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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Man you guys are brutal. Everyone can have a bad day. I admit that catch had to be made though. Oh well he won last weeks game.
  2. Ok so you called my post garbage. What if you are wrong? What proof do you have that he is done? If he is not and does go somewhere else next year and is probowl or at least good next year, what you are saying is you just don't want him on the team. That's garbage! Did you ever watch the guy play when he was good? I know he sucked it up after and made mistakes because he was "using" but really, you said he is done so you must know.
  3. I really wish they would put 2 big guys on the outside and line Lee up in the slot on occasion.
  4. lol cynical much (BTW the secret to a happy ending is a cute girl)
  5. Yeah I know now lol, while I was writing that another thread was started. But still, my Dad used to sell cars the most important thing is the paper work and commitment, get that started and you usually have a sale.
  6. I always find it funny that people say well we could always move him to RT, it never works that way. Sometimes a good RT moves to LT because they are really good and the skills are translatable doing that. It rarely works the other way (and mostly doesn't work to move a RT to a LT ie. Langston Walker), they are for the most part different skill sets. I think we have to consider this game kind of important for Bell but there are still many mitigating circumstances in his play this year. Number one the injury and the fact that it must still be bothering him since he is still sitting out on Wednesdays. Number 2 would be the gelling factor, lines need time playing together. I hate that fans of this team just discount that every year. I am glad for the most part these 4 guys have played together this year. That along with Fitz's play and our set of crack blockers (which is Bell's "help" most the time BTW) is making a pretty big difference IMO. I like Ubrik so far, looked good last week when Wood was sitting. I like the way Buddy and Chan are playing this line stuff out this season. It is good they cut people and bring in who they think they can work with who might help. The extra long preseason tryouts get a from me. If for no other reason even if we do draft some OL next year we have players who played some this year for back up in a probable 18 game season.
  7. I just wrote this in the other thread about him...... I think it applies here still. This still seems like a good move by the F.O. (to me) if he can play this year and he has anything left it may show or not. In some ways it doesn't really matter, if he ever plays this year. He may have made an agreement that he would sign with us next year even if he didn't see the field. Since Buddy has a pretty long history with him in SD and by the sounds of it knows him pretty well, I think they may have had an honest talk about his "future" before they signed him for the rest of this year. Personally I don't care either way (it is not like his roster spot is more valuable than Maybin's or McCargo's. I doubt he became a con artist just because he was bad for a while and bothered by injuries. Maybe he was just very unhappy with AJ Smith (like that never happens). Maybe him sitting is in the plan because they want to be able to have him practice if he can. Even if they passed him for his physical (and shouldn't have) and he doesn't come make it on the field this year for the Bills. It could just be that they gave him a 1.6 mil or what ever it is to secure his spot on the roster next year as a bonus (which would be skirting the rules a bit, I think but this is one way to do it). Lets face it, if he can still play and he plays anywhere like he did a few years ago, he is worth keeping around in what ever way they can. We could be the first in line in the FA market for him now because he just got a big bit of commitment from the Bills. If it doesn't work out that way, well it is still cheaper than the Green at LT experiment and he was never a former probowler. We don't lose from it RW does and he would be the pissed one I would think if it fails. Some players never make it back from a achilles injury and if they do it is a very long process, that is why London Flecter went if I remember correctly.
  8. Playoffs!! It is funny I liked him like I liked Stevie J. a couple of years ago. Hope he see some PT but think he will be inactive for games.I wish him luck and hope he has been just showing a lot in practice. In anycase I like this FO they are still making moves, picking up people and giving them some time to prove something if they can. They picked up a young OLB last week too. I think it makes a ton of sense in that they will need bigger rosters when it goes to 18 games next year. In fact the whole, this season is a long preseason makes a lot of sense in that way.
  9. This still seems like a good move by the F.O. (to me) if he can play this year and he has anything left it may show or not. In some ways it doesn't really matter, if he ever plays this year. He may have made an agreement that he would sign with us next year even if he didn't see the field. Since Buddy has a pretty long history with him in SD and by the sounds of it knows him pretty well, I think they may have had an honest talk about his "future" before they signed him for the rest of this year. Personally I don't care either way (it is not like his roster spot is more valuable than Maybin's or McCargo's. I doubt he became a con artist just because he was bad for a while and bothered by injuries. Maybe he was just very unhappy with AJ Smith (like that never happens). Maybe him sitting is in the plan because they want to be able to have him practice if he can. Even if they passed him for his physical (and shouldn't have) and he doesn't come make it on the field this year for the Bills. It could just be that they gave him a 1.6 mil or what ever it is to secure his spot on the roster next year as a bonus (which would be skirting the rules a bit, I think but this is one way to do it). Lets face it, if he can still play and he plays anywhere like he did a few years ago, he is worth keeping around in what ever way they can. We could be the first in line in the FA market for him now because he just got a big bit of commitment from the Bills. If it doesn't work out that way, well it is still cheaper than the Green at LT experiment and he was never a former probowler. We don't lose from it RW does and he would be the pissed one I would think if it fails. Some players never make it back from a achilles injury and if they do it is a very long process, that is why London Flecter went if I remember correctly. One last thing we have been playing better D since he has been here not doing anything.
