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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. By now, the most ardent fans must feel Jerry Sullivan has spent 20 years too long in Buffalo . I like the part where he says CJ Spiller ZOOM ZOOM!! Zoom Zoom Spiller kinda nice
  2. You know what kind of freaks me out? Out of 22 carries CJ took 3 to the house. That means every 7.3 carries he is gone to the END ZONE BABY!!!!!!
  3. Yeah I guess I agree. It is what it is. Maybe the players we called have read all the 1-15 predictions It is tough to get guys off waivers in the NFL?
  4. Browns grrrrrr only thing I can say about the Browns is their nick name is the right color. 6-3 was sooooooooooooooooo :censored: embarrassing it is no surprise the way ppl think of our team.
  5. Call him old? he would be the oldest Bill. Maybe they did call him we just don't know about every thing that happens.
  6. Just found this one http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/NFP-Power-Rankings-8484.html 29. Buffalo Bills The Bills have an explosive talent in rookie RB C.J. Spiller, and now Trent Edwards has to prove he is a No.1 QB in the NFL.
  7. Wow "With Ugoh gone, utility backup Charlie Johnson remains the starting left tackle. If Johnson isn't healthy, undrafted rookie Jeff Linkenbach will get the nod." IDK if we should pursue him but he seems like he would be better that what we have got at back up. I really thought they would go for Terry when he was available tho and he went somewhere else, so maybe they don't like injury bug players (or maybe he didn't want to come here).
  8. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article185150.ece By Mark Gaughan NEWS SPORTS REPORTER It is actually a decent article
  9. yeah maybe your right, bad syntax I meant to say: sorry, I am being a very masculine and women loving version of a drama queen
  10. good post That is correct. I don't want you hurt just wondering if you can see it from a different perspective. Sorry I am a drama queen. BTW psychopath: A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. Benjamin I liked your poll about the hair That was light hearted and funnyish. The one about SB qbs was ok The one with grades um..... not so much (not well thought out), this one just lacks empathy and humanity
  11. So when someone hits Spiller on the sideline after he is down and he doesn't get up, it is ok for the fans on the other team to cheer it? Like I said in the other thread, I hope you get hurt. What are you a psychopath? Brady whether he plays for the Cheats* or not is prolly the best the game has ever seen. I want my team to beat the best the competition has to offer. Do I want him injured no. I don't want anyone injured, even Wolford. BTW I am not voting your stupid poll. You may get troll status soon, you are being considered for the ignore list.
  12. What is really funny about all this is that when I was in little league (early 1970s) we always ran the Tgun (we actually were taught to call it the Tbone LOL, it is a freeze the LBS formation and yeah that safety blew it big time, how did he not see Lee running right by?) and we won a championship. You can also run an option out of it, it really could be a great formation for the bills to use a lot this year. Since it does have the effect of freezing Lbs it should work well on teams that are using 3/4. It has weaknesses if you don't have good blockers picking up blitzes though. It is funny because it is as old as sin too. I love misdirection and it's pretty cool to see Chan use some of it effectively. Nice stills BTW where did you get them?
  13. haha I like how you put it better but since we both had the same answer at the same minute JINX!
  14. He just bumped his thread, Tolling 101 (so did I but I just wanted to point it out since he is just trying to get everyones attention).
  15. Or as he started out pretty good at it really his first 2 years and then went down the toilet of shame maybe, just maybe it was the coaching? and the porous line which freaked him into becoming Capt Trentitive. Every one does understand that Fitz is a lot more mobile and actually not a terrible QB too, right. PLUS he hadn't gone through the DJ school of making a QB into a hallow shadow of his former self. He was better getting rid of the ball last year, I will concede that point. He wasn't as good as Trent has been when his line is good to middling tho. Fitz might actually be ok behind a good line, who knows.
  16. I think that is at least part of the reason some one started that one thread about all the ranking threads in one place. And hey if the team is talked about in a bad way, we are fans you think we aren't going to notice? Great you don't care either do I that much but these guys do make predictions as so called "experts" and they get paid to give us this crap. If your child got bad grades in school, you wouldn't have some questions about it. Even if: 1. He was kind of a lazy kid 2. You and your wife got a divorce 3. His grandma died in the winter this year 4. He has allergy's 5. He started at a new school although he is good socially with people 6. He did pretty bad last year and got a C- average 7. He just became a teen and learned about girls 8. He slept too late all summer 9. He keeps his room a mess and that wasn't what he was like as a kid 10.He really doesn't seemed interested in anything and watches TV/plays on the computer too much I know the Bills aren't our kids but they are important to us, go figuar.
  17. It doesn't mention it at Stanford but they sucked on the Oline too. You could call this thread Edwards and his crappy Olines. Yeah he get injured when he is sacked all the time, he does well when he is not. He isn't Aaron Rodgers. I really hope they can protect him this year (and he looks bigger this year too, hope that helps as well) because yeah, he does have health issues if he is not.
  18. I voted for 200+ but I do think Trent can do better. I can't wait for his 1st 300+ game, he should be able to do it this year if the Oline can stay healthy and keep him healthy. If he would have played 4quarters in the Cinncy game (I know preseason but still) he would have had it.
  19. I would even add Joe Namath to that list look at his stats sometime 1967 was by far his best year http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/N/NamaJo00.htm 12 years 4 of which were serviceable (I do realize it was a different game back in the day and in some ways that make up for it but still, he was SOOO freaking overrated most of his career.
  20. What are you Cynical or something? sure, I'll stick around. Why would them being right (which they won't be unless we have as many critical injuries as last year) and me being wrong, bring me any shame? So I could be wrong. Okay. I realize some one has to do this picking the worst teams in the league but I don't have to like it if they pick us this time. If I am wrong big effing at least I didn't get paid and put out there on a website which millions are going read and not earn my money as an "expert". That is where the accountability SHOULD come in. BTW,what does this have to do with anybody leaving?
  21. We don't need a new stadium to do that (use it all year long) Bflo doesn't have nice enough or just plain enough hotel space for a superbowl and we don't need one in b-lo anyway, just like GB and KC we should fix up what we have. So we can keep the team there.
  22. retractable roof leave it open for games, hell even vote on it! That stadium could keep the Bills in Buffalo (God, how I just wish Ralph would make it a commitment for them to stay, from anyone who bought them even if it was at auction somehow. It is one thing that would really really give him a legacy).
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