk (nice fumble recovery to show for his game last night). Move Mitchell inside and try it. Buggs looks okay tho too. I think it will be more apparent next week what they should do. Too bad, Poz was having a decent game and Willams (who looked good the 1st half) did better when he was in there IMO.
  7. better than the herpes analogy
  8. really good post, totally agree The Bills showed some stuff against a good team and he did make a mistake along with a lot of others in a game which BOTH teams made a lot of mental errors. There were some interesting stats on the screen during the game. One I thought was interesting was Edwards being the #5 QB in the leauge last year. Another was the time of posssion somewhere around the beggining of the 3rd. The Bills had only had the ball 11 minutes. I was impressed with Schobels game and Corner was great too. Nelson and the young guys on the line had good games. Donte looks much better at FS. Rosco (as much as I like him saw too much field last night. Freddy looked great. I loved Gruden saying (about TO) baggage is a player who can't play. They looked good last night except the last 5 minutes, I wonder if the idea of a no huddle with a bend but don't break (give and don't take sometimes) is the right thing late in the game. I also wonder how this team will do with no huddle in the cold. The long sustained running drives look hard to cope with, I don't really think Bellicheat did the right thing going to the passing game more and more when they were averaging 5-6 YPC the 1st half. I would think you stick with it more. Not that they are not good at passing but just a thought.
  9. as I said to you in the shout box during the game FU pitta, don't watch if you can't enjoy it
  10. If they do become a playoff team, they will have to play either the Jests or the Pat*s 3 times and that don't bode well. I was happy to see improvement tho. Special teams in all looked like poo tonight, one good punt was it (WTF Bobby?). AVP wrote a nice game plan, Trent looked good and was allowed to audiable. D looked good til they were on the field like 45 mins of the game. Sure is a weird identiy to give your offence with a tampa2. Freddie should start. I like beast mode but use Mr. Lynch to get us a new MLB.
  11. Evans and To were both doubled, most of the time in the 1st 3 quarters. gotta give this game plan with the tampa 2 and no huddle it looks pretty good at this point. I wouldn't have thought this was likely
  12. He has been alright except the penaties and that is really not all of his fault
  13. Lets go DDD!!
  14. whoda thought it?!!
  15. freaking yes !!!!!!!!!
  16. for the moment I am happy
  17. I lived in Bflo for the 1st 33 years of my life and I loved the area but I moved to NYC which I loved dearly and still miss more, I feel after 13 years there, it was more my home town. I am an artist and needed to get away from Bflo because I needed to try the art world thing, i still miss that part of it.... after 13 years I moved to Seoul Korea for a year and a half then the last 2 and a half years I have lived in Bangkok. It is very different to be sure. I miss some things about home (family, food, Bills......) but I am richer for the experiences I have had. One thing about Bflo I never realized til I moved was that it is the 2nd cloudiest city in the nation. That along with the winter was too much for me and now I am used to an average of 90 degrees all the time, I couldn't ever face the snow or chance of it for 5-6 months again. Rainy season can be a drain but it isn't a day long rain most days so it is not that bad. I really would like a piece of sponge candy now though.
  18. Freddy will win #1 running back spot and make the pro bowl. The fins win the division again.
  19. Thorp and Brown in the past, Jackson in the recent past with Brown being #1 IMO Oh and Randy and Wilt get consideration. Randy RIP you were great, I'll never forget the NBA allstar game you took over, one of my best boyhood sports memiories.
  20. Esply with the new rules, they favor this type of player
  21. personally everytime I see that AIG logo on a soccer jersey these days (I live in Bangkok so I see quite a few), it pisses me off.
  22. Billnyc said he had a conversation w/ Jumbo Elliot and he said it would take 5-6 games to get back after a hold out. I can see that. He was much better later in the season.
  23. with fans? how about winning with the team, for a change?
  24. Our new fullback I like it. Too bad he won't see the field til game 3.
  25. Our full back seems to be shocking old ladies in Fla.
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