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Posts posted by bowery4

  1. What am I going to do now that you tattled on me? You must feel like such a big boy! Good for you! It's funny...my 6 year old son refuses to tattle tale on anybody no matter what because he thinks it is for babies...lol.

    I don't feel good about it, you and Tom are right, I was pissed but calling me a baby, that makes you feel good? Okay then.

    That said, I did put you on ignore and I won't waste my time on you anymore but here are some ideas....

    Respect the boards rules, maybe, respect the team's leaders? Respect a great play (and solid performance) by a fan favorite? Join the Christians and go win over some 3rd world people with your FredX sucks crusade? Go away?

    None of the above apparently, it's funny, now I feel sorry for your kid....

  2. I really have no clue what is going to happen vs the Bears, but this convinces me that the Bills will somehow pull out a win. These Bozos can't all be right.


    Jets big over the Raiders.


    Phins in a shocker over the Pats in the South Florida summer heat.


    Bills 32 Bears 17

    Jets 24 Raiders 14

    Pats* 20 Finheads 28

    I got all the games right too but not the scores :) congrats to us!

  3. Don't worry. Your opinions are completely asinine and you should feel completely humiliated holding them...but they're not crusading until you start three threads a day about it. Bowery4's, in reporting you, is going to look like almost as big a fool as you.




    Hey, I like you. There's proof in the pudding. Tampa Bob, listen......












    hear the chirping? I like the board but detest the troll, nothing personal. BTW nice calling me names, I put you on ignore but unfortunately, people will quote the troll because he says obnoxious things, so I tattled. Sue me and by the way no name calling either :nana:

  4. Tampa Bob, you are new here and I assume you didn't read the terms of service. I am going to report these quotes here to the mods ( there is a thing about campaigning in the TOS) because frankly you are obviously a troll and the worse kind, very Jerry Sullivan like. I was willing to put up with you for a while but I am asking that they look through your 40 posts and consider what you are contributing to the board. I'd actually prefer to see you stiff armed a couple of times by Fred but I can't arrange that.


    I'm glad I could make you laugh! Do you agree that he was moving in slow motion during 90% of the game? He looked like molina running out a grounder for the rays for most of the game. Even that big run at the end seemed to take forever...looked like 5.0 40 to me. The stiff arm was the bomb though. I always respect a good stiff arm.

    Let's not pretend he has ever had a really good season. He barely cracked 1,000 yards one time in his career. He has had a few nice runs at key points in his career. Today was one of them. But to comment on being lucky...he was lucky to get that big of a hole. He basically ran straight through a huge hole, but he finished strong which was important because we are the bills and every yard counts in that situation because we have had some tough heart breakers in recent years. CJ probably scores on the same run.

    Yes...he got all the goal line carries.

    If everyone on the team doesn't leave it on the field every time, there is a problem. Nobody can say that cj doesn't work just as hard or put in just as much effort. Fred is a very hard worker and his story is great. There is just this myth that has been built up that fred is the hardest working player the bills have ever seen and the best leader.


    He has never seen better than 7-9 and because of where he came from people are devaluing the effort the other players put in and assuming they don't work as hard because they had an easier road to the nfl because they have more natural talent.


    There are lots of guys on this very team that I believe work just as hard as fred. All of the williams' for example. I don't believe that fred works any harder than cj or even manuel. Watkins probably works pretty damn hard considering his pedigree. What about wood or woods? I can go on. I actually think we have had a pretty committed group for a while. The problem is that for many years, they just haven't been good enough...a lot of average players...just like fred. Maybe this is the year they change that and I don't hate fred. He is just over rated...by a lot.

  5. I left the first Dallas Super Bowl game early as I was getting sick watching that game in person. Wanted to get to bar early. I do not own jerseys , but had a bills hat on. Female cowboy fan came up and felt sympathy for our loss. The rest is history as they say, at least the rest of the night was fun.

    Sympathy sex, very nice. Best story yet.

