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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. My opinion has not changed, the culture of collapse and losing is ending and we are entertaining again, relevant comes next and then playoff runs. We don't need Luck we can make our own luck.
  2. bbb I think it was a legitimate fumble, I always have and I asked Ed once and he said it was. Edwards Arm maybe you should change your name to Fitzpatrick's Beard and shorten your posts (which is mostly some common sense and some stuff I disagree with). Bla bla bla bla bla...... Oh and okay Maaaaaauuuuh, good bye
  3. When he is in they are 4/3 now and he is playing DE (as far as I could tell) we have a lot of 4/3 sets against the expected run plays, but they have been mixing the 2 much better. Yesterday the Bengals went for the wholesale switches by trying to get into a quick no huddle but it only worked once that I saw.
  4. We may be 2-8 but i think there is no head hanging with the team. Look across the side lines the last two weeks, that was us the last 2 years. You gotta like the palatable change! Serves you right Senator
  5. Kelsey was the 2nd best DE we had last year (and the few before that). His play up to this point (this year) has been to say the least BAD but he isn't a OLB so I can't say it is that big of a surprise. I like he has improved the last couple of weeks but almost nothing can justify that contract. That being said Kick Ass Chris, nice to see you being in on some plays!
  6. I agree too, Gannon is a very good comparison. I hope Fitz gets that good but it lasts longer.
  7. A 100+ game for a reciever RB and a 300+ for the QB when was the last time that happened?
  8. I still think better line play would help the accuracy thing.
  9. It is funny TO is kind of having the same season he had here last year in so far as team chemistry. Taking plays away from other players and blowing big catches at the wrong time. I respect him (and like him, always did) and understand he is HOF material but SJ and others stepping up is better for us.
  10. He had a forced fumble today. He is decent and had a few good games this year (and a couple not so good although I d think he has been getting more used to the new D) but when you have an invisible group of LBs (excepting Poz) the safeties are all there is left. I am more concerned with Byrd, he has really regressed in all areas
  11. Your friend put up 2 good games in a row, amen to that
  12. Props to my boy Stevie!! Funny and good. I always thought he was better than hardy. That SJ jumps an Exclade vid a couple of years ago was pretty funny too. They need to play Steve Millers "joker" song when he scores at home now.
  13. Think it was both, it was nice to see Kelsey play well for a change. I thought Moats looked pretty good didn't notice Coleman at all. I hope Kyle Williams is good to go or we may be in for a long day up the middle.
  14. I like the helmet ok too and if you have the standing Buffalo at all it goes on the (one) shoulder. I like a dark blue. red and white combo but not like what we wear now. The big ass strips on the socks and arms are just plain stupid and don't harmonize with the rest of the design at all. The font .... meh IMO the skinny strips on the throw backs are cool. They could change the helmet to blue and ditch the charging buffalo to something a bit better, maybe a tad retro. I'm thinking maybe more like the old hockey Bisons in a white oval field (the one w/ the buffalo holding a hockey stick, so no hockey stick and not a brown bison) Even the UB Bulls had a better Buffalo in my opinion. The one they use now looks like a backwards sabres buffalo with a swish through it, Before I joined a couple years ago there was a person who posted some pretty nice designs, isn't this an off-season topic?
  15. I would love to do this but I can't for a bunch of reasons. IMO tho cable lady, LWW, Just Jack, PTR and Buffalo Bill sound like good choices.
  16. I like your new picture. Thanks for changing it makes you less hateable IMO dogs are somehow connected to people in some way that those other animals are not. I have no real opinion about the whole Vick, what he did thing because I have no say in the matter. When I lived in Korea they had dog farms and I spent a month living right next door to one, it was one of the most upsetting things in my 51 years on the planet.
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