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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Hartwig, Havner, Burgess all decent to good players I could live with.
  2. Ok then here let me embarrass you from the shout box mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:51 AM) most fans are used to eating the apples so then dont complain they always think the next batch of apples will be better mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:50 AM) no one on bills one drive seems to see the worms in the apples mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:50 AM) caomparing spoiled apples with spoiled apples mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:49 AM) but all in all all of our qbs suck mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:48 AM) fitz is inaccurate very inaccurate but he is a gamer the guys like his willingness to win his guts his balls mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:48 AM) fitz will take over just like last year Benjamin Barker : (05 September 2010 - 02:47 AM) he didnt even win in college he lost like every game mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:47 AM) i dont he even plays the whole season Benjamin Barker : (05 September 2010 - 02:47 AM) yah he is a loser Benjamin Barker : (05 September 2010 - 02:47 AM) trent probably wont even throw 20 touchdowns mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:46 AM) te is not a winner mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:46 AM) think too many fans have been drinking the cool aid mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:46 AM) i cant understand it mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:45 AM)This shout is hidden because you have chosen to ignore that user. View the shout mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:45 AM) he would prefer a dennis dixon or traveris jackson type Benjamin Barker : (05 September 2010 - 02:45 AM) and the whole organization just seems fine with having bad qbs Benjamin Barker : (05 September 2010 - 02:45 AM) yah QB is by far teh most important position, its not even close mpl6876 : (05 September 2010 - 02:45 AM) not chans type of qb either Benjamin Barker : (05 September 2010 - 02:44 AM) when i saw he was cut i was like oh jesus please dont let buddy or chan get any crazy ideas
  3. I reported you, I kept it civil and told them what I thought of their opinions, you are what makes the board un-entertaining at times. Don't like what I say, do the mature thing, call me a name. I probably wouldn't mind their opinions if they had something constructive and/or original to say. I have never dogged on Bill from NYC because he is thinking about what he says and sometimes has some insights I might not of considered. "Quarterbacks: F The Bills have arguably THE worst quarterback situation in the NFL. What more is there to say?" unthought out unsupported drivel.
  4. You can have your Opinion, I just told you my opinion of it.
  5. We do NEED a guy named Johnson to go with our Wood Wand etal...... We were discussing that in the shout box earlier today
  6. oh good, well then thanks for joining in we don't have enough of that already looking forward to your I told you so's
  7. So you 2 just joined the board a couple of months ago so you could post all your very negative opinions all over it? I have a serious question, why bother? If you are fans of the team you should support it. Do you have any positive thoughts that you would like to express? It is a fan site for fans of the team not a critic site for critics of the team. That is what E s p on is for. If I want to hear this stuff I would go there, at least they have some popularity among people and can write in an entertaining manner. "If you dog one of us you dog all of us!" Get it? fan: 1. an ardent admirer of a pop star, film actor, football team, etc. 2. a devotee of a sport, hobby, etc. That is the first post I have purposely read from you MPL in quite a while and it just reinforces my ignore selection. At least you aren't calling anybody names (although you must have been warned since I am sure I wasn't the only one who reported you for that). And sure you're quite entitled to your opinion but what good opinions do you have about our football team? I would be a whole more interested in hearing those. Because I admire and am devoted my team. Smell ya later oh and this is an edit now because MPL took out the part saying he agreed with the OP
  8. Sorry got this far and skimmed down to the bottom and you said something I agreed with
  9. A few more OG Kynan Forney Jacksonville 89 Starts last 7 years OG Max Jean Giles Philly 15 Starts last 2 years OC Chris White Houston 8 Starts last year DE/LB Derrick Burgess The Pats 44 Sacks last 5 years OG Donald Thomas Miami 12 Starts last year
  10. LOL very entertaining when disfuction happens on other teams for a change. BTW he was mad they cut JP
  11. lol, I thought he was trying not to get reported. I didn't report him
  12. Terry's price was 600,000 plus a little, not bad if he is healthy and can stay that way. Seems they cut him to negotiate down. Any one of these guys would be ok with me really, just SO happy we finally dumped Chambers. There are more move coming I am sure. Pack linemen esply back ups don't really interest me as much as the other ones. Thier oline sucked at pass blocking last year.
  13. Well I hate to disagree with the consensus but I think that Fitz is better, I think he has the experience and played for a crappy team pretty well actually. Yes he needs work on his mechanics but so what, I think he handles himself really well as a field general, shows leadership....he is the perfect back up if he works some of that out. His time on the field the Bills got some TDs this pre-season and last year,he is decent at getting the team in the end zone. I like that and so did TO if I remember right. I thought Brohm looked alright (I don't dislike him) but we can't spend time developing 3 QBs, I unlike the rest of you don't think he was head and shoulders above Fitz. I watched the game, he did alright. I think we keep 2 and PS Brown (Nix's pick). I think football is a game where positive consistency is a good thing, if Trent does do well this year we won't need to waste a high pick on one and you have the 2nd year guy (Brown) compete against your back up in camp next year. Use a low rounder (next year's class is loaded I hear) and see what he has got. Good teams do that, I hope it works with ours that way.
  14. I said they COULD both go to the PS actually, Brohm could be cut too. In that case I'd say Brown would be one of the "3" that Nix mentioned last week.
  15. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2010/09/04/jon-jansen-likely-done-after-lions-release/ "Jansen grew up in Michigan and played his college football at Michigan, and he has indicated that the Lions were the team he wanted to end his career with. He signed with Detroit in 2009 and started two games, but the Lions have decided to move on, and he probably won't sign elsewhere in 2010." ....."As a smart, well-spoken player, Jansen would be a natural fit for a transition into TV." Did the Lions cut the Bflo boy TE yet? Him I would take.
  16. I'd keep two and run wildcat if needed in a game. Brohm or Brown could be available the next week. It would be a waste of a roster spot IMO to keep three AR.
  17. Don't worry CL I think he will easily make it past waivers, I doubt they don't intend to PS him.
  18. I hope he we have some 3rd down consistency or cutting him was a mistake. He really was the goto guy for Trent in that situation.
  19. Chan- "The Oline looked horrible...we have a lot of work to do to make that part of the game better" not really a quote but a paraphrase.
  20. Way better than most of our back up offensive linemen might describe quite a few cuts today we will see. Now is the time of year to pick up back ups on the cheap. I hope we see some movement. On my roster I cut a lot of Oline back ups.
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