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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. why does this thread remind me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry can't figure out his GFs name?
  2. There is this one QB in NE* who doesn't fit that "rule" you know even though his coach supposedly ascribes to it.
  3. I wonder when it was seen first posted on the web as well, I first saw it around 12ish
  4. Thanks JW, I thought that would be the case as nothing in the news world seems to happen w/o advance notice. Buddy said pretty much what I expected and now he will and is being flamed for it. Just as I thought would happen too. PPl are going to have to wait and trust 2 things that will be hard for them to do. I expect they felt they needed to do this but they really didn't IMO, 0-6 I guess ppl will or would be ready to riot. Not so sure that happens if he makes a statement or not.
  5. Wow this thread got colder and colder as it went on, people here have little respect when it comes to Ralph which I understand but man, cold like a January day in a blizzard at Ralph.
  6. This is a funny thread I figured he just went to kinkos on the way out of town
  7. Whether or not you like it or not the public money used doesn't give you the right of accountability you want. It is not hard to understand, really. You are a customer not a subscriber, secondly yes there would be meetings and crap IF THE COMPANY WAS LOSING MONEY, I haven't heard they are yet. Lack of confidence in the product would not merit it.
  8. As I said before there was a QB club thing a couple of weeks ago: secondly it is a team, a pro sports game, Yeah I know it means a lot to all of us but our public money shouldn't be tied up in the way it is anyway. Thirdly, it is not public company, and they don't have to talk, why the hell would they. In what way is the PR going get them any thing at this point but people ripping them new ones and more fuel for the fire. Look at the thread about "show me the baby" as an example of that. 4th, Stockholders don't get to say all that much. Buy or sell for the most part, RW maybe taking Bills executives to task everyday for all we know. In reality, I hope he is not.
  9. EDIT Damn Thurman#1 you edited out before I responded LOL UM really he didn't? I said he suggest it and it sounds that way to me. Jerry's chat which he had this comment w/ Hossage (thank god and Mods, that clown is gone!!), Quoted by JW here is the ENTIRE response Jerry wrote: "You're a fan. Set your goals high. But understand that the best thing for this franchise is to get a high draft pick in a year where there might be several franchise QBs available. (how many other ways are there of doing that, he didn't say trade for it) Always be prepared for a surprise. You can enjoy a bad team if you see progress and pride in the younger guys." I don't know how to delete this and it looks foolish w/out the context so I am leaving here. Sorry no hard feelings.
  10. The Monday QB club thing was a public event I would have thought. I wonder why JS wasn't invited and why so much of what he wrote just sounds like an echo of this place. And just as an afterthought didn't he just suggest a couple of weeks ago that we SHOULD tank the season. Let's face it is easy to second guess things. One thing I know from reading him though JS is still a dope.
  11. Well, that sure was quite the plan there. The problem starts with that first sentence tho. Oh the Cinnci a few years ago plan, yeah how'd that work out for them.
  12. Seems like you have nothing but good things to say about the Bills, I wish I shared you never ending optimistic attitude.
  13. Meh, from what I remember babies take 9 months to come out. They might walk and talk by 2,2 and a 1/2 years. We are still making the baby. The baby is not due yet.
  14. Those defensive line and lb lists have some mindpopping names on them! I have thought for a while that we would cut/trade expensive non producers to have money room for next year. The Kelsey resigning makes me wonder a bit tho. Now our FO seem to be in change mode since the players are getting on the field and they are sure how bad they play during real games. IMO they will do this for a good part of the year and bring who they can and have a look too. I don't see us trading for players, they will and are trading for draft slots tho. The 2012 list is pretty impressive too. http://www.kffl.com/static/nfl/features/freeagents/fa.php?y=2011 Thanks for the post This link will work better.
