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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Just a thought, is Chan reading my posts? LOL So 3-4 out of 7, not bad
  2. I am just going to call you Debbie from now on, Debbie Downer.
  3. I live in another country and the NFL is quite simply not available here on TV or through the "ticket", so my only choice is to "steal" the game through the internet. That suggestion about the site that you need to use stream torrent for is the most reliable IMO. Also IMO the NFL is trying this out still and may end up giving the games away in the long run as TV revenues are from selling commercials, there sure are too many of those!
  4. Some people are never happy but I am CONGRATS on the win!!! to everyone.
  5. Really? your kidding, right? CJ is a bust, Fitz is what he is (a back up, a good back up but that is all), Chan and Nix don't know what they are doing, Edwards should be fired. The FO needs to be replaced, they haven't drafted well since the 90s. Fred is getting old and tired. Lee isn't a number 1. Poz and Whitner are both terrible. Dick was a better coach infact so was Perry. I want us to go back to cover 2. Would Wilson pass already! Jim Kelly can't be trusted! Merriman is ripping old Ralph off, how did we ever sign the guy, no way in hell we ever see him in a Bills uniform. Oh and BTW, Foxholes are over rated. Just kidding dude, LOL, nice to see this kind of post, Thanks Pilsner, I stopped even going in the shout box, just bores me to tears lately and during a game itis down right ugly.
  6. He was on a couple of winning teams that were decent but not great, I remember his hanging his head though and thinking no don't do it Joe! You could just sense the quit in the guy. But I wish nothing but the best for the guy and thank him for being as could as he could be.
  7. My suggestions on helping. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/123045-i-like-the-offensive-improvements-but/
  8. I think you stay with Fitz unless he gets injured. Here is why: Too much prep, practice with the starters, isn't happening much, if at all. Look how QBs even good back ups play when thrown into games w/o much playing time before that, he is probably bound not to play well even if he is pretty good. Chemistry takes time to develop. See if Fitz keeps throwing INTS w/ games on the line, see if he keeps improving. You play the one gives the best chance to win? I don't want them to tank the season, that is not how you build a winning culture. IMO you don't play guys just to see what you got but thats just me. BTW if Luck is there and we have the chance to take him even if Fitz goes probowl we take him, again IMO. BPA at most important position on the field, have to take him.
  9. flea-flicker whats up with all the esply?...the word is especially, well it is an internet message board and I am a lossy speller. Spell check doesn't even know what word it is when I spell it wrong . Did you know that until standardized education came about in the mid 19th century everyone spelled the way they thought things should be spelled? Sorry it bothered you. gran·u·lar (grny-lr)??? adj. 1. Composed or appearing to be composed of granules or grains. 2. Having a grainy texture. 3. Biology Containing granules: granular cells.
  10. The problem being everytime he does he separates his shoulder again. Stats lie, he certainly hasn't thrown that many (in ratio to short passes) in his long illustrious career. In fact, if you look up Capt. Checkdown first you see Chad then you see Trent.
  11. Sort of like if your hero Hamdan would have ever seen the field huh?
  12. I see ok but now I cant change my vote can I? I loved Lou but voted Marv because of the wording. Lou won a championship..... oh wait, now I see the problem EDIT wow, I just found out you can change your vote on here bow
  13. I hope we draft the "Good Luck" mine too It is even in my sig lol and that was b4 I thought we had a big chance at the #1
  14. Wow no replies. Isn't about next years draft or saying we should fire Gailey/Nix/the scouts and the team is 0-8 we suck, we need a new owner. I must be on a different wave length than the rest of the board
  15. Certainly number 2,3and 4. It was on Marv/Cotrell in number 1 IMO BTW I went with Marv, Saban and then Knox and don't understand the "since the merger" part of the post in the first place, since it just lessens Lou's position in the poll. And that was when the team was 9 years old, so what is the story with that?
  16. The O has been doing better esply in the pass game and that is great! But we need to have a more balanced attack. So a few suggestions mostly to improve the run game. 1. Have Corey run in 3rd and short instead of passing, the guy can carry players a few yards. 2. Use the wildcat sometime, using Fitz in the lineup he can run or pass and so can CJ and Freddy, the whole idea behind the formation is to go run or pass and make the D react. It should work with these guys. I esply like it when they are starting deep in their own zone. Surprise on first down (which w/ Fitz and the same personnel in there they even might waste a TO to adjust)! 3. I really want to see a more running even if we use the pass to set up the run. We should just do that, there is no reason to start the game running, throw it around in the beginning and loosen them up a bit. 4. More 2 back pro sets with play action I don't mind the shotgun for PA but Fred isn't as fast as he needs to be getting the ball that way and is better getting the ball on the run already (because of the delay? I am not sure), also it lends it self to the fake better and makes the play harder to tee off on. 5.The screens we are running are not working 80% of the time, use another kind of delay play, I am impressed by the flip back play that other teams have used against us, give to the RB they turn and flip back to the QB and throw it (sorry, I know there is a name for that but I am blanking on it at the moment). 6.I would have suggested this even before Roscoe's injury BTW, line Evans in the slot and Nelson on the outside. He is a good blocker and 2 big targets are better on the outside. If we go 4 wide throw him out side and put Spiller in the slot (now esply). 7. Line Maybin up as TE, I don't even care if we use him as one just put him there as a surprise (plus then he sees the field LOL) and see how they adjust to it. The D? I have no clue, they played better (esply against the run) last couple of weeks, I hope Merriman can help. They don't look good blitzing even, no stunts...crossovers. We need some pressure bad! I hope they can improve these last 8 games. Oh and put Kelsey at end, take him out of coverage. Don't have him play 4 point stand in the 3-4, in fact don't have him play 3-4 ever.
  17. I wish they would use Corey Mcintyre in the run game as a runner sometimes, that 2 extra points handoff would have been a good time for instance. I think we could use a fullback in the traditional sense at times in the run game, instead of throwing short on every 3rd and lees than 4 attempt.
  18. Depends a lot on slotting, BPAs at positions of need. Do like good clubs do. NO REACHES!!
  19. I knew this thread would be stupid b4 I even opened it but it shattered my expectations of dumbness.
  20. Um we just let go of our PS fullback Caulcrick would be that, if they want Bell back they could put NR on the active roster and pick him up.
  21. I am not totally sure that Fitz wouldn't be a franchise guy with a good line and a better D. That being said, the Bills would crazy not to take a "next" player at the number one pick if they get it. One reason being that list of 38 out of 44. The other reason would have to be because the "greats (HOF players)" make you way better than you are, as a team. Proof of this is Fitz (who I like a lot and have since last year BTW). He is playing quite well and look where it has helped the team compared to when Trent was in there. I understand we are still 0-8 but for a large part that isn't just on Fitz. If he is the next Kurt Warner, well then great (but we still don't know that either). We have been very competitive in games he has played this year. Things take time to gel, improve etc...... and we have crap players and new systems which don't fit some of the talent. I agree we need serious help with LBs, OTs, DT maybe even CBs and definitely a TE or two but if "the guy" is there at #1 you go for it. There are great oppertunties in FA to help the team this coming year. A strong draft and we could really build on something. Having 2 good QBs would be a great problem IMO. Of course the other positions need help as well but BPA at the most important position is really the way to go. I am thinking Luck or (at this point) Mallet would be there this year for us in this discussion. If they are not and we do end up with first, we have another kind of leverage and maybe could end up with more draft picks.
  22. When your D gives 6 seconds to get a pass out, yeah your corners are going to look bad. No sacks very little pressure . Greer had a TD the otherday, that was a mistake .
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