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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. i would rather bring in JP and I hate jp
  2. ^ agree with you, but if I am him I aint coming from there to here.
  3. I think that is what he did more than any points he made.
  4. wow congrats on the stupid thread, can't believe that I wasted time reading and responding but I did. god I hate the off season!
  5. If we just talk about the Tim would that be alright with you? I think he won't be a good nfl QB and we'd be crazy not to take him with the 9th.
  6. This FA is the most boring thing I have ever seen the Bills do. Someone make it stop, internet porn gets boring too.
  7. one more ho and santa would eat them (old ho ho joke)
  8. mostest worst post and replies of the off season
  9. I'm crazy, it is ok with me, would hope it was the 2nd round but................................................... we always blow the first round, so why wait. Personally I like him, could see a trade back to get him and an extra slightly later pick.
  10. I for one would like to see him in Bflo.
  11. above me there F freaking U
  12. oopps a speeling mistaeke, shite!! howe embarresing.
  13. Sniff it out! I would guess that won't be hard, I think McCargo would have to be my least fav Bill/draft pick of the last few years so you are right I do feel the need to bash him. Donte on the other hand could be decent, but I am not sure he is the best guy we have at safety (lack of playing in position and injury concerns are my only beef with him, plus we have good guys there as well). I would rather they keep him or get good trade value for him.
  14. Dukey you the Bomb for that optimism, I hope you are right but I've watched the guy play.
  15. I would like to add that most are not young guys and will fill the role of stop gaps and tutors on a losing team for a year or 2 unless they are looking at coaching in the future, what is the motivation? After the recent past RW is not giving top dollar to FAs, so what you are really saying is yeah, no reason for them to come here.
  16. To the freaking Pats* no less :lol: :lol:
  17. one word - bust (why he is still on the rooster is beyond me, they have looked at the film by now). At least TE showed some promise for a while, they really ougt to look to trade McCargo again (and pray he passes the physical) and get some value for his worthless ass.
  18. i think guys coming in to be stop gaps and tutuoring young players is not a great motivator for them to come to the Bills. Unless they are thinking about becoming coaches after they retire and are only in it for the $ now.
  19. Reed has been a decent player in Bflo, sorry to see him go, not sure why you keep RP but let our best slot guy go. I hope he does not go to the Pats* as we will see him "moving the chains" if he does. That would be Sammy Morris all over IMO.
  20. "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"
  21. this should not be on the stadium wall, no BBs in this story
  22. Actually this "study/non-scientific investigation" should include away games as well, since many games are in the north east and not in domes either. Actually it would be cool to see something like this league wide and see how dome team fair vs. non dome ones.
  23. I was born and raised in Bflo. lived there 33 years. I have lived in NYC Seoul and now Bangkok . I rank it like this. Bflo is a great place to be from, NYC is home, Seoul was great for learning about other cultures and food Bangkok is cheap and hot and I see more sunshine, plus there is plenty of western stuff here, if I am in the mood for it. One thing I know is I like big cities.
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