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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. LOL I understand dude, I understand. I had him blocked for a while
  2. mpl did get better after a while about it but I agree since this 2nd loss he has been crusading a bit. If you really feel that way though Conrad you should report it. That is the official line from SDS which he put in one of mpls threads a while ago. That is what I did about a poster recently for exactly the same reason and poof now he is gone and the board is a better place. I won't report mpl right now because he has made an effort to improve his dialog in the past and warning him at this point about crusading might be the best policy. Like this Hard Rules. Posts that contain the following material will not be tolerated and will be removed promptly (and depending on the nature of the offense - your ISP may be notified of these violations): Do NOT post: Personal "crusades" (posting the same information/opinion in an excessively repetitive manner. We want posters to share opinions not bludgeon others to death with them.) and mpl his calling you a little gnat would fall under this Courtesy is contagious - Just become someone doesn't share your opinion - doesn't make them an idiot. Which is under Softer Guidelines: Activities that are frowned upon:
  3. Having optimism isn't having your head in the sand. Get a clue yourself this about selling his product the News. I It is like a radio station having a shock jock. People listen just because it plays on the emotions to listen to the butthole, when he is saying dumb "opinions" (or some semi sexist/rasist crap). Sully is just doing it with the Bills, a subject which has a lot of emotion for us fans. Because he is not a reporter but does "analysis/opinion".
  4. I posted this in the other trade ML thread but since you kept it more open ended by say trade "A" rb and started your own thread I just thought I would put it here as well. It is so funny that Bills fans don't see the sense of keeping a good player. He helps give us a better chance to win this year! Having a winning culture is much more important than a 1st round choice!!!! AJ Hawk he is ok, even decent (although pretty invisible playing US last week) not as good as his draft status but the knock on him is he is an inside backer (and we need an outside backer more not more depth at inside in a couple of weeks) who isn't good at coverage. ML and CJ and Fred are more than depth, we could run a 3 back set with them for one thing. We can use them as the feature back week to week. There is potential to do very good things with all three. That is not adding in the fact that we want to have a very good running attack here because our line is young and our QBs look like they are not good. Spiller is a rookie, we don't know and we see flashes (in preseason) but he could be not so good or even bust still. FJ is 30ish, one of them could be hurt, hell we may want to resign ML at some point. I honestly don't understand what it means that "he is signed through 2012 but the last year is an option" (if anybody could clear that up). I know I couldn't expect that there is another player who it would be worth a tag or some way of keeping him through the contract if we need/want to. Unless we can get very good almost star value out a team for a position of real need or a very good draft choice (which a 3rd is not and esply not if they bust) out of it. Making a trade for him makes no sense. Unless NO or SD want to give up a starting RT and a good pick (and both aren't stupid either). If good backs are a dime a dozen as everyone thinks around here then let GB pick one of someones practice squad not us. BTW I don't love ML since he really seems to not be happy here even tho we have put up with his thuggish ways but he can and is a good football player on a team that doesn't have many. My last point would be that I don't like seeing our former players going on to great things for other teams and thinking 3 years later what if we still had them. They made the freaking probowl.
  5. Wow this non news spills out more of the trade ml for picks talk, just terrible thinking. It is so funny that Bills fans don't see the sense of keeping a good player. He helps give us a better chance to win this year! Having a winning culture is much more important than a 1st round choice!!!! AJ Hawk he is ok, even decent (although pretty invisible playing US last week) not as good as his draft status but the knock on him is he is an inside backer (and we need an outside backer more not more depth at inside in a couple of weeks) who isn't good at coverage. ML and CJ and Fred are more than depth, we could run a 3 back set with them for one thing. We can use them as the feature back week to week. There is potential to do very good things with all three. That is not adding in the fact that we want to have a very good running attack here because our line is young and our QBs look like they are not good. Spiller is a rookie, we don't know and we see flashes (in preseason) but he could be not so good or even bust still. FJ is 30ish, one of them could be hurt, hell we may want to resign ML at some point. I honestly don't understand what it means that "he is signed through 2012 but the last year is an option" (if anybody could clear that up). I know I couldn't expect that there is another player who it would be worth a tag or some way of keeping him through the contract if we need/want to. Unless we can get very good almost star value out a team for a position of real need or a very good draft choice (which a 3rd is not and esply not if they bust) out of it. Making a trade for him makes no sense. Unless NO or SD want to give up a starting RT and a good pick (and both aren't stupid either). If good backs are a dime a dozen as everyone thinks around here then let GB pick one of someones practice squad not us. BTW I don't love ML since he really seems to not be happy here even tho we have put up with his thuggish ways but he can and is a good football player on a team that doesn't have many. My last point would be that I don't like seeing our former players going on to great things for other teams and thinking 3 years later what if we still had them. They made the freaking probowl.
  6. God, I couldn't even read the thread after we shouldn't gotten rid of JP. Jarhead or something just ruined TE and JP. Get over it move on. Please no more JP threads!!!!
