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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. And this guy sounds like one of our players already http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/7754 also keep in mind iit won't be a lower 2nd or 3rd round player, more like an early 3rd or 4th.
  2. 1. don't expect much. 2. expect to get your heart ripped out at least 2xs a year 3. rinse and repeat: means we change coaches every 3.1 years on average 4. wide right has had 2 really bad implications 2 times in our history, try not to use that phrase in connection with this team. 5. the are no miracles, ever. 6. are you sure you want to be a Bills fan? because of snow, snow is cold!!! 7. OJ was a great football player anything about him after football, well it frankly shames us all. 8. The superbowl came to the AFL one year too late. 9. Ralph Wilson isn't cheap and he is responsible for the Bills staying in BFLO for all these years. Anything else you want to say about him is ok. 10. As far as the current Bills it might be a long year but we might improve. This week: try not to judge the team on one game, Trent it is ok with tho.
  3. Nix is is a good position to help the team with a trade but sending a 1st round pick who made the probowl (and would likely make it again for GB) for a 3rd would not be a good move without a player who was damn good along for the ride. The LB they are offering with the 3rd isn't it. I agree with the Mike in Ss opinion that this could look bad for BN if hr did it, so he prolly won't. I just looked it up they signed ML to a 6 year contract as a rookie? wow. I thought he waqs up at the end of the year. so double no he isn't going out for less then a second and a decent player.
  4. You guys ever hear the phrase "nobody likes an I told you so"? Why are you telling us? We didn't do it. Write a letter to Ralph or something.
  5. awww did he yell at you at training camp?
  6. The only problem is Jim's plan everytime I hear it is that if RW passes b4 he sells they will have to be high bid. I hope his friends have the deepest pockets in the country!! And RW has never publicly said he will sell b4 he dies. I want to beleive him but that is the facts. BTW nice post and thanks
  7. I had a bunch of ppl on ignore for a while and used to get in arguments with them, then I realized they are here like it or not. Reporting is SDS's recommendation. I've used it. SkoobyDum disappeared but I am not sure how .
  8. Ellision or Scott (with Scott being my preference). The only good thing about having the cover2 left overs would be fast size guys to put on a pass catching TE
  9. Fitz has some issues but think if he had a good line, he be as good as Flacco IMO. He has issue with ACCURACY too, is he a NFL legitimate QB to you? It is also what the team around the QB looks like.
  10. The pro set is a bit out of date (in some ways but still useful in a run first offence which with our liability at QB we would certainly need if we stay with him) but we did use a variation (one TE) during the preseason and he did look effective. Other NFL teams use it too. If he is a NFL quality QB wasn't the issue I was talking about. akm0404 please don't misconstrue my posts to fit your agenda. Do I think Trent is the answer? IDK and don't claim to know and in some ways prefer the idea of Fitz who is more versatile. I hope our coach knows what is, what is. I just gave my opinion about what is most effective from what I saw so far this year.
  11. They said Roscoe is a strong return man but didn't mention he will be slot receiver.
  12. Wow, terrible screen name but good post. I have been on that crusade and read it on another Bills web site as well. (I really don't want to say which one because I don't want to advertise another one on here). I do think that that web site has some good analysis tho. But yeah he looked sooooo much more comfortable during preseason and I thought he did well with playaction. They also can not stack the box nearly as much if he does throw out of PA, IMO. I just think the shotgun is back too far for him to read quickly. On the otherhand he played his usual game against a decent 3/4 D. I hope Gailey puts him in situations that play to what we see him do well.
  13. so he didn't say these things? gugny : (15 September 2010 - 08:59 AM) I thought Joe Namath said that. Joe_the_6_pack : (15 September 2010 - 08:58 AM) he said he liked the Mexican reporters booty and would have taken a bite out of it had she been in a Bills locker room when he was playing
  14. you can not say that crap and not say more. call bs unless you do this this esply!!
  15. until these rumors pan out all I say is this because it is just about as good http://trololololololololololo.com/
  16. Wow ya have to wonder? was he like showing ppl him and his girl or what? Hey look at the size of that? hey wanna see what I do in my off time? This what I'm going to do after I retire and become a pro wrestler? I mean ya, Really! WTF?
  17. Yeah he did. I agree with the golf swing analogy, I get mad about it too
  18. I dont remember either but yeah I remember we had someone who did it. eeeewwwww he looks like a big emo baby after.
  19. wow really I gotta get a press pass to women's beach volley ball
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