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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. So, I didn't hear the news the guy was dead, big effing deal, I THOUGHT HE WAS ALIVE sorry, for not being up on Bears news and it was purely hypothetical since we aren't trading Maybin anyhow, I think he's right you're Mpl
  2. Um maybe you should be a fan of THAT team then. I would be in favor of starting rookies but then I look at your join date and post count and see how it is turning out w/ you on the board and I think Meh.....rookies
  3. I could see us doing w/o it but every team does use it. I have been having some problems w/ Gaileys game plans so far in general. I hope it improves.
  4. If Trump is Kellys guy then the Bills won't be staying in Bflo. The owners in the NFL are not accepting of the Donald and never will be (because of the USFL), the gambling business isn't a great thing to be involved with either from their point of view.
  5. My computer is relatively new (less than a year).
  6. Napolian you have no talent for evaluating anything, you think Kelsey is good because he got a decent score on your fantasy team LOL!!! Fitz played his heart out yesterday and made few mistakes; how many of those 12 for 27 were dropped I counted 3 on Evans, 1 on SJ, 1 on Roscoe (and my stream was very choppy the first half so I might have missed some), 2 throw aways maybe 3 on almost sacks plus 10+ average yards per carry.(BTW if his receivers catch those he is 17 of 27 and if he get protection maybe 20 of 27) I thought he did well, he did get sacked 3 times as well but for the most part that was not on him. He also had 2 TDs and no ints. This loss is not in anyway Fitz's fault. His Defense let the Jets have the ball over 40 minutes! He played better than Flacco (I am comparing him to Flacco because he is supposed to be the better QB but I think Fitz > Flacco, who BTW no one argues shouldn't be a number 1) in the win they had yesterday, the rest of the Baltimore's team carried him to a win. IMO Fitz although not Tom Brady is pretty damn good. If Fitz was on a good team he would be very good, I don't doubt it at all. I'm pretty pissed that Chan told him he was thinking to replace him yesterday, he was one of the few players who kicked butt (although maybe it motivated him some too). I wonder about Chan now, honestly. Fitz is young and has real potential, which is more than I can say about many of the players on this team. Fitz is completely underrated because of his draft position and the team around him.
  7. Anybody know about internet speeds my feeds for the games worked badly yesterday and I wondered if this was why. Download Speed: 3871 kbps (483.9 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 470 kbps (58.8 KB/sec transfer rate) Latency: 68 ms I am in Thailand so I expect it to be slower than advertised but I pay for 2mb service. Anybody know? Am I getting anywhere near what I pay for it? Is it too slow to get good connections? I am not sure what the speed was during the game but those are what I get now.
  8. I know you are in fantasy land already but did you even watch the game? Regardless of how many point he had in your meaningless fantasy game he blew chunks out there.
  9. Cards have some semblance of Oline play and lost a few of their best players on O. They also put in a bad QB, we almost made the QB mistake but our Oline doesn't even come close to theirs.
  10. God, this really is the 60s all over again, at least the county is not building him a stadium this time. A protest happened today when everyone left during that crap 3rd quarter. The seats were less than 50% filled and by the 4th you could hear the players talking on the field from the sideline mics. If RW isn't embarrassed by today the guy really has no pulse left already. I lost all my optimistic outlook today. SELL THE TEAM RW, Jim says he has the new owners lined up take him to task, PLEASE!!!!!!! Complete your legacy in a good way, give the fans some hope, we deserve it for supporting you and your product. Give us something to really believe.
  11. When the only thing you win in a game is the coin toss you have to take the ball and not kick it. I hate deferring and losing momentum b4 the game even starts. Take the ball and run it down their damn throats!!! I don't care about one extra possession in the 2nd half when you are already beat by the second half!
  12. I now BilLEAVE the Bills really officially suck and I was optimistic
  13. Really good and kind of amazing story! Hope we win just for this guys sake. http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article208602.ece
  14. I don't want a a 1st round QB unless it is Luck at this point (although I would give strong consideration to Mallet at this point as well. The operative words being at this point, it is so freaking early). If AJ Green is all I have heard it is also worthy of consideration. What I would like to see really is this 1st LT or QB 2nd LT or QB 3rd OLB 4th OLB 5th and/or 6th (actually I would do this in 3 to 6 and pick 2 TE and OLB, unless Nelson really show something this year) OLB, TE, WR (maybe also depends on this year) 7th BPA DE/OT/TE/DB Extra picks/UDFA DE,C,OT,DB
  15. Trent did this to most everyone. Jim is a Bills employee, if he said this is a horrible idea and has been since Chan thought it up he would be out and prolly rightfully so. Jim is much more than Chris Brown, Jim is the salesman w/ credibility in most people's eyes He also might have thought Trent looked good in pre-season just like the rest of most of us AND his teammates. If Jim really does come through and ends up being our owner w/ his friends, he should have a good relationship with RW. Being supportive of Chan's choices comes w/ the territory. It is kind of stupid to think of Jim as anything more or less than Bills fan number 1, in terms of the franchise. To write a opinion piece w/out looking at the facts of the relationship of Jim w/the Bills is misleading and amateurish.
  16. Wow Bill not advocating line first?? When the hell did hell freeze over?
  17. Byrd, Wilson and Whitner have had less than perfect games. The problem hasn't been the safety play though. I think still Byrd is feeling the effects of the surgery. But it really is what has been playing in front of them. And yes, Whitner does get himself out of position at times in coverage and always has. Against GB he wasn't the one covering Finley most of the time but when he did....well we have is what we have. I know that every team has problems covering big fast tightends and we have a sh!tload of them on our schedule this year. BTW, if they are going to extend the likes of Kelsey and Whitner is up too, along with Marshawn I would like to see them get it done during the season.
  18. If they go for it and don't get it or any points, they pretty much HAVE to go onsides on the kick off because after giving up 3 or 7 b4 half time ( very likely scenario ) and then giving the Cheats the ball back after the half is an insurmountable change in momentum. BTW during the game I was saying my gut tells me going for it is the thing to do (I also know about that percentage you were talking about there), they look like it is a surprise. Trying to get the penalty was the right thing to do.
  19. Really you youngsters haven't even smelled stinky yet. You have no idea how bad my childhood as a Bills fan was. Not to mention my teenage years and pretty much most of my adult life. We have been through so much more than you, you will never understand.
  20. Does this put him in coverage on Keller?
  21. Looking at that list I wonder again when we have such a weakness on the outside why does Davis play inside here? Didn't he play outside before. Is he just too slow?
  22. You guys will get your wish no doubt this week because Stroud was injured in the Cheaters game (which may of happened when he got pushed on his butt explain his play last week.
  23. How does some who just joined know about Skooby and what he looks like, but can't spell his name? Skooby is it you? Come back Skooby? who wants him back? Check this guys isp please. next time just register as Skooby ver.3.0 or whatever number you're on now.
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