  15. Um George Burns, my grand father 2 people who had it still in their 90s
  16. Punch don't make sense you ruin the discussion about how clueless the FO is.
  17. I like Thorner's idea but don't think the Cheater would, pity that. Mankins would be great here. We can always try to over pay him as a FA, I guess (if he lasts til then). Also I am sure Mcniels price would bankrupt our draft for years as AJ always wants more than what someone is worth. That also is a pity.
  18. Senator you and Bufftex are wrong the LAST year of of his contract was voidable http://seattle.sbnation.com/seattle-seahawks/2010/10/5/1732568/seattle-seahawks-marshawn-lynch-contract-details Make sure you read the edit at the end http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/bills/2007-07-27-bills-sign-lynch_N.htm AP report from when he was signed ".... the Buffalo Bills' first-round draft pick, agreed Thursday night to a five-year contract worth nearly $19 million, his agent told the Associated Press. The team then confirmed the signing on Friday morning. DRAFT PICKS' STATUS: See who signs when "Marshawn's ecstatic and looking forward to helping the Bills," agent Doug Hendrickson said. "All along, Marshawn told us he wanted to be in camp on time and instructed us to get the deal done." Drafted 12th overall out of California, Lynch will earn $10.285 million in guaranteed money including bonuses, with the entire contract worth $18.935 million. An additional year would be added to the contract if Lynch missed a majority of his first two seasons." He did play the first 2 seasons =s 5 years. We got a 3rd and a conditional 6th that may turn into a 5th if he does well. That isn't bad for a guy in his LAST YEAR OF A CONTRACT. Who didn't want to be here this year, didn't come to OTAs and prolly played w/ more effort the last few weeks because of his burning desire to leave!!! And last week after we were wiped up on the field, he was on the sidelines laughing and joking just like last year. Hell, good riddence ML thanks for the memiories (BTW did you know he got a 14 on his wonderlic?) You both skip over 2 big incidents as well, one more and he sits for a year. Randy Moss might very well help take Minni to the SB. And the Cheaters let him know they didn't intend to resign him already.
  19. about time actually now is a good time for shopping lots of moves made this time of year, I like they are throughly evaluating players this year. I didn't trust anything the DJ did in terms of knowing what talent he had.
  20. Well at least it is an original thought, sort of. A new low kind of but original. Old people really don't get enough respect. That George Burns lived a long time. First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down. I'm very pleased to be here. Let's face it, at my age I'm very pleased to be anywhere. Everything that goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that's down can come up. I'm at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill. Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope. At my age flowers scare me.
  21. Can you bump this when the on demand version is on? That would be great thank you in advance.
  22. I don't love getting a 4th and something for him but hey you get value where you can. I assume this was the best price they have heard and it's 2 weeks from deadline so they finally pulled the trigger. Everyone knew we were planning ahead when we drafted Spiller, so on with the show! Personally, I like ML and wish him luck but don't think he is a giant loss (mostly cause he was going at the end of the year anyway). One area where we are a bit overloaded, not many of those on this team. Now that was A VERY BAD trade!!! but Lamonica was going to ride the pine here (was what ppl said at the time). The fact is it makes GMs look bad if they trade player for player (during the season, esply) if one does great and one doesn't. I think it was too low a draft pick but you get what you can (as opposed to getting AJ Hawk in return). +1 Have fun watching "so you think you can dance" in the backfield! He was picked in 2007 this contract goes through 2011, so this is his last year on that contract w/ the Bills, CJ is supposed to be a great (OJ great, compare his kick return to one of OJ 1969 ones it is scary how much it looks the same)type back in this league. He should dominate for years (behind a good line). +100 I hope we have some other ideas what to use in the redzone tho I had a link to roto world up earlier too but they changed it now but here is a link about the "viodable year" contract http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/bills/2007-07-27-bills-sign-lynch_N.htm http://seattle.sbnation.com/seattle-seahawks/2010/10/5/1732568/seattle-seahawks-marshawn-lynch-contract-details 5 years, so he was leaving anyway getting 2 picks is not that bad.
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