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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. One guy who never made a lot of interceptions but still is a great player comes to mind and we are playing his team this week.
  2. I think it means the Trent Edwards position, pretty easy position really, at the end of games you just take the snap and run to the sideline any kitty can do it. Personally I like the season long pre-season thing that Nix has going on. Come in try out, produce or leave. "We will always try to do things to improve the team. We evaluate everyone every week."
  3. Stevie has a stud in his cheek, just saying
  4. Truly barbaric, you are a product of the youtube/jackass/deathrace generation no doubt. Wars lose popularity when people actually see much of them, it is what happened in Vietnam and has happened because of vids released from Iraq already. The point IMO is to stay out of these situations in the first place.
  5. The US produces over 16 million new classified secrets per year, according to a Project on Government Secrecy estimate. The age of atomic weaponry began at the end of World War II, but only this year has the US for the first time released an official number of US nuclear warheads. Similarly, only recently did US intelligence agencies begin revealing the size of their budgets. “Overclassification is a perennial problem in government,” says Roger Pilon, vice president for legal affairs at the libertarian-oriented Cato Institute, “and correcting that problem would go far toward more open government better able to protect classified material.” From the CSM article mentioned in this thread. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/1130/WikiLeaks-founder-Julian-Assange-What-does-he-want
  6. Wow, we need 2 TEs too (one FA one drafted sort of high) can't believe you don't see it LWW/WSS.
  7. Yeah 2 years of Nixon's policies of justifiable crimes. His impeachment/resignation was a truly great moment in our democracy, if you don't see it or know about it, it is your loss. We repeated the mistake with Bush and are going to pay for it for a very long time. Talk about not learning from your past. Secrets are good for deception, the question would be is it useful to be deceptive about our public policies. If it is a secret they shouldn't make it so freaking easy to steal and release should they? I understand what you are saying but the free press is not living up to its name anymore. The wikileaks thing is a natural progression. Haha your kidding right? China cares about its boarder, like America does with Mexico. A war will flood that boarder with people running away. That is where Chinas "moderation" is coming from. The north knows it and uses it. If the north starts a war, they knew before now that China wasn't going to support them in much or maybe not at all. The Chinese like the south quite a lot, the government is not the issue, the money is. Plus they don't want any kind of military conflict with the US (their biggest trade partner and the fiscal basis of their economy in many ways). What you don't understand about Asian culture is the concept of "face", they can not turn on the north publicly in some ways but they can drop them with out losing face. I do admit it is a dangerous situation but it is not because "leaks". I lived in the South for a year and a half it is not hard to see the exchange that goes on in a fiscal and cultural way. The dear leader knows it and knew it before wiki leaks. He is crazy, not stupid.
  8. Actually, if some one is good and young enough I think Buddy would try to do whatever will work to improve the team. I know he said build through the draft but I think he will take an opportunity if it is there.
  9. Zone Blitzes, the first half of the season we blitzed really badly and it didn't look like a zone scheme. To me it is, the difference in the "new" D the last few weeks (besides playing the 4/3 3/4 hybrid). For some reason Edwards doesn't run them as much in the 1st half, I don't know why that is. I thought it was pretty observant of Solomon Wilcox to say something about it during the last game. I have no opinion or idea about Wade but I am pretty sure RW wouldn't hire him and he wouldn't want to come here.
  10. The internet being free and open is the first thing any country who wants to really control it's population shuts down. Living is Asia it makes it super apparent. One thing they couldn't or wouldn't shut down during the last protests here was Twitter and I was very thankful for that as my life was safer (as I knew what places were dangerous) and I was much more well informed than even most Thais about what was happening in a timely manner.
  11. I think you can see a lot of AZ Cards wanted out at the end of last year, I bet they lose Fitz this year as well. Winning or least looking like a building franchise is at least as important as money in the FA game so I think having a competitive team will certainly help in the FA period. I am pretty excited about it, this years potential FA class has some answers for our team. I think the last regime was a total handicap in signing people. I think a lock out will be averted and it will be a 18 game season. It would be great to both fill starting positions and some depth (which will be really important in the future NFL) in both FA and the draft and this year it a great time for it because of last years "special rules".
  12. The cause of any war in Korea would be the crazy ahole who has been running that country for the last 30 or so years. Wiki leaks just released info about the relationship between China and PRK that is pretty valuable in that it lets people know China wouldn't really mind Kim Jong !@#$ing Crazy being gone and South Korea being in control of the peninsula. The objection they would have is US troops being above the UN line. I would like to know how you think that info is going to cause a war? I also agree with Joe, that Bush would have had more trouble starting the foolish and ill conceived invasion of Iraq if more leaks had happened (I think it would have happened anyway but that is another issue). Where would have we had been if Richard Nixon was not exposed by Deep Throat? Whistle blowers play important roles in a free press. Considering the buying up and marketing of the press the last 30-40 years and how opinions are sold as facts these days. I like that the internet has this use in todays world. I live in a country that the internet is scrubbed of all opposition view points or voices (Thailand, btw) and it is a scary almost nationalistic thing when only one side controls all the outlets. Freedom of the press is a very important issue that really is more important that the good scripts that some future Hollywood movie is going to make of it.
  13. RIP Jim Kelley sad to hear, I didn't even know he was sick. Good writer. BTW, when I glanced at the thread title I thought 2 people died, a HOF hockey writer AND someone named Jim Kelley because of the closeness of the name to the QB Jim Kelly, I kind of went, WHAT? Maybe it could be changed to "Buffalo icon, HOF hockey writer, Jim Kelley has passed" or something a little less mis-construable (just a suggestion, that "and" although correct grammar, just lends itself to being a bit un-headline like).
  14. Tell you what TO knows that Stevie might be channeling a bit "press is press". How many people ever heard of him b4 last weeks game?
  15. Although, we did really have a lot of opportunities off of penalties yesterday. Oh and I just read who this post was by. You know what, I think I read what you wrote in the shout box wrong (during the game when you mentioned this), so, sorry for calling you a butt.
  16. Yeah this isn't the week to pick on Byrd's play. That was the first half of last week and (the one thing I love about Chan) he was sitting the 2nd half. Another thing to consider this year in Byrd's favor is that last years scheme was a zone cover. The responsibilities this year are quite different most of the time. One last thing is he was injured the first half of the year and if you ever had a groin tear, it is a painful injury that stays with you for quite a while.
  17. 2 points a bit more balance would be great (I think it has to do with our Oline personal and sucess with the pass though) and yeah a run or 2 in the maroon zone would be good. Second, Bob is so right in saying we need a money TE. To pick up blitz and to catch just like the backs do.
  18. There were some calls they could have called on the Bills as well. Like that one that had Rothisarapist grabbing his helmet and laughing at the official.
  19. There are many bad ones it is sooo hard to choose!! but yeah he is a clown. That game had a big Pitts bias from both announcers IMO.
  20. The line as a whole looked pretty good today, I think Wrotto and Urbick, were very decent too. Still need to draft some more, but good game against a tough team.
  21. 1. kicking the FG to tie the game on 4th and 2 inches on the PIT 13. If we go for it and get it, it is a lead and maybe no OT. Your opinion did he do the right thing? Is it better to keep the odds of winning 50/50? Or to try to take the game then? The 2nd was the 4th and 9 on the PIT 39. Would you have done something different? Fake or FG maybe? Again what do you think? I pretty much agree with what he did both times but the FG for sure had me wondering what I would do?
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