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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I liked just about one thing that I saw yesterday, Spiller and FJ in the backfield at the same time . If they do that more it will work and I have been saying it since the beginning of the season.
  2. Same here, even if it did cost us 7 and flip the momentum of the game at that point.
  3. Wow thx guys you just made my ignore list so easy to put together 90% of you are going on it.
  4. So you want a metal for thinking you were right. This is a sorry excuse for an I told you so thread, we have 2 wins. sorry, I still don't want us to be much worse than this.
  5. He really has had one hell of a year as a D lineman, glad you see that too.
  6. God, people are moody after a loss I know it has been around for ages thanks. I just never saw it before in a game and I watch a fair amount of football. I think it makes more sense that it is incomplete because neither has full possession of the ball, if the other guy has it too. That make more sense to me.
  7. Did you know this rule? I honestly never saw/heard of it before. I would think it makes more sense if it was, tie is incomplete. I am not saying it because it was our team either.
  8. You can't see or spell the Truth apparently. Bell was no doubt bad today but any LT gives up one or 2 against JA. The timing of his breakdowns was very bad, to me this game was lost due to his play and McKelvins.
  9. I would put Bell missing blocks (getting blown right off and by) and getting Fitz sacked on that list too.
  10. Yeah 2 wins and three overtimes which were losses plus one other loss which went down to the final play all of which we went down by 3 points, plus a hard fought loss against the Pats*. Babies take time to grow before they are born You are so freaking boring, go watch recordings of last years games since we were so much better then (or at least had more wins).
  11. Ron Paul kind of scares me but I agree with him sometimes too. All you guys jumping on Joe for the less secrets = no more war are aiming at an easy target (sorry Joe). But the fact is the transparentness in the US government is like seeing through a steel wall. I also totally disagree with most of you on North Korea (for reasons stated earlier in this thread.
  12. The OP is trying to jinx it, right? I hate these kind of threads.
  13. Thanks for all the info, it was Bowman I was thinking of Just looked it up on CFLs website and he had an extension in 2009 not on the FA list (but does that matter? I am not sure are contracts always honored even?). Didn't know about the dates players are available. Hunt looks small for a D-end in the NFL, in some ways sounds a lot like Maybin (at least in college) in that write up. I think Maybin sounds faster though, not sure a slow guy would make a good OLB either. The Argos also had a WR that looked pretty good and was MVP in the Grey Cup game. I was basically wondering if there was anyone with the buzz around them that Cameron Wake had.
  14. Fitz actually reminds me more of Jack Kemp than anyone.
  15. It is funny that someone with the name Kurt Warner made this post, he kind of reminds me more of him.
  16. Yes I was talking about him there is an OLBer on Montreal that had 12 sacks this year. I don't know how the contracts work there or anything and checking some of those guys out. I remember when Wake came for a visit here, that is about all I know about it. The UFL I didn't see at all this year, last year I watched like six games.
  17. Just thinking about the LB Miami ended up getting this year. Anyone follow the CFL? Any good players worth looking into?
  18. Who is Veek? Yeah it is preseason/season tryout put guys on IR, ok next year 18 games bigger rosters save them for that.
  19. When Fitz gets old we can call him Fitzgeritol
  20. um http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/124054-did-nix-game-the-cowboys/ and I think there was another one too.
  21. Yeah that is what it looks like, I thought about it too when I read it the first time.
  22. Same as all the rest said. I had 3 cats and a dog they all lived long lives one 17, one 18, one19 and the dog 19. It was a hard couple /few years as they kind of went in a 3 year bunch. My Mom died two weeks before the dog and I couldn't be there for her. My dog and he had a stroke or something, he was in bad shape, I don't cry much but man, I did a lot at the vet, that day. She asked me if I wanted to go in the back away from the window (it was in NYC) and I said no I don't care..... One thing I have to tell you about the cat w/ kidney problems. I had one who always had infections and when he was 17 the doc told me he had cancer, he suggested it might be best to put him down. He gave him about 3 weeks or so, said when he gets worse it would be better. I kept him going the rest of his time and he died at home. He was really bad the day he died and I was getting ready to take him in. It was harder watching him go that way, knowing he was suffering. I wish I would have done it before I did. One thing though, I did bury him in what constituted a back yard behind my loft in Chinatown. I felt he would be happier there. It is never easy, I feel for you.
  23. Is that a new feature? just watched the first one (about Stevie) and I hope to see more. Great to have old Bills be involved on any level with the site and the team. I really like that Joe said Andre Reed had spoken to the team and to SJ this week. Good to know, I hope they can use some former players to recruit this coming off season and to help in the way AR did.
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