  10. Everytime I look at it I grow a little BTW Brenty that is awesome
  11. Happy Thanksgiving every one ! and DC sorry I freaked out a bit there... being a teacher I just think there are many types of intelligence. Spelling tends to be rote memorization. Anyway, T master, I think Fitz is having a better year than Flacco ( maybe not by stats as JF is 2 games ahead and on a better team) but that is just an opinion. I have watched a few of Flacco's games though. He lacks something (not sure what it is but...) and isn't any more accurate. Draft status isn't everything. Just my opinion though.
  12. The two TE set with both are good at catching and blocking is using the strength of your players. Bellicheat* is a very smart coach! I want one FA and one drafted both well rounded. It is a copycat league after all.
  13. Whatever 1. Prove it with a link or something. 2. On a internet message board and I take myself too seriously? Why so serious? 3. So you like to be a "good natured" spelling nazi and an ahole. Whatever floats your flotilla, I guess. (BTW you called me stupid first or at least lacking in intelligence). “If you can't answer a man's arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.” Elbert Hubbard BTW if we didn't have spelling mistakes we wouldn't have "pwned". 4 You still didn't address his topic, so you are rude too. Sorry for the hijack Shadow, I for one, enjoyed the topic.
  14. I was on that boat too. Consider his letting JG sit on the bench, he still kept drafting replacements instead of playing the best player and sticking with him instead being concerned w/ draft status and it is no big surprise JG walked.
  15. What? You didn't understand what he wrote? Man, so what! he doesn't spell well. Until the schools systems were started in the 18th century everybody just spelled things the way they thought they should be spelled. Give it a rest. If you are going to comment on his post address the subject, we are not in school and frankly his question is better than your 2 cents. Being able to spell is no indication of intelligence, or all those spelling bee winners would be putting it on their resumes. I think Kelly has some valid points. I think winning does more to build the confidence of the team and developing the young guys mentally. Plus it is just plain more fun to watch. This years FA class is good too, I hope we can get some good ones for a change. And sure they should draft another qb but BPA and it doesn't matter where he is slotted. With Fitz (playing the way he has been & if it continues) we have the luxury of developing some one. We should address the pass rush, TE oLine depth. As I type that now I think, wow that list is much shorter than it was 2 months ago.
  16. It is the kind of injury that could just happen after feeling good for weeks. I will give him the benefit of the doubt at this point. I read that some people have it and do all the stuff they need and then one time they move funny and bing it is F'ed up again. I don't care about Ralph's money and we have no cap. If we get him back in a healthy state at some point it will be worth checking out if he has "it" still, if not it is no skin of my back. I seriously think he must be injured because if he could be out there and he is dogging it he would be just plain stupid in terms of next years dollars.
  17. Since the Steelers can score fast and often you come out pass first against them then try to open up a running game on that. It is not a run first league anymore, unless you have weather that dictates it (in which case I think we are kind of screwed). That all being said there are ways to run the ball against teams that are good at stopping it and we need to do our best to try it. I am honestly more concerned with getting them off the field and winning the TOP and TO battles, our D needs a big game more so than the O IMO. We have been pretty good playing at our opponents levels the past several weeks, I hope we can keep that up and just beat down a good team for a change.
  18. I agree some what, that you take a Franchise QB, the best player at the most important position is what you do (if we have a chance at Luck or maybe Mallet) you take him. Let him sit and learn while Fitz shows he is Kurt Warner. The biggest problem is you are paying him so much money! I don't see RW doing that but it is the right thing to do. And yes we have other needs, that is what the rest of the draft and FA are made for. That being said, I think Fitz is not much like Fergy. Fergy had all kinds of quit in him when it came to being a QB. He would hang his head and I would just say to my 11 year old self "come on!" Chuck PLEASE bench him now!! OJ the D and the O line made that team what it was not Fergy IMO. Fitz plays with Kelly like heart, with a Oline as good as Jimbo had who knows how good he would be. BTW these are good problems, I like w/Chan and Buddy this year we are having some good problems for a change.
  19. What I like pirates, What is up w/ these judgmental idiots?
  20. He is money on covering on STs too.
  21. I pretty much hate both of them LOL so I loved it.
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