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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Hi Viva, Are you the Mexican Bills fan? More specifically are you the one who made the trip up to Buffalo earlier this season? I do agree about having better LBs, but Lee is a core player. And as everyone has said he is still cheap at this point in this market.
  2. I live in Bangkok and watching this years games at 1am, before the time change it was 12am. It has been much better than last year because of all the 4pm starts (which were 4am here). To be honest I don't have any friends with DTV and I catch the games by other means. I would pay, especially if they would offer some sort of rewind of games here. The NFL really needs to rethink marketing in Asia (actually I think they need to think about black outs some more and the whole over abundance of commercials, even NFL.com has them during the highlights) and some other ways that they might make money. They are just in it for the money and not the love of the game like us dedicated fans and it is just too bad. It takes real commitment to be a fan from over here, congrats!!
  3. Wait Chan is only a little older than me, what does his age have to do with anything?
  4. I think we take the Fins, I don't care about the Jests. I really hope we kick the Cheaters butts.
  5. Fitz has a big head that is why he is so smart, but I am still surprised he can run with that thing.
  6. I think judging by the comment Chan put out before the game and the results during the game Wood is the new center. I am very impressed with that performance. For a patchwork line during that game it was overall very good.
  7. Love the Bills pick up fans from everywhere and yeah that flag is very cool! congrats Saint Nick
  8. If this is WW2 who are the Nazis now? Thought this was interesting. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/former-cia-intelligence-analyst-fourth-estate-is-dead/
  9. I took a girl to that game (the Cleveland one) and she wore high heels and one broke. She also got so shitfaced in the parking lot before the game drinking hot cider that I had to basically carry/drag her out. The relationship didn't last long but she had nice uh hmmm body parts.
  10. Luck will go 1st and I seriously doubt we will have the 1st so this is a non issue.
  11. from what I see on hime he was 5 years in college? Bulking up lol?
  12. Well I for 1 like and agree with your post Pilsner.
  13. Again a nice write up. I thought a lot of the pressure against Fitz last week was just our line being over-powered and pushed back a lot. It is not always about if the QB gets hit with the ball, it is often the rushing something or feeling pressure that causes mistakes. I agree Jackson is a great blocker, I hope we see him and CJ in the backfield a lot more. I have been hoping and saying I want to see it since pre-season. I really wonder at times why Chan won't use a little wildcat too (with the both of them and Fitz, I see it being a good idea). It seems like creating bad match ups and some misdirection would surly work with both in there. I think that Fitz does better than a lot of his peers in the league and get a bit tired of you saying he should be a back up. Other wise, I always enjoy your "opinions"
  14. That is awesome! That game is what convinced me he was for real (even against the back ups he rocked in the snow, I agree).
  15. Don't you mean drink beers with them?
  16. You never responded to my post until this (that I quoted above, for the mentally challenged) one which was after all of your other foolishness. So your just proving to me that you don't know what the hell you are talking about and that you have a personal thing going on with CJ for some stupid reason. The fact of the matter is we got the BPA in our FOs judgement (which by the way is a good way to build through the draft). That will payoff in the long run is the bet. Like if we can and do take Luck next year. It really doesn't matter if he brings it the first year. We have another good back. If we draft Luck are we to sit Fitz? because of draft slotting?
  17. I hope he is alright first of all, this kind of financial pressure can put a real strain on people and some do some very tragic things. Wow, everyone on here is very judgmental about this. No one worries about the person. It is not like he grew up with that kind of money and by the time he had it, it is more than likely there were people giving him very bad advice about what to do with it. Maybe even stealing from him, I would think the NFL or the players association would have some programs to help the guys out. Investing is tricky and tricksters are just waiting for some fool to come along..... With all that said, yeah a fool and his money.... I hope the best for PP (really liked him as a player, seemed like a good guy too), not getting served is the banks problem. I honestly don't feel too much good will for banks these days.
  18. OJ didn't share the backfield with a decent back or 2 his 1st year really and people were calling him a bust for 2-3 years even with more production. OJ wasn't good until the team was built around his talent with a great FB and line ahead of him. There are plenty of backs and other players that take some time to develop. Great backs usually play for good teams. We may be the best 2 and 10 team but that doesn't make us good. I understand that FJ does do well but he takes time to get into a game as well, a lot of backs do. I saw Chan had them in the same backfield last week (1st time this season?) I want more of that, lots more. I said so in TC. THAT creates match up problems
  19. How about people who should be extended based on this year. Williams, Fitz, Jackson, S. Johnson other real core players.
  20. Good post steam punk I agree with all but the Merriman part. I want to see what happens with him. Rosters should be bigger if there is a next season.
  21. I agree the first half was funky and strange, was thinking that during the game.
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