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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. First off JW thanks for the interview good job About what I would think RW would say really but good to see he is addressing the fans, he didn't have too. I honestly think he is trying to turn it around and the last few coaches are all people who he thought could do it. I am glad he takes responsiblablity and knows there is no quick turn around and that approach was what he expected before. I think it is hard to tell fans it won't be a quick fix, he might have added that we have tried that before,over and over. I am sure he regrets those decisions too knowing he may not live to see the final result. I guess one thing I get from the interview is that he might be ill. You don't talk about your own demise like that even in your 90s IMO. Ah really living up to that idiot name ya picked out there eh He doesn't have to and really it would be against his best interests to publicly announce anything as the other owner are going to get what ever choices he has made shoved down their throats when it happens if he does plan on having the team stay here. You should be thankful he is not showing his hand. Stadium lease is up in 2012 IIRC RW is a clever guy and as I said above he shouldn't do that. I do think he won't ruin his legacy (and now Jimbo's is invariably hooked into it as well) in WNY and has something in the works. There are a lot of reasons not to do it now and certainly not to announce it.
  2. Yeah still and for good reason Fitz belongs in the NFL contrary to what you believe.
  3. The D coordanator might go at this rate but not Gailey end of next year at the very earliest
  4. hate Alex Smith isn't what we need anyway..... so you want to start a rookie behind this beast of an offensive line, maybe he can end up as good as Trent........um
  5. Then when there is a lock out next year we won't have a Bills game to see until August of 2012, if they don't move first....um
  6. I'll tell you what. I like Chan and Nix still but what we saw yesterday just left me thinking that the game planning that they are doing is somewhat Jauronisc. I really think they could be much more effective in the ground game and I know Jacksonville has a weak secondary but so what? We should always prove we can shove it down their throats and do it, til they stop it. I hate reactive coaching and Chan keeps doing it. I want the coach to expect to win and have a plan that they can do that with.
  7. say something of substance for a change ie: trade down from the first and get a later 1st and a second, second. I agree a playmaker 1st on the D a possible franchise qb in the 2nd and a good OT. maybe a play making TE (I'm leaning to this in the 3rd), LBs 3-6, whatever 7th & BPA always. Next year IS THE year to look for good FA LBs too. And D player in general.
  8. I watched the game today on a stream which didn't work well until almost the second quarter. But aside from that, I have a few observations about how it went. There are some basic things that I thought Gailey did wrong and it has happened a few times this season and I am starting to wonder about his effectiveness as a HC/OC. I wonder about the gameplan today and why we did the things we did esply on the O side of the ball (I realize how bad the D was but I have a point to make here). It seems like we need to have an identity but when we start to build one during a game we turn away from it. We didn't have a D collapse until after we gave up the identity we were building. We, from what I saw of the first quarter and the second we were running well and not behind, then just before the 1/2 we had a series where we threw 3 incompletes for a quick 3 and out (was this after the stupid bunch of penalties down near the goal line? I think it was, is that why he switched it up? IDK but). What was that? Give FJ the ball and run the damn thing! Keep your awful D off the freaking field! Take time of the freaking clock! Go with what has mostly worked to put your 10 points on the board (I would argue Lee's TD was set up by the run BTW). Your damn O line is making mistakes at pass stuff on many too levels and Fitz looked uncomfortable w/ the calls and then threw up some bloopers . Why not run FJ from an I or have CJ and FJ in the back field at the same time w/ 2 TEs in there? I thought you were creative? Make them stack the box then throw a play action at them and throw a semi long ball. I understand having a balanced attack but Jacksonville understood the value of staying on the ground and wearing our D out (esablishing the run and going w/ what works to set up the pass game), we should have gone w/ that game plan. I also am starting to think Nelson is sometimes a better option than Roscoe and wouldn't mind him in there sometimes instead (I did see the catch RP made BTW and he does block like a tiny demon) but we need some height across from Lee IDK switch him out w/ SJ a bit more? Our WRs looked better this week on the whole, even if SJ was lucky on the TD (he didn't get called for the push off or juggling the ball). All week they talked about having the run game work and FJ being the man in that, stick w/it then. I sometimes worry that we are just getting CJ experience instead of building a culture of winning when you do that? I just don't get it and it is a pattern after you did it basically the same way the last three games. Today The D was worse at playing this 1/2 assed mix of schemes than it has been, we need to get in more or less one formation and stay with it. These players are not good enough and maybe not sharp enough to have 3 different philosophies in their heads in one game. I realize injuries are playing into this and learning new stuff and not having the personal to make it work but you have to understand those are just excuses to having bad plans. I kind of think we could move Williams over to DE sometimes when Troupe (who didn't look that awful in there today IMO) is in there, we need to see better work from our DEs in the run game. It is really that simple. Find a decent scheme and stay with it more. I saw a few of this a few of that and a few of the other thing, dude they can't handle it all yet and it really isn't working. Jacksonville loves to run and we didn't have 8 in the box and our CBs are playing 8 yards back? And another thing everytime they ran out of the shot gun THEY RUN the DAMN ball. We didn't get it the whole game. Last thing why, oh why? is Maybin playing from a 4 point stance??? That is not putting him a position to succeed, he is awful at it. One last little rant about the O line. Howard is a 1/2 step better than the 3 million dollar man, glad to see him get more time on the field even though he got beat a few times and miff on a key block on a run by FJ. Still better than Green. I thought they looked good at the run plays when FJ was in there most the time but man the middle of the line is struggling and Bell still has footwork problems. I think Fitz would be much better if he had some confidence in his front five, I think he panics in a different way than Trent which makes him look worse than he really is. The main problem is not running to set up the pass and THAT is a coaching issue, not a QB one.
