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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I didn't want to believe the rumor now I hear it is true. Billeave it. there is a joke in here somewhere but it seems it is on us fans mostly.
  2. The Bills are the WTFs of the NFL so I am not surprised but I agree, WTF are they thinking? At least they aren't thinking about selling tickets I guess.
  3. ahhh just another poster bashing the Bills. Not welcome in my book. That's the easy route. Optimism is hard work buddy.
  4. I'll take Rodgers or Matthews for him not Hawk, not a third. Not even a second. Keep your talent and see what they can do this year. I agree he should be resigned BTW, much, much more so than Kelsey. How much is he worth if he has 1300 rushing and 400 pass receiving this year.Trades are for after the season.
  5. 9.5 still isn't bad. I can't say they are smart doing the Kelsey thing tho. Do it at the end of the year, let him test the waters or at least wait til we see if he does any better by like the 10th,11th or 12th game. Right now he just isn't good at this system.
  6. Good post! Agree Lt or solid rt round 1, QB round 2, LBs 3,4,5, TE 6 and 7th 2 or 3 FAs a QB more back up Oline, more Dline I like the draft more than one player at the same position theory but I think we try a FA QB and keep 1 of who ever works out this year and draft a 2nd round 1. I want a first round LT (or RT). I think 2 QBs would be too much so far as developing either one and making a judgement about them.
  7. All good posts IMO, I also think that Trent has the best tools and it showed in pre-season and practice. I would guess that Chan thought "hey he can be good and we can fix him, it is just his confidence and I know how to give him more We will have an open competition and he will win, that will help him feel better than who he is up against.I will tell him last year doesn't matter, what he does now is what counts. We can rebuild him and if it works we won't need to draft another one next year and we can start on the Tackle position 1st." It looked like it worked to for a while. Then Trent did his "I've lost it" act, yet again... oh well, so now is time to move on. So far as players not being happy about it well, I have worked at places where ppl I thought should stay, got fired and I stayed even if it didn't make me happy for a while, I got over it because I am professional. Also there was a thing that Nix said at that Quarterback club thing about Ralph saying "until they play the real games you don't know what you have." So maybe they talked about it and agreed what to do and maybe he did have some say in it (I know he is the owner and owners are supposed to stay out of it but), maybe Trent was in Fitz's face about something.... could be a lot of **** we don't know about. Maybe Trent was causing disruption, already. I don't think this is all that important, so far as how it is viewed. I like that ppl will see if you can't do your job well, you can leave. I hope they stay w/ that standard.
  8. Dude, you talking about your wife, your Mom, or your sister? Come on, tell the truth.
  9. RIP George thanks for the memories
  10. I knew there would be a post about this, we talked about it a bit in the shout box. The OS kick was okay glad they tried it, I think the stupid penalty was put to good use in that it did surprise them. I think the going for it wasn't a bad idea because it works something like 50% of the time but if it doesn't work there could be a big momentum flip at halftime with the Cheaters getting the ball on the kick off. It would have been a gamble but I thought they looked surprised by it, as well. The FG would have been closer maybe. My gut said do it, I would have gone with that but I have no problem trying to get the penalty in that situation. The Cheaters would have had more time to get a TD if it didn't work.
  11. Okay I put these in red so i can go through 1 by 1 and it will be easy to follow 1. Sure it is hard to gain new insights to 10 years of suckatude but this isn't the same team or coaches, I want to hear more about why he thinks something doesn't work or whatever. I honestly hear more on here than I do from him on the subject and no one on here is paid for the analysis. 2. If it is truly analysis he isn't doing much analyzing.(see point 3c) 3. A critic: a. One who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a matter. b. One who specializes especially professionally in the evaluation and appreciation of literary or artistic works: a film critic; a dance critic. c. One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder. 4. Yes, I seem to hear everything he says somewhere else first. 5. If you believe that... well the NFL is doing a better marketing job than I thought.
  12. 1. You have no idea how hard it is to sign FAs, to a repeatedly crappy team (great LBs went to good teams from what I see) 2. This is the year before the new CBA and that limited what we could offer and for how long 3. Until Bulaga becomes something more than he is, that is a moot point 4. You watch Vick this year, I promise you he ain't all that
  13. Another way of looking it is not having playmakers, look at what happened when Kyle Williams made 2 plays. Having ML and Spiller have a good game helped the passing game as much as Fitz. I am thinking not having Poz and Mitchell (I know ppl all think they suck but....)in there, is making more of a difference then is being admitted here. I hope our Miami castoffs will step up but that isn't the answer. The tackle and end play was crappy yesterday too but I can't blame Williams w/ no one properly backing him up.
  14. Ok your not crazy but you may be a little challenged in the lighting department (if you know what I mean). JK great thread. oh wait JK. Good drunken Stuper joke........ JK, wait.....you got a thing for tight ends? oh wait JK why can't I take this seriously? oh yeah, I know. Because there was a dumb Vick thread yesterday and that was more than enough.
  15. How do you get 4000++ posts on a board that you are not informed about? Do you mean: best regards? in regards to? are you trying to say about? or regarding? So many questions.
  16. The Kelsey stuff is right on, the rest? Jerry is like a negative poster on here with a few more quotes from the players. JW may not like to hear someone to say it (I assume because they are friends and he somehow respects JSs' opinions) but really Jerry is like a bad art critic, it is not hard to pick apart crap it's soft and smells bad. Give me some insights I didn't have before wasting 5 mins of my life.
  17. Playoffs? draft choices? Brown what was the point of this post again?
  18. He was terrible, he gets the boot please!!! Do we have a replacement? I mean really someone who plays better than him.
  19. His accuracy seems improved, if he was behind NEs line he does even better. I said it in preseason and I think so now, he looks like Flacco out there. I think he is more than serviceable. The only really bad throw was Rosccoe and it must be like aiming for a midget. Nelson should have had the nads to slap his pass away. Also before the play, Nelson was asking Fitz something on the way to the line, I wonder if he was out of position (I knew he was getting the pass).
  20. I noticed that too. Well we already got one so they owed them that one.
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