I lived in Bflo for the 1st 33 years of my life and I loved the area but I moved to NYC which I loved dearly and still miss more, I feel after 13 years there, it was more my home town. I am an artist and needed to get away from Bflo because I needed to try the art world thing, i still miss that part of it.... after 13 years I moved to Seoul Korea for a year and a half then the last 2 and a half years I have lived in Bangkok. It is very different to be sure. I miss some things about home (family, food, Bills......) but I am richer for the experiences I have had.
One thing about Bflo I never realized til I moved was that it is the 2nd cloudiest city in the nation. That along with the winter was too much for me and now I am used to an average of 90 degrees all the time, I couldn't ever face the snow or chance of it for 5-6 months again. Rainy season can be a drain but it isn't a day long rain most days so it is not that bad.
I really would like a piece of sponge candy now though.