  9. I seen him play this year a couple of times and he stunk then last week w/ Revis out he steps up and looks !@#$ing decent. WTF is up with that?
  10. I just can't predict it, no idea if we see good Jags or crappy Jags and same with the Bills. Well, with the Bills D being bad consistently, I see Jags putting up at least 24. Can we out score that? I don't know, I'd like to think so.
  11. I doubt Lee is going anywhere (at least during the year) after hearing Buddy talk about core team leaders and seeing other guys excell who are ex-Bills around the league. Marshawn on the other hand, well he was still one mistake away from a suppension at our only overloaded position w/ his contract up after this year. We don't have many trade options; maybe Whitner or Florance and as we will see this week they both are our depth or starters so they prolly not going anywhere either. Now during the off season I could see some cuts and trades happening this year. Buddy wants draft picks and we will know real well who blows and if we have any depth.
  12. Really, I kind of agree with most of your post but no one else will, you and I are just "homers". This fanbase is mad as hell and they won't take it anymore. I know it will take time and patience and RW knows too. It is what it is. Personally I think we didn't do much this FA because we knew it would be an evaluation year (and the probable LO/ strike/CBA agreement), they (the FO) hoped for better but implemented a lot of changes and are trying to coach up a bunch of underachivers. At the same time they now have plenty of cap space. I am hoping we work the FA market for real this year (we will have a purse and the FA class is about 2x the size of this years). We will draft high, hopefully have a few extra picks. We will have a season of practice games that should give a lot of players experience and weed out the crap. It was a rebuilding year anyway, we all hoped for better but we will get there. Most of the moves this year haven't looked that bad IMO.
  13. My question is did she hand this into a class and if so what was her grade? I hope she does well in her porn career, she just did in most of her prospects in life besides that one. She must be somewhat effed up, I slept around a lot at her age and I know I was. But at least I tried to keep it semi private. She acts like there are no consequences in life and to bad for her there are.
  14. As my Dad used to tell me the county has a fair once a year, beyond that there are no fairs in life.
  15. Well I would have to say that is valid and we keep drafting them but for one reason or another we just haven't picked the right one. I bet we draft another too this next draft. I would have liked to pick up Algie Crumbler but NE* got him instead. Hope Nelson works out for a change but we should try to have two decent ones Bellycheat says thats the way it should be done now a days and we should copy it.
  16. You sound like JS only you don't write as well and you want us to criticize it bit by bit and the argue w/ you about it. No thanks! Personally I guess I am just getting sick of this aspect of the board. Hope you feel better about it and try to spend more time loving the people around you rather than thinking about all this negative stuff so obsessively. BTW did some one say our LBs are circumcised? Oh an one more thing history is never facts, it is written by the winners.
  17. Listen I have been a fan of this sucking, butt, copulating, piece of crap franchise since literally before I can remember. If you need to jump then jump. I understand but am not really sympathetic. I know I hear enough from the likes of you all on here or in the national and local press. No one said love is easy and in fact, it's not. I wish we were the Steelers sure but we're not. We might be the Red Soxs of football for all I know (but in reality I think that is Cleveland). Myself, I just can't do it, in fact I am stupid enough to still be optimistic. If not about this year or next, then the one after that. I can't say I was w/ our last coach. What can I say? I'm an idiot and hope springs eternal. I have patience, I think this might be a good GM and coach. I like some of what they have done, we'll see. I just don't have the energy to be too be negative all the time. Plus it's kind of like having a disease that I can't shake, good days and bad, try to enjoy the good and not wallow in the bad.
  18. Can you imagine if way back when RW was holding Erie county ransom (with the "I am going to move the Bills"), if he would have agreed to fixing up War Memorial and we could have one of those cool old retro stadiums now, that could be mixed use and right downtown. The neighborhood would have profited and now we would be talking about our storied stadium just like the Pack does. I hope The Ralph is refurbished and used for a long time like Arrowhead, even with a new owner we shouldn't make more mistakes like that. Personally, I believe they could have a sliding roof/dome on it, that could only be open for football games and winterclassics. A Bills museum next to it, maybe some other small attractions and we are good to stay.
  19. ok just can't let that one pass, What are you his wife?
  20. http://www.myp2pforum.eu/ This has listings of games, you need streamTorent for it but it isn't bad, but was super choppy the first half last week (but that may be my internet speed or connection because I am in Thailand) or the others sound like they work ok in the US too but I don't know about that. The government here blocks a lot of these kind of things. What site did you see a sopcast version on?
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