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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. when i go to profile options and click it nothing happens at all....... I also don't hate this MPL0000 guy just sick of every thread having a comment about how this or that is not going to work. It gets boring and isn't fun why do these trolls do it? It the goal if Trent/the Bills suck this year they will be able to say SEE I was right? I mean WTF, is that fun? I have less posts then him too (even though I have been here much longer), couldn't he just lurk and think his thoughts to himself? I don't hate Hossage either but the guy is just out there when he talks about some stuff. Maybe it is my browser? I use google's..... They are taking the enjoyment out of this place for me. Go Bills!!
  2. Or it is safe to say that the 7.9 posts a day that you post are all going to be negative. Any one know how to block someone on this board? I am sick of reading crap from this guy and some other ppl.
  3. I for one am excited for him, I think SJ's times has come. I agree that DJ couldn't see talent when he had it and the offence as a whole regressed last year. Look at J. Grier, Fred Jackson.. I am sure there are more.....Sitting behind ppl until they got hurt was the only way the good players used to advance in the past.
  4. I like this so much better than the bills you hate thing! Glad I thought of it, lol many names here I forgot to list.
  5. wow some good lists Mini max should have been on mine along with OJ and Ted and Pat. And yes they didn't have to be great players just favorite bills. Funny how this is looking so devoid of QBs so far.
  6. Oh and F Jackson and J Grier from last couple of years.
  7. Not the best but good Bill players that we loved: a few on my list Reggie Fergie Haven Moses The first Byrd Preston Riddlehopper (or what ever his name was) Schobel tko braxton the whole team in the early 90s when football was a pleasure for us bills fans
  8. The hit isn't the topic of this post, it is classless to have this discussion here and now. Jack you were really a monster of a safety, RIP
  9. No, that was father time dude, you were soooo drunk that night.
  10. Chan still hasn't said who will get the 1st team reps right? I think that is pretty interesting. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing vid of this camp/PS.
  11. Born into it, got my feet wet as a baby at the pile, went to the first games at Rich. Moved a away in 93 but just feels like I couldn't like football much if it wasn't for the Bills to follow. Actually I follow with more interest being half a planet away it seems.
  12. Just dome the Ralph, and up grade it a bit more. I know then the Bills won't have the so called weather advantages but it could be a multi-use facility this way. Niagara Falls doesn't have the roads to get to it. how about adding a decent network of roads to Ralph instead. This idea should keep debt down and make it more attractive to new owners. Erie county gets its fed money for good will and hopefully it sparks some growth. Let's wait 15 more years and see where the economy and NYS are in terms of taxes and economic health before we build a real new home. And Art should be everywhere, even Rochester.
  13. why is thread here and not in out there, I feel stupid for reading it
  14. I kind of think the Bills have a plan that includes free agency next year, if no one works out this year. Look at it this way, this year FA was lets say different; the chance is that there won't be football next year or that if there is there will be a glut of FAs because of the way it was structured this year. So, I think the draft was take what you think are the best players and see where the chips fall this next off season. This year is for trying to teach a young team how to win and to see what we got. The last 4 years had incompetency written all over it so they need to make decisions based on what potentiality that might have been there. I was excited about last years draft and am pretty much about this years, too. I think they are at least acting like they know what they are doing.
  15. born 59 grew up in Bflo moved NYC in 94 lived there til 2006 went to Seoul for a year and a half. moved to Bangkok 3 years ago, watching the Bills is a B word these days but hasn't been much to watch last few years anyway. Hoping that changes, don't mind working w/o sleep if they win.
  16. What day do regular training camp begin for the Bills? All it says here is Mid July.
  17. Kellys 3rd year wasn't his 3rd year because of the USFL time. And why isn't anyone talking about JPs 3rd year?
  18. I voted 10 plays a game even though I think Gaily will use the pistol not the spread, which I realize is sort of the same but isn't either. I do think Chan will come up with some creative uses for the 3 headed monster. I think the spread could work against older defenses (less quick OLBs and old linemen) so the 10 plays a game should be an average. I wouldn't use it too much against Miami or the Jests, for instance. I do think most teams will be looking for it with the Bills so they might not use it so much.
  19. yeah. I myself, sort of can't believe I never saw it, I saw 2 1/2 a bunch of times. Like Airplane it was much better than the squeal.
  20. Just saw it for the first time, he fell sooo far (at the end). sorry, just couldn't resist since the 16 year anniversary just passed. Back to your normal bickering
  21. Thought you were going to suggest we sign him.
  22. He really shouldn't of had that facebook page inviting anyone to come I guess. That was STUPID! Low key it is not. I am not passing judgement on the man, he may of had nothing to do with the pop,pop,pop but he set himself up for this one. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=126289434068622
  23. So that is what TS means, I thought it was tit sucker, always wondered why they were dissing the OP
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