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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. wow another JP thread will we ever be done with these? well at least the bills don't have a JP this year..... oh wait
  2. Trent 1 Fitz 2 Brohm 3 Brown PS Fitz is what he is, a good back up. Brohm is worth keeping as a development player so is Brown and he will clear waivers IMO
  3. I had troble with that one at first (don't know why it wouldn't connect) but I went back to it later and was great Thanks !!
  4. I can't get past the registration page with out making a Paypal "donation",I can't do that from Bangkok at the moment.
  5. Is this one is the one I saw on the other bills site? I don't have a paypal
  6. Yeah I knew you were going to bring up the he didn't play thing lol, just trying to be a supportive fan here as it seems the coach thinks he the best one. So I support it, if he picks Fitz as back up (which I kind of agree he might) I will support that as well. I am a little surprised ANY ppl around here like Fitz but I feel pretty much as you do about him too. I think we will see what Brohm is made of finally and who knows he may do great then I would change my position about it but I don't see it happening. I still think Trent should get the final chance but really it is his last. I hope finally he will make something of it.
  7. If you saw the GB game it did screw them up and I thought the ref was old and moved slow. I don't blame Manning for getting pissed about it actually. If this was happening to the Bills in 90 or something we would all be saying they made this rule happen just to screw us. It is really not good for the game and should be changed.
  8. But hey they won that next week, go figure. Maybe it is work and work isn't always enjoyable.
  9. "They claim satellites will be aged by 50 years, rendering GPS even more useless than ever, and the blast will have the equivalent energy of 100 million hydrogen bombs." wow factiod, GPS is useless. Actually this storm is going to happen at sometime and the magnatizism of earth will shift too. Both of these things have happened before, usually every 100000 years or so. Yellowstone is due too and rent day is coming where I live.
  10. Only if all the panic sex is lonely horny women
  11. Some one take him to a Canadain strip club please I would love for him to get busted up there.
  12. I'd take either of those TEs and Haver can play some D as well. Good player IMO multi skill set good ST player and kind of mean. I wouldn't cut him if I was them. The OLBs I don't know about.
  13. Where is the plain no option? There is a slight chance but I highly doubt it, so I would go with no, unless they stay pretty healthy and are pretty lucky. BTW I went with if they are healthy because the no's just weren't well worded.
  14. I go with Trent playing into the 3rd, if that is as long as Cinnci keeps their firsts in (unless he blows bad or gets injured). 2 and 3, play the rest of the game, Brown sits. Next game Trent plays 1 quarter or less, 2 and 3 play the rest of the time. They keep all four until final cuts. Brown goes PS, it is worth the chance to lose him IMO (which has changed 2 times about this in the last week alone).
  15. As I live in Bangkok there are few options and the government is blocking p2ps so it is getting even less so. I found one last week but not during the Washington game that would stay on.
  16. or how many porn stars must Tiger Wood impose his 3 wood on? 2nd chances are as American as illegal immigration oh wait.....
  17. Sad story and a waste of talent. I hope the best for him, unless you kill someone or do something just as sick (and listening to this story it really doesn't sound like it qualifies), no way your life should be ruined by stuff you do when you are 16. Being a 12 year old in a 16 year olds body isn't usually the kids fault but our society won't give flyers on this stuff, which I understand but he shouldn't have been tried as an adult in any case. I think the going over the boarder would be a issue, does anyone know for sure? I would be for it if the Bills gave him a call (although I think there may be a lot of Chinese who would be pissed if he was good as a LT but maybe one of them could slide to RT). Thanks for posting the story.
  18. What he wrote about the incident was just kind of dumb. So he didn't really like it and he doesn't think the Bills are going to be good. Big F'in deal! Join the club. I think Chan thinks he is a teacher and acted like a teacher does. BTW who starts a thread about grammar, I was an English teacher and I could care less. I know Chan taught those kids a valuable citizen lesson when visiting someone's property. Namely, if you act like a butthead expect to be treated like one and miss out on the good things that the non buttheads get. If only for that reason, I respect him for it.
  19. When you said Brian Moorman was the best player on the team I stopped reading, last year it was Byrd, excellent playmaker > excellent punter. I like that at the bottom you get optimistic (ok ok I did skim read it)
  20. I don't get it DJ was a terrible coach and it was already very apparent 3 years ago, keeping ppl who should have started on the bench, "bend but ton't break" f8cking playing to keep it close, undersized defense, poor game day decisions every week. I don't know how many times I said in threads back then that "this loss is on the coaches, the players gave it a lot but the Bills make NO adjustments". Whitner saying it now, I don't mind it so much. I just wish he and us could just forget it all happened (I kind of think Chan wants them to forget it as well). I am SOOO freaking happy Dick Juice is gone, gone, gone!!!! The team will improve, they are young and buying into Chan's approach. The season starts tough and we may not see it at the beginning but I think 2nd half of it we will see a better team and record.
  21. This is along the lines of what I was thinking. well put. He played OLB for the Jags as well, I think those were his best years.
  22. HERDY = TERRELLE OWENS not MR MOOS what are ya thinkin?
  23. Man I read it a couple of times now, do you pay for that (I hope not)? We have no out standing players? And Lee is our Best? um not to mention that Moorman is an elite player at his position. If it really is TG, he is much more of a pessimist than I get from reading his writing with these grades. The best guy on our team last year was Byrd and he is at the outstanding level. Freddy might be second touchdowns or not, you have to consider that a lot of the time ML was brought in near the goal line. Not good if you are FJ and want to score the TD. The whole team had problems in the red zone too.
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