    I live in Bangkok and sometimes see a bit of Bills gear here and there. Don't know where it comes from or why they wear it.

  6. I suspect a blow out.................................................. by the Bills. Don't know why my gut tells me these things. Bills in the 30s, Chitown in the teens. I guess I just think that these teams are close in record last year and Cutler looks bad under pressure. He forces and holds on too long, always has.

    EJ looked good to start last season and we added good talent (yes lost some too but). I just think we can do this. We pull away after the half. CJ gets a return TD and a out of the backfield reception TD. That's what my gut says, my brain on the otherhand.....don't ask. GO BILLS!!

  7. How badly does your life suck when all you do, all day, every day, is sit at a computer and make completely pedictable I crap on you, your post, your opinion, comments......

    At least his are funny sometimes and he knows how to spell predictable, so it doesn't sound like "I leaked down my leg and on to the table"

  8. I actually don't mind dink and dunk, it was just ALL I saw in that game and he really was off a bit in THAT game (and in others as we have seen). I like EJ and do think he has the tools to be very good. I just thought that, THAT particular game was not the best example of his talents. I hope that he continues to show improvement, gets help from the line and the talent around him.


    I also hope he shows more consistency and his OC has some good game plans this year (although, I didn't hate last season as much as many on board here did, I do think there is a semi decent sounding plan in place). Last thought, I wonder if part of the oline play problems are on the zone blocking scheme, usually you have smaller linemen for that and yet we have giants playing it (although at least a couple are freaks athletically). I think we will see soon AND GO BILLS! I am excited for the season to start!

  9. Mostly dink and dunk, I sort of agree. But he was pretty "off" on a lot of those passes, really. His receivers deserve credit for making tough catches and making plays after the catch. I would have to say, I was unimpressed by that game (I saw it when it was on) and it was one of the ones that made me doubt his ability. He really has improved (IMO) and had better games than this at FSU.


    BTW here is a link to the whole game not just HLs.

  10. Of course!


    No, seriously, I'm not a trouble maker. I tip very well. But I do expect a certain level of service. Examples:


    We are in a bar that has music in the evening. There is a calendar of the bands on the wall, but the calendar ends at the end of the month, and this day was the 1st (or 2nd) of the next month. "Do you know who is playing tonight?" was my question, "No" was the answer. That's it. Just "no". Not , "No, but let me see if I can find out." Not, "No, the manager doesn't post the band list until later today." Just, "no". Hell. LIE to me, Pretend to try to find out. of you're too lazy to actually do it.


    Another example, another bar (surprise!). "Can I have a cold glass with my beer?" "No" was the answer. WTF? You have glasses and I know you have ice. Have you never made a martini? Don't you know how to chill a freaking glass? Totally unacceptable to me. The place was dead except for us.


    At the hotel, we asked the front desk guy a question (I forgot what it was now, but it was the kind of thing you'd expect the front desk to know.) "I don't know." Was the answer. Not, "I don't know, but I'll see if I can find out for you,"


    This kind of thing happened again, and again, in restaurants, bars and hotels. And when we'd meet up with others in the group (not nearly as obnoxious as I) they had the same kind of experiences. I don't get it. These are people in the service industry. Many of them rely on tips. The requests weren't hard, or obnoxious, or out of the ordinary (or at least I don't think they are). We were a bunch of very personable people (men and women) who tend to make friends when we travel I can't explain it.


    I have talked to others who have had similar experiences in Seattle. Then again, I have talked to people who had a great time (I had a great time, too, no thanks to the people in Seattle) with no complaints. Maybe they didn't ask for anything.


    Never come to Thailand (although they won't expect a tip anyway), you will not find your idea of service in many places.

    Haha sorry, Dean nailed it ... missing link. I thought I posted a story about Buffalo selling houses for a dollar, and at the end, the news guys says" yeah, but then you gotta be a Bills fan"



    I don't know why but I can't see the link in your post but can when I quote it.

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