  7. Sully is just tying to get you to click the link. I did it because that helps support the only local paper and therefore the Bflo economy in some very small way. Otherwise I wouldn't have. I think the open QB battle was intended to go into the season (if it had to). He coached Trent up and said listen last year doesn't matter. You prove yourself now and we all forget all about it. I think he was playing a mind game to give him confidence, although it didn't work at game speed, he got Trent saying and at least in practice games doing some of the right stuff, others were seemingly buying into too, even Lee. Trent for some reason didn't have spine even tho he was given opportunity, this was a great way to find that out for sure. I didn't trust last years coaches to make the decisions and I really wouldn't have if I were him either. I don't really trust that Trent is a good back up tho, if his OL isn't pretty damn solid. The line may grow better with time too though. I think it will and I am sure this is an evaluation year for all of them as well. I think Fitz is more of a Gailey type QB to a certain extent. He knows that he isn't the most accurate but he moves more, can see the field, tosses up some long ones and he has the ability to lead. Trent had accuracy when he had a pair but he seems to just be too damaged. It prolly came down to who could be more on target. We may of known it but maybe Chan needed to see if he couldn't fix him. He couldn't say ok you start the season and have 4 games to prove yourself that is just setting him up to fail and not really very fair. After 2 he knows, it was worth a shot IMO. They say you can't teach accuracy, maybe it is true HIDK. Fitz looked better in his motion IMO in preseason, had more zip on it and he is relatively young. I could see him improving. I am not claiming he is Brett or anything but he does look kind of like a more fearless Flacco, granted his passes are not as strong armed but do we need that anyway? I know he can throw a bomb and a slant in a game. Isn't that what we need? Lastly,I am sure Chan also is taking the progress of the line into this decision. They looked better in PS too, now in the games meh not so much. I am sure some of that has to do with what Trent was doing out there. I am just as sure that his game was hurting by what they did out there too. Mostly I think Chan doesn't want to lose. He knows you don't change the culture by tanking the season for a high pick. The ppl on here saying that are just ignorant and so is Scully. About his comments about Spiller, I am sure that not having all three in the preseason is making what we can get out of them more of a chore than it should be. We didn't get to see the 3 headed beast because they didn't play on the same field really til the first game. Making use of those weapons means you have to have time to see what they can do. He is our new coach teaching a new system to new (to him) players. These things take time and I am sure he is learning all the time too. The schemes should get better, the balance should be there more as time goes by. I am just as disappointed as anyone with how they have looked the first two games but I think it is in my nature to stay optimistic or something because I'm still buying it.
  8. So it is safe to assume you were banned here before? always sign up for 2 accounts lol. Hi Benji, you gave it away with the hair thing [
  9. I liked the board better b4 you were here
  10. I really have been seeing a lot of players doing that whats up with that Kabillion, kaboom, rim shot What you never bought a bad car that test drove great, looked good and then you take it out on the hwy and find out it has no power? Or you never had a relationship with a GF sister after ....oh wait maybe I shouldn't go there I moved 4000 or so away and I am still not far enough away from you Dean lol The board needs a good cleaning, I'm really thinking those with less than 200 or so posts maybe should get some kind of a policy wrtten just for them like 2 valid reports and they could be outta here or something, I am all in favor of the type of banter that has always gone on here but really some ppl only have one agenda and repeat it in every thread (unless he got banned already and I don't know it yet.
  11. Bell has improved, Wood still is working on it (no doubt that was a very bad injury and he came back early IMO). I was impressed by Howard, see why Gailey kept him, he put in a solid effort. They really were not good though and it seems that the game is going pretty fast for them too. The one sack that both tackles were just plain driven back to back right in front of Trent was just sad to watch (I have never seen it before either that I can remember). Trent couldn't step up either as the pocket was already gone. The run blocking was much better than last week but dropped off along with everything else after they lost the momentum. We really need to find an answer to freaks like Matthews, I know not many times did teams find answers to Bruce but there were teams that made him much less effective.
  12. They would move to Las Vegas and become the Gamblers or Chips. Donald Trump will own them. Seriously. No I won't root for them. The NFL barely keeps me interested now and the Bills are the only team I am passionate about. It seems to be a life long disease. I started going to games when I was 3. I am the same age as the franchise. I still hope we win a SB by the time I die, my Dad never got to see them in one even, as he died in 89.
  13. All of you guys have really got to stop making sense. There is no room here for that we lost 2 games!
  14. ahhh the week 2: I told you so wow, mpl You are my hero did you really say all that stuff? Must feel good to know how right you were.
  15. So you want a player who was basically invisible against US or you want us to have drafts like the Cheaters which you say is a doomed plan because we can't pick anyway.......um ok
  16. Of course u fire the coach now gotta get that 3.1 year average down to an even 3 year average for each coach here in the queen city
  17. WTF is this thing and why can't I REMEMBER!!!
  18. Just to let you know, I'm doing fine. I think one of the things that bothered me was more the lack of parity in the coverage because of the size of the market. I am not that surprised that they said we would go 2-14 as I am that they didn't say much more in doing so (most of the time). Your WIN comment in your signature is pretty valid but really the Rams get more said about them. I really didn't think that the team would do much better than they have at least until the bye, although I hoped as much. Now, I am wondering if they will do better even then though. That was a pretty bad team I watched the first 2 weeks. That being said I still have some hope. So, I know from the snarkey way you asked, you don't really care but Thanks for your concern. Oh and about the Jests, we do have a chance to win both of those games. Maybe a slim chance, we'll see, that is I watch the games, to see.
  19. it has been stated that it was Jaurons pick and Nix didn't like it much (sorry I just read somewhere on here pls don't ask for the link)
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