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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I posted something like that yesterday, run first will also keep the d off the field and help in the 4th quarter when it works.
  2. Brady in the 6th ........................ oh wait
  3. LOL that is funny, we could call our selves the "all backs" with secondary and running back being the best players on the team. The rest of the draft should change this though. I am kind of excited to see all 3 on the field to be honest, I hope we keep them all too "Triumvirate" wow nice word.
  4. LOL Lori, thx after everything Nix said I knew this was the pick if we got the chance at him, I pretty much like it too.
  5. cranberry juice "runs right through you" now we just need an electric co.
  6. I for one think we should keep Lynch, because he is a good football player. Everyone says you need 2 good backs, I think having 3 is better. I don't think it matters how many touches he gets either as long as he gets some, we will get production. There are also injury and suspensions to consider. Freddy and ML will feel the heat and play better IMO. Spiller is very useble and in a lot of places, watch for a running first team with some wildcat thrown in. It fits the young offence line and the coach so I wasn't surprised by the pick and I like it. BTW both Freddy and CJ can throw as well. They may be even thinking of starting Fitz as he is the most moblie of the bunch (which I could understand but kind of hate after last year).
  7. I am happy about all the 1pm starts, I am in Bangkok andonly have to stay up 1/2 the night to watch those ones.
  8. No we shouldn't trade Kyle Willams or Lee Evens. you build around your best players, unless they are TO.
  9. I understand what your saying but I think thats the reasoning anyway
  10. Don't love your 3rd or 4th picks and Warren is a back up plan IMO but I wouldn't be unhappy if we addressed so many of our needs.
  11. Levi invented Jeans or the internet I can't remember which
  12. He was a good QB not so sure anymore
  13. I watched and it was fun..... so were the OJ highlights, a lot of memories right there. Still my opinion OJ and Bruce were the best ever at their positions.
  14. It is corp welfare now, I like it.
  15. As much as I kinda like it our D would be better for sure but no OT til the 6th?? means they'd be seeing the field 45 mins a game.
  16. If we pick him at some point or not, is not up to Jim anyways. If he ends up part of a new ownership group, though he would just be doing what Ralph has done countless times.
  17. Wow 3 of us never imagined BTW I'd watch a taped one. Last season the Bills were only on True once and I watched it about 4 times LOL even though they lost and it sucked. Internet feeds here suck too!! Oh and I stay away from Pattaya LOL I hate the beach there, dirty in more ways than I can count.
  18. Interesting artical, but I only see us going pistol if we draft TT.
  19. Hey I live in Bangkok!! How are you planning on watching games? Now that there is 2 of us here, we need to start a Bill backers here. I just saw a guy on a scooter a few days ago with a bills motorcyc helmet, cracked me up.
  20. What kind of car do you drive?
  21. Asking for help was a good first step, good job. These things take time and effort just like the Bills rebuilding will. I am praying for you and your girl. Don't lose patiance things change and will get better. It takes your own will to get through it but you can. My wife left me once and I rebounded, at least you have the best thing produced from the relationship. Peace and love
  22. Please no more JP (either one) threads. 6 pages of the past is just stupid and I didn't read it. Oh and btw we should have just given him a raise after his 1st probowl at LT and he would still be here. Bad FO not to reward a guy for good work, stupid to let it fester.
  23. I smoked a lot of weed for a lot of years. It is addicting in a I wanna joint kind of way, it certainly has a phyoclogical addiction potential which can be pretty strong in some individuals . I think it does have a harmless effect on most people and think the Government is a bad place to get info on it as it always has been. No body ever died from pot? Bob Marley died from emphisema and puffed about 6-10 joints a day, did it kill him? IDHK but he did die from a lung disease. I quit smoking because I was going to a country with a hard line drug policy and I was getting lung infections when ever I caught a cold. It has been 5 years and at times I miss it, will I do it again? maybe I would but I won't be using it as much as I used to. Things like it affects motivation are true, never found the big breasts or sexual fuction to be though. Never made me very crazy or afficted my mental stability much IMO If I could make millions if I didn't do it, I wouldn't have but kids (esply football players) are not known for the brains they bring to being pop culture icons so I am not surprised. BTW it should be legal but never will be in my lifetime and that is a shame but the way it is.
  24. The real mistake was not upping his $ the year before when he started as LT and had his first probowl year (was cheaper still ) then last year would not have happened the way it did, but I honestly doubt he would have stayed healthy